Su Hao was decisive, and the ship girls were also decisive. As soon as the next round of loading was over, a large number of carrier-based aircraft flew towards the stronghold, and those siren units guarding around the stronghold also counterattacked with anti-aircraft guns, but the carrier-based aircraft There are too many, even if you don’t close the range and drop the bombs accurately, just throw them casually, bombs, torpedoes, falling like dumplings, with the first explosion, followed by overwhelming explosions this sea area.

When the explosion ended, the stronghold was blown into ruins, washed away by the waves, and disappeared from sight.

"The shield is gone!" Richelieu said.

Su Hao couldn't see the shield around the purifier, after all, it was too far away, but at the moment Richelieu said so, it must be true, and not only the shield around the purifier, but also those enhanced siren units. One by one, they looked like plucked pigs, exposed naked to the firepower of the ship girls.

Without the shield, the next battle is much easier.

In the end, the Purifiers could not escape a tragic end.

"Ah! It hurts! Yay, don't hit me, don't hit me! Oh, Commander, save me!"

During a round of beatings, the Purifier, who theoretically still had a small amount of combat power, raised a white flag that he did not know where he got it, and then shouted very imposingly: "I surrender!"

When Jian Niang saw it, she immediately stopped fighting and stopped to wait for Su Hao's decision.

"This guy..." Su Hao was a little speechless. Are you so straightforward because you are afraid that others will not know that there is a collusion between me and the siren?

However, Purifiers also have principles. If she hadn't known that Su Hao was a 'big siren' with higher authority than them, she wouldn't have surrendered so simply. After all, strictly speaking, this is not a surrender at all, right?It's only natural that the younger brother can't beat the boss!

She and the scavengers had planned it early in the morning. Regardless of what the surname is doing, Su Hao's fleet is very strong right now, and it is impossible to tell who will win and who will lose if the two sides fight. You must be more intuitive, otherwise how will you go to the port area to retire in the future?

First give the vote certificate, pretend to resist a wave and then give it for nothing. In this way, I can be regarded as completing the task of the observer, and then enter the port area as a captive, perfect!

However, the happy thoughts in her heart didn't last long, and an indifferent voice reached her ears.

"Since you have surrendered, for the sake of our acquaintance, let's sink here." Richelieu stood on the deck, watching condescendingly, with a cold expression on his face, as if he was still angry. Or if the culprit is killed, she will not calm down.


The purifier was taken aback for a moment, and even in a hurry, she said loudly: "I can't sink! I'm a prisoner now!"

Although you won't die if you sink, but if you sink, you will go back and be reborn. Then there will be such a good chance to come out next time!

"I am a prisoner! I am a prisoner! You must treat the prisoner well in battle!"

Veneto: ? ? ?

She suddenly didn't understand the current situation.

Seeing that she had gone through extremely difficult battles and finally defeated the Purifier, after she was finished, even if there were other sirens in this sea area, they would not be able to make any big waves, but for some reason she always felt that something was wrong.

Do the Siren still have the consciousness of being a prisoner?

She has never taken a siren prisoner, so she chose to be silent very rationally.

"We don't need prisoners." Richelieu was still indifferent, almost hitting Xiao Hao, you still want to go to the port area to eat and drink for nothing?

What kind of captives, to put it bluntly, are moths who are prostitutes in the port area.

"Commander, woo woo~" Seeing that Richelieu did not let go, the Purifier crouched down with his head in his arms, and raised his head to look at Su Hao aggrievedly.

Commander, save me>.

She didn't intend to fight seriously at all.

It's just that the wishful thinking is not going well now, what should I do?Death is not terrible, what is terrible is that if there is no way to go to the port area to retire in the future, the loss will be great.

Su Hao coughed softly, and said to Richelieu: "Sister Li, the threat of Cagliari Bay is still not resolved. We are not sure about the situation in the sea area over there. If there is a prisoner here..."

"Yes, yes, yes! I will help you! I will help you! I know the situation on the side of the clearer!"

Ship girls: "..."


The little guys didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, everyone was a "good partner" playing together in the port area, but Bismarck, the company, and these ship girls felt speechless when they saw the purifiers. Although they thought the purifiers were stupid before It's a bit stupid, but as an opponent who has been defeated and fought repeatedly, at least he should respect it. Right's too cheap!

"Oh~ I knew you would say that." Richelieu sighed, "Okay, get caught first, and talk about it later."

Fortunately, Su Hao is fine, otherwise she would have to dismantle the purifier.

Put it back together after dismantling it, and disassemble it after putting it together.

Su Hao spoke. The hatred of these ship girls for the purifiers is not that great. First, it is useless to sink. I don’t know when another purifier will appear. Second, it is indeed more useful to keep her. If This guy can really jump on reverse words.

It's just that Veneto is so uneasy about what he thinks, will the Siren jump back?They don't even care about their lives.

