"——"Play Azur Lane Even if the World Ends""

"What's the name? It feels... weird."

"Although it's a bit strange, it's really beautiful. I'll send it to your phone."

"Don't watch it, I'm going to rest, and I have to get up early to exercise tomorrow."

After speaking, the footsteps were getting closer.

Kaohsiung opened the bedroom door, turned around and said to Atago, "You go back early."

Atago didn't reply, and lay down on the tatami and read the novel with relish.

Kaohsiung shook his head helplessly, walked into the bedroom and closed the door, only to be hugged from behind in an instant.


Kaohsiung just wanted to break free and give this mysterious guy a "clean cut" move, but a familiar feeling came, and she suddenly realized that it was the commander.

"Commander, you..."


"Huh? Sister, what did you just say?" Atago's voice came from outside the door.

"No, nothing." Kaohsiung panicked, what, what's going on?The commander is holding her in the room while the younger sister is outside?

Kaohsiung is not Shengli, she has no experience in dealing with this kind of situation, her head is empty, and she just stands there blankly.

Here, Su Hao hugged Gao Xiong, only to realize that she was wearing a thin bathrobe.

As expected of Kaohsiung, there is nothing to say about the figure. It is very fleshy when hugged but does not look fat.

But Su Hao is very clear-headed, he knows what he is here for, even if the current situation is a bit special.

"look at this."

Kaohsiung's attention was drawn back by Su Hao's voice, she lowered her head and saw what Su Hao was holding.

—a ring.

It was the same as what Atago was wearing on his hand.

Kaohsiung's heartbeat suddenly became faster. She never thought that she would get the ring at this time. Even in Kaohsiung's heart, she might not be considered a married woman. After all, there is such a coincidence in the combination of her and Su Hao inside.

As ship girls, each has a different personality, Kaohsiung will not take the initiative to ask Su Hao like Ron and the others, not to mention that he was so busy a while ago that Kaohsiung has been hiding this matter in his heart, but he did not expect that now ...

Unexpectedly, now, at this time, at this very embarrassing time, she was even flustered, afraid that Atago would come in and find that Su Hao was here, but after seeing the ring, she was only shocked and moved.


"Like it?"

"Give it to me?"

"Of course it's for you." Su Hao grabbed Kaohsiung's hand and put the ring on for her. "I wanted to tell you well, but the occasion is a bit inappropriate now. You won't blame me, will you?"

"That's fine, that's fine." Kaohsiung's voice was very soft, but very gentle, just like the light radiating from her eyes at this moment, the gentle light can light up the night and warm people's hearts.

"Actually, Commander, you don't have to come to my place specially, as long as you tell me, it's fine. When tomorrow, just tell me and I'll go there again."

"Ah, I can't do this. If the atmosphere is not like it is now, I don't have the courage to take it out." Su Hao said softly, his lips pressed against Kaohsiung's earlobe, and he took a bite, "Then, since you agreed, from now on From the beginning, Kaohsiung has officially become my wedding ship."

Kaohsiung's body softened, and the earlobe was her sensitive part, which Su Hao had known before.

The body softened, and being hugged by Su Hao, his hands began to act recklessly on her body. The bathrobe was quickly stripped off, and then the underwear, and a little white sheep appeared.

Kaohsiung lay shyly under the mattress, covered Oupai with one hand and covered it with the other, and said hurriedly and softly: "Commander, wait, wait a minute, I'll let Atago go back first... ah! "

"Huh? Sis, what's the matter?" Atago, who was reading a novel, tilted his head.

"It's nothing, Atago, you...you...you're not going back, aren't you going back?" Kaohsiung asked with a trembling voice, and the slightly rude shock made her unable to bear it and was about to shout out.

Can't shout, definitely can't shout!

Kaohsiung's lips and hands tightly grasped the bedding, and slowly began to cooperate with Su Hao's movements.

"I already said that I won't go back tonight, sister Kaohsiung, just follow me."


"It's not like you haven't slept together before, what's there to be shy about? When I was with the commander before, I didn't see you shy, hehe~"


"Sister Kaohsiung, why don't you talk? Are you asleep?"

"...I...no, nothing, not tonight... no, tomorrow...you can come back tomorrow."

"Huh?" Atago looked away from the phone and stared at the bedroom door, "Sister Kaohsiung, what are you doing inside?"

"Nothing, I... I fell asleep... Ah!"


The ears on Atago's head trembled, feeling something was wrong.

The bedroom is so narrow, it's impossible for Miss Kaohsiung to train in it, right?

And this voice is so strange, wait, isn't this the same voice that Miss Kaohsiung made when I was with Commander before?

Atago opened his mouth.

Sister Kaohsiung, you... don't tell me...you are alone in there, so what! ?

Atago was stunned.

Then, he laughed.

Seeing that you still pretend to be so similar, you must be playing at the beach with Commander today, are you lonely now?

Hehe~ Big sister, big sister, I made you so unconfident.

Atago decided to tease Takao, let Takao sink into it slowly, and then startled her.

"Hmm~~ This novel is really good to read." Atago stretched his waist and deliberately raised his voice, "Sister Kaohsiung, have you read this novel?"

"No, I haven't seen it..."

Kaohsiung is about to cry.

Atago, why are you still asking these silly questions!

You go back quickly, you go back quickly, so that I can be a little louder!

"Hey, why don't you watch it? You don't really want to rest, do you? Let me see..."

"Don't! Don't come in!" Kaohsiung shouted hastily.

The smile on Atago's face grew brighter.

Sure enough, my sister must be doing strange things inside.

"Why? Why can't you go in?"

"I, I have no clothes on."

"Oh, it turns out that sister Kaohsiung likes to sleep naked as much as I do. When you were with me, you kept sleeping with clothes on. No wonder you had to agree."

"Yes, yes, that's why I...ah~~ I...I want...to refer to..."


"No, no, so I like to sleep alone..."

"Okay then, but now you read the novel I sent you."

"Ming, see tomorrow..."

"No, look now, or I'll come in."

"No! I... I know, I see, I see..." Gao Xiong pretended to respond.

"Oh, then you open Chapter 1 and read it to me."

why is it like this!

Kaohsiung felt extremely wronged, but the current situation made it impossible for her to think carefully about Atago's purpose, and whether Atago had discovered her, so she could only reach out to grab the phone. She knew that Su Hao would not stop now. After she came down, she didn't want to stop, but...it's so strange, why did she find it so exciting?

"Read it?"

"Wait, wait..." Gao Xiong grabbed the phone and opened the novel, and read in a trembling voice: "Chapter 1, the story begins here... Do, or else, delete the game... Ah~?... "

"elder sister?"

"...He smiled wryly, raised his head...raised his head and glanced at the computer screen..."

"...He opened his mouth, and just about to say something, when...the little girl angrily preempted him..."

"B-big idiot... You suddenly disappeared... Where did you go, uh..."

Suppressing his emotions, Takao gritted his teeth and finally finished reading Chapter 1 according to Atago's request.

"Yes, is it alright?"

"Hmm... Ms. Kaohsiung, please comment. How about Chapter 1?"


Kaohsiung is confused, really confused, comments?What is the review?

She didn't think about it at all just now, she just followed the reading, and her mind was full of thoughts on how to end Atago's torment as soon as possible.

"Pfft~ Well, I won't tease you, sister, if you miss the Commander so much, tell him, no matter what, you are now a quasi-marriage, only one ring is missing, and you will definitely Got the ring."

As Atago said, he walked slowly towards the bedroom.

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