At this moment, Su Hao wanted to give a thumbs up.

bosom friend!

I think so too!

As for children, of course it is better to be lively and happy, to be innocent and pure, not to think about what is there and what is not, and whether or not my dear commander is a vicious big bad wolf.

What bad intentions does the Commander have?So, come on, come on, come into my arms.

"You're so right! Zara, you like children too?"

"I like it, it's so cute after all, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes, children are cute, no matter what they do, they are very cute. Let me tell you, there are many of them in my port area, and there is one called z23, you know z23? It used to belong to the Jagged Fleet , Now she joined our port area, she was really like a dragoon at the beginning, now, now, she plays games in the room every day, drinks Coke, eats potato chips and sleeps, it’s useless.”

"But it's just cute, and she knows what she's going to do when it's critical, and she's unambiguous when she goes out to fight. Also, Xili is the same. Although she's usually noisy, she's really cute. I'll introduce you to her when I get a chance. .Also, have you heard of Xiao Guanghui, Xiao Beifa, and Firefly? She is the guy who often commits crimes, she..."

As Su Hao was talking, he saw Zara looking at him with a smile all the time. The look in his eyes was not right, not right, not the feeling of a bosom friend.

"Commander, you really like children~"

The voice is charming and the body is enchanting, but there is still a hint of mischief. Su Hao immediately realized that his feelings had been deceived.

Zara, Zara, it's a shame I trusted you so much just now.

"What's wrong?" Zara tilted her head, "Don't get me wrong, Commander, I really like children."

Su Hao stopped talking and walked forward in silence.

"Although I like the other ones too." Zara smiled, "Your Excellency, Commander, are you angry?"


"Hehe~ I won't laugh at you Lolicon, anyway, commanders are like this."

"Then you misunderstood me, I'm the control of Yujie."

"Ah, is it okay to be like me?"

That's great, even though he thinks so, Su Hao is a principled person.

"Miss Zara, if you deliberately tease me like this again, I will ask Veneto to send you to the frontier."

"Okay, okay." Zara restrained her mischievous smile, "But I'm really curious about the port area of ​​Your Excellency Commander, please introduce it to me when the time comes."

"No need, Xiao Hao doesn't have that time." Richelieu, who appeared behind the two at some time, stared at Zara with his arms folded, "Let me take you to take a good look at it."

"Ha..." Zara opened her mouth, and suddenly she felt an ominous premonition that this trip might not be so easy.



The material supplies from the Maritime Safety Administration arrived smoothly the next day. After solving the material problem, the Sardinian Empire finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just open the coastal cities.

As for Su Hao, after the supplies arrived, he also summoned all the ship girls outside.

He came to support, not to work in tower defense. It can be said that the matter has been dealt with up to now. It can be said that he has done his best. He has done a good job in his position, and then left it to the Sardinian Empire to decide.

So on the second day after the supplies arrived, Su Hao ordered to prepare to return.

"Ah~~ I'm finally going back!"

"It's been so long since I've been out, I miss the port area a little bit."

"It's better to be at home. The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as my own... Uh, it seems that our port area is the golden nest."

"Commander, the Raiders want to say that our port area is a kennel."

"Ron, even if you sue, you won't be able to become a marriage ship."

The ship girls stood at the pier one by one, waiting for the last time to board the ship.

Not long after, Su Hao came out with Veneto and other ship girls.

Veneto and Littorio, plus Zara and the dragoons this time, Su Hao also saw a big girl who looks very similar to Zara, but it's a pity that she can't go because of something.

"Let's go."

Embark, pull anchor, and set sail.

Su Hao stood on the deck, with the scenery of the pier gradually receding behind him. In the sky, Death soared into the clouds, and let out a majestic and loud cry.

On the way back, it's time to start.


PS: Ahhhhh!This episode is finally over, I'm going back to the port area to post with the girls!Big chapter, it’s more than two chapters merged, so it’s not a single change!

Chapter 684 From Summer to Present 【7000 words】

"Dig a hole, bury some soil, and count one, two, three, four, five."

"Don't dig so big, just smaller."



"Wow! Yes, what's wrong?"

Fletcher put his hands on his hips, his eyes were both helpless and distressed, "We are planting watermelon seeds, not watermelons. Why are you digging such a big hole?"