And ah, why doesn't it look like it's the first time I've been a prisoner?She originally wanted to ask Bismarck, but after much deliberation, she thought it would be better to ask. Anyway, this matter can probably be resolved, and she will know when she goes to the port area to see it herself.

After catching the purifier, Su Hao asked her to remove the device in this sea area, and the purifier did so, but there were still many sirens left in the sea area. Not only that, the Sardinian Empire strongholds that were once stationed in this sea area were also destroyed. The siren is occupied, similar to the Orosei side. Even if the biggest crisis is resolved, it will take a long time to clear the waterway and the like.

Regarding this point, the Purifier is unwilling to live or die. What she means is that these sirens need to be dealt with by humans, and she can't help them.

Su Hao didn't force it either. After so many days, after the fleet and the supply ship converged, he ordered to rest in place.

At night, the ship girls held a small celebration banquet on the command ship.

It’s a celebration, but it’s mainly for the purpose of relaxation. Ship girls are not machines. Although they can recover from injuries through supplies, physical and mental fatigue, and it’s not so easy to recover if they’ve been fighting all the time. These factors will seriously affect combat state.

At this time, high-wattage incandescent lamps were hung on the deck, and a large pile of barbecue items were placed on the deck. The flames were burning, and oil was sizzling on various seafood and lean meats, and the oily smoke rose from the air. From the beginning, it looks like a fairyland under the light, but the taste is a bit strong, without the clear and elegant feeling of a fairyland on earth.

However, compared to the fairyland, as long as there are girls who look like fairies, it is enough.

After Su Hao ate something, he saw the little guys running past excitedly, and heard excited and high-pitched shouts. It was the Purifier who was feasting. This guy really didn't treat himself as an outsider. He didn't look like a prisoner at all, he was more of his own than his own.

Su Hao ignored her, and instead noticed Veneto standing alone in the corner, walked over and brought her a glass of red wine.

"Thank you." Veneto put down the plate in his hand.

"I just got in touch with the people from Cagliari. Everything is normal. They have already cleared the sirens in the outer area. When we pass by, we can attack Cagliari."

In fact, the battle has basically come to an end at this stage. Su Hao doesn't know what the Siren thinks, maybe it's just a simple experiment, and the purifier didn't think it was a release of water, but the previous attack was real , if they don't come, the Sardinian Empire will definitely suffer.

Thinking about it this way, I also thought of some information that the observers confessed to him at the beginning. If this was to promote the stability of their own alliance, it would make sense, but the price was a bit high. The Sardinian Empire almost lost all sea areas outside C area. Control, even now, his fleet has only lifted the greatest crisis.

Well, Su Hao is not that sentimental, he is not an omnipotent god, he can only choose the general direction when being pushed forward, and strive for the best possible side.

Just as he was thinking, a pair of hands covered Su Hao's eyes from behind.

"Hee hee~ Guess who I am?"


Chapter 680 If It's a Game

Hearing the voice, it was naturally Shengli's sister-in-law. Su Hao answered decisively. When Shengli walked up to him with a smile, he was secretly relieved. There are too many wives, so luckily he answered correctly.

"Commander, it seems nice to rest like this. Floating on the sea, enjoying the sea breeze and barbecue, let's do the same in the port area in the future."

Shengli's proposal immediately met with Su Hao's eyes. It's too dark, and the sea breeze is blowing chilly.

Said like this, and then Shengli smiled happily and didn't speak, why is it so dark?Of course, it's all right. Is it exciting to hide there when everyone is busy, right under your nose?

Su Hao pretended not to see the meaning in Shengli's eyes, and said at this time: "We don't have such a big ship in the port area. Although the yacht is suitable, it is too small. There are so many people in the port area."

"Then make Richelieu a ship."

"Go and tell her that Richelieu has turned you into a boat, and we're going to have a party on you to see if she can beat you."

"Hmm..." Shengli thought about it for a while, and felt that this kind of behavior was a bit dangerous. She is not a masochist, and she would not do things that would kill her.

Well, let Kewei talk about it later.

"Why don't you ask the Maritime Safety Administration to borrow one?" The elder sister of the pit sister is a scumbag. After thinking about it, Shengli feels that it is not appropriate, and the most important thing is that the relationship between the sisters is not harmonious after the trap, which has too much influence, so he mentioned it again. A suggestion, "Anyway, the Maritime Safety Administration has more ships and fewer things."

"That won't work, people will say that we use power to overwhelm people, how can we use warships to hold parties, how can people know what to say? They will say, 'Look, this port area has swelled, and now we only enjoy it' , Do you know what excessive enjoyment is? This is it."

"Then let St. Louis buy a few more yachts for the head office? When the time comes, we will sail to the sea together to form a yacht fleet!"

"It's not called enjoyment, it's called extravagance and waste, and it's even more important to be known by others. When the time comes, I'll say it's victory, can you propose it?"

This doesn't work and that doesn't work, Shengli was angry, but when she turned her head and saw the unscrupulous commander smiling, she knew she was being teased. She grabbed Su Hao's hand and bit his wrist.

"It hurts, it hurts."

"Humph~ Let me tell you." A smug smile appeared on Shengli's face. Although Su Hao is often unscrupulous, she knows Su Hao's character too well as a married woman. It's just that it's absolutely fine to joke around at this level. Why don't you say This is more like flirting between couples. Although it has become a marriage ship now, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are old couples, but Shengli only likes such a cheerful atmosphere of bickering and noisy.

What kind of mutual affection, what kind of respect for each other, what is that?A royal lady never does that kind of thing, a royal lady just sticks with the Commander in the dead of night.

Victory is this kind of character, of course Su Hao likes this kind of character, no, he likes this kind of thing as well as that kind of character, in short, my lord wants 'all of them'.

On the other side, it didn't feel cold at first, but right now it felt cold dog food being slapped on the face, making Veneto feel bad all over.

what is this?Is this a face-to-face show of affection?Although she has never minded who is the marriage ship and who is not, of course, as the head of the Sardinian Empire fleet, the name marriage ship is too unfamiliar to her. Only Littorio told her once, Wanting to marry Guanghui and come here as a wedding ship or something, Veneto felt at the time that there must be something wrong with his sister when she woke up.

But no matter what, the current atmosphere feels a bit delicate. Veneto moved her footsteps and searched the deck of the battleship, trying to find Bismarck to save the scene—after all, among these ship girls, she can only follow Bismarck is the best.

It's just that I saw Bismarck, but the latter was chatting with a girl with blond hair. She knew that person. It was the battlecruiser Hood, and he performed very well in the previous battle.

Looking at it from a distance, although she couldn't hear what was being said, but from the smiles on the faces of the two at the moment, it could be seen that this would not be the time for her to go. Veneto sighed inwardly, and suddenly missed Littorio up.

"Speaking of which, Bismarck mentioned to me today that you wanted to visit our port area?" Su Hao showed off to Shengli, but he couldn't go too far. It's fine when you're alone, and you can try any posture , but right now, of course, he should be quieter in front of outsiders.

Victory has also temporarily regained her reserve. Her elegance is better than awesomeness. The latter always complains about being tired after playing for a long time. From this point of view, Victory is worthy of being an older sister.

"Veneto is going to the port area, that's great." At this time, Shengli smiled, and with a quick mind, she quickly guessed Su Hao's thoughts when he mentioned this matter at this time, "Or call Let the people of your fleet go and have a look together."

"Eh? This..." Veneto shook off the dog food on his face, pursed his lips, and said with some hesitation: "I have this plan, but there are more things going on right now..."

"You can leave many things to others." Shengli was still smiling. Her smile was bright, and what she said was hard to refuse. She had a positive and aggressive personality. On the other hand, Veneto was a bit vulnerable, and it was really a bully. fun.

"Look at the same with Bismarck in our port area. It used to be the flagship of Sangvis, but now, it stays in the port area all day. It doesn't matter how Sangvis doesn't see her without her."

Su Hao added: "It is also the flagship of Iron Blood now."

"Yes, yes, what I mean is that everyone has their own pursuits and things they want to do. If we are always bound by something, what is the difference between our existence itself and a machine? After being awakened Doing the same thing over and over again.”

"Actually, I think the so-called protection does not mean being a father and a mother at the same time... Humans are right to say this? The key is to cultivate independence. For example, in the Iris Kingdom, Richelieu is the archbishop, and now he has left the Iris Kingdom. She is still the Archbishop, and the Iris Kingdom is still alive and well without her. Richelieu's departure does not mean that she has let go of this protection, but that she will choose to act when she is needed. What is independence? Commander, I am right. wrong?"

"Probably right." Su Hao didn't quite understand what Shengli said, and he expressed it in a mess. If he were an orator, the level of victory would definitely be lv1, but the meaning of the expression was like this, and Su Hao understood a little bit. .

Shengli was not very happy, he grinned, and then suddenly laughed again, for some reason, he just wanted to laugh, and seeing her happy, Su Hao also became happy in his heart.

Veneto waved her hand, she knew what Shengli wanted to express, but, no, isn't that a bit too far-fetched?Obviously it was about visiting at the beginning, I didn’t say no to it, I didn’t say no to it, why did it involve Richelieu and Bismarck?

But it is true, although I feel that I have a lot of things to do, but if there is no her, the Sardinian Empire is still the Sardinian Empire, just like the current Iris Kingdom and Iron Blood, the duty of the ship girl is not to maintain this country Existence, but as a protective force, stand up when everyone needs them.

"Veneto, let's go." Victory didn't care what Veneto was thinking, her softness and toughness had an effect, and Veneto couldn't stand it all of a sudden, so he could only say that he would go.

But the plan is still the same, I will go and have a look when the things here are over, anyway, I have to go when I join the Azure Sea Alliance, it's not bad.

"I'm going to talk to Bismarck." Really unable to hold back the enthusiasm of victory, seeing that the chat between Bismarck and Hood had come to an end, Veneto hurried away.

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