"Can't we bury more?" Spence naturally imagined that if one seed can only grow one watermelon, wouldn't ten seeds be able to grow ten watermelons?Then there are many seeds in a watermelon, and then she can use these ten seeds to become the person with the most watermelons in the world.

"Putting so many in there won't be enough nutrition." Fletcher took out the seeds that Spence threw in, leaving only one in the end, and then turned around and knocked Thatcher beside him.

"Sister, why did you hit me?" Thatcher suddenly felt aggrieved, "It was Spence who planted it, not me."

"She planted it, didn't you teach it?" Would Spence think of such things himself?Fletcher, who knew her sisters well, knew Spence and Thatcher too well, so she knew what was going on when she saw the expression on Thatcher's face.

For Fletcher, she has to get used to dealing with this kind of thing every day. Speaking of which, after everyone in the port area went to war, the huge port area was a bit too quiet. If not, she would not have thought of bringing her sisters to grow fruit .

"Sister, sister." Olik ran over and asked expectantly, "Can I grow tomatoes?"

"Of course." Fletcher smiled, "The ones I bought can be planted, but don't plant too much at once, just dig a small hole and bury the seeds in it. Remember to water, not too much. Wait for it to grow and germinate slowly."

"Got it, sister." Orlick walked away with a happy face.

Spence looked at her, then looked back at his feet, with his little hands spread out, and there were still a few unplanted watermelon seeds inside.

I feel like my dreams are shattered, and I can't get excited for a while. Why can't I sleep on a bed full of watermelons?The watermelon is extra-large, lie on it, just take a bite when you are hungry and thirsty.

"Spens, get me the seed box."

"Oh, sister, where is the seed box?"

"Behind you...don't step on it, be careful you're going to step on Nicholas."

"Ugh—why did she fall asleep here?"

"Where can she not sleep?"

Without the little friends who slept and played games together, Nicholas has been following them every day recently. Fletcher Squad, this is an overall title, and it is a special existence even in the port area.

"All right."

Fletcher sighed, and finally planted all the seeds she bought. She looked around the large orchard in front of her. In fact, there was nothing here at first. Because she was bored, she refurbished the land here and fertilized it. , The soil quality feels okay, just think about it.

In fact, it is too late to plant watermelons this month, and the weather is relatively hot so far, so we need to water more, but anyway, it is more of an entertainment nature, and there is nothing happier than finding something for everyone to do together.

"Make a wish," Thatcher said.

Fletcher laughed and said, "What a wish, this is a seed, not a Buddha statue."

"Isn't there a saying called the seed of hope? Sow one and wait for it to take root and germinate."

"Thatcher really knows a lot." Fletcher smiled slightly, "Then what wishes do you want to count?"

"Hmm..." Thatcher tilted her cute little head, thought for a moment, and said, "Then when these seeds bloom and bear fruit, I hope they can grow a lot of candies."

"—Pfft!" Fletcher couldn't help laughing.

Spence said, "Stupid Thatcher, how can candy grow in fruit?"

"Wish, I say it's a wish!" Thatcher puffed up her face, and her sister just smiled, Spence, do you have the nerve to talk about me?

"Even if it's a wish..."

"Wish, dream, the bigger the better, if you can't realize it, then it's called wish. If you can realize it, what do you wish for?"

Spence was speechless, and even thought it made sense, so he said, "Then I hope that when it blooms and bears fruit, many, many Donghuang coins will grow."

"Can bread grow?"

"I want chocolate."

Several other younger sisters spoke one after another. Making a wish so earnestly made Thatcher feel like she had suddenly become a god. She said proudly, "It's okay, it's okay, you can make any wish."

Anyway, it can't be realized.

Fletcher thought to himself, seeing his sisters were so happy, so he simply ignored it.

"I want the commander and everyone to be safe and come back soon."

The scene was suddenly quiet for a while.

"Olik, you fouled."


"Has the construction of the large public bath been completed?"

St. Louis got out of the car and saw Cleveland and Helena head-on. The two were chatting and laughing, and seemed to be very happy.

"St. Louis!—"

"Don't shout so enthusiastically, we meet every day."

"Hey, you have to laugh every day and speak loudly!"

For Cleveland's enthusiastic attitude, St. Louis has long been used to it.

"So, over there at the bathhouse..."

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