Or rather, she just wanted to follow along.

After arriving in the conference room, Yixian presided over a discussion on countermeasures against the large fleet that may appear at any time.

"According to the information from last time, this time the Siren flagship ship girl, Ruihe, belongs to the Siren elite ship girl, this is her digital ability."

Yixian displayed the data of the Siren Ruihe on the meeting screen.

The above is a hexagonal diagram, corresponding to the six values ​​of aviation, lightning strike, shelling, durability, air defense, and mobility.

"But this is the last evaluation. The strength of this kind of flagship ship will continue to improve. If it is conservatively estimated, it will probably be like this."

After the new hexagon was built, the values ​​​​of all aspects increased, but because there was no direct combat, it could only be speculated.

It should become stronger, after all, judging from the recent period, the strength of Siren has been getting stronger.

Next, Yixian and the other ship girls analyzed the capabilities of the Siren Ruihe from various aspects and the countermeasures after the fleet appeared.

Su Hao sat and listened all the time, and didn't let the emperor and Beifa express their opinions. However, it was the first time for him to participate in such a formal combat meeting, and he didn't expect that there would be so much trouble in dealing with a siren attack.

According to his habitual way of thinking, the siren appeared—attacked—returned victorious—made a combat report and submitted—received the reward.


Isn't the siren just a lot of walking supplies?

In the end, there were two points of view in the discussion of the meeting: one is to take the initiative to attack and kill the large fleet before it is assembled.The second is to convene a team to respond.

The preparation time for the first option will definitely be very short, and there are not many combat ships that can attack, so they can only rely on the Maritime Safety Administration. In addition, they are fighting in deep sea areas, and the risk factor is quite high.

In the second case, you can bet that a group of people are just building a stronghold there for fun, and the other time is enough, I am afraid that when someone is called over, it will be interesting if the siren does not come.

"Commander Su, what do you think?" Yixian looked at Su Hao, "What would you do if it was you?"

"Me..." Su Hao rubbed his chin, "Probably go straight to it."

"But what to do in case of danger, it's the sea area of ​​E area, it's hard to say how many sirens there are in the stronghold."

"Isn't that just the sea area of ​​​​E area?"

Su Hao's words made the mother-in-law who asked the question choke.

"I agree with Idol!" Reno exclaimed, throwing up his hands.

Yixian Fu forehead, forgot, this guy's port area is ridiculously strong, he can indeed do this.

But, please, the Maritime Safety Administration is not your port area.

"I also think you can go there directly." Befa suggested, "Although the sea area of ​​E area is relatively deep, from the point of view of strongholds, only the sea areas above C area will have siren strongholds, which means that E The stronghold of the district is not as big as we thought."

"Furthermore, to gather troops from Area E, to be honest, this speed is too slow. According to the investigation of the Royal Fleet, the location of the Siren Grand Fleet's assembly is generally chosen in Area G, and there are even deeper sea areas, so I feel that this The Second Siren Ruihe is not assembling a team, maybe it is just the establishment of a stronghold."

"In this case, it is the best choice to attack directly and destroy the stronghold before it is completed. And even if the judgment is wrong, we can use the current Maritime Bureau fleet to slow down the opponent's attack and buy enough time to gather us fleet."

Befa spoke very comprehensively, and her proposal was immediately approved by Yixian.

"In that case, let's go immediately."

Without further ado, Yixian planned to attack first, and then wait for orders after approaching the stronghold, and then launch an attack after dawn.

As for the reception of the meeting, Yat-sen expressed apology, but she promised that it would be held after a smooth and triumphant return.

Su Hao didn't care either. He wasn't interested in this at first, so he just took advantage of the time to go for a stroll in the city tomorrow.

In the evening, I checked the strategy, and on the second day, Su Hao had breakfast in the cafeteria, and was going to set off afterwards.

"Is there any place you want to go?" Su Hao took a sip of porridge.

The cafeteria was a little deserted. The fleet of the Maritime Safety Administration did not come back from its attack, so Su Hao was not worried about the situation. How could the dignified Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration be so fragile?

"I remember a very famous tower." Belfar mentioned a place.

"Where's the emperor?"

"I don't have much research on this place, but I really like Donghuang culture, so I'll leave it to you, Commander."


After breakfast, Su Hao borrowed a car from the Maritime Safety Administration, and drove the two of them along the local travel route.

When we set off, we were a little bit looking forward to it, but after only two places, Su Hao felt a little bored.

I am tired, because the so-called tourist attractions are nothing more than crowded places full of people, whether it is mountains and rivers or scenery, it is just an embellishment for conversations with relatives and friends during the trip. It's irrelevant, what matters is people, not things.

And when he saw the crowd chatting cheerfully with each other, Su Hao suddenly felt out of place.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he didn't know when he had gotten used to the life with only Jian Niang by his side.

"Commander, go back." Frederick the Great said with a smile.

"What's wrong? There are still several attractions."

"I don't really want to go."

"Me too."

Beifa smiled slightly, "Compared to going to those lively scenic spots, it's better to be here, walk on this road, go for a drive, or go for a walk by the beach and chat casually."

I said this because I felt Su Hao's mood. On this point, it resonated with almost the same feeling. Whether it was Frederick the Great or Belfa, they didn't like that very much just like Su Hao. An overly noisy scene.

Of course, it’s okay to be noisy and noisy, but it’s just because it’s too unfamiliar. There are other people’s excitement everywhere, and other people’s topics are everywhere. In this way, it is better to go back to the place you are familiar with.

"Ah~ come out once." Su Hao leaned on the driver's seat, put his hands on the back of his head, and suddenly smiled, "I feel like I'm living with them in another world."

"It's better to say that we stand outside this world and watch over this world... Our ship girls have always been like this, and you, Commander, are the ones watching over us." The emperor smiled lightly.

"The closer you get to us, the farther you will be from the original world—so Commander, do you regret it?"

"That's not true, I just feel..."


"I want time to stop here."


PS: ε=(?ο`*))) Sigh, I feel that writing everything is not very easy, because everything has already been written, and my current feeling is just like Su Hao’s mood, wanting to stop the time of the journey At this moment... probably it will end in the middle of the month at most, or it may be earlier, because I have basically written everything that can be written, and now I have completely entered a period of burnout. Bilan really wrote too much, a bit depressed, everyone Neither can speak.


Calvin ing, originally yesterday's plot was supposed to be coquettishly walking around with Dadi Mama and Befa, but a sudden emotional outburst knocked out the part of shopping, and it always feels uncomfortable to continue after writing , Nima's is simply over directly, is there any?

Sitting in front of the computer, thinking about it for a long time, I can't start writing, and the new book will be on the shelves tomorrow, I spent a lot of time resting and typing, so...

I haven't started writing at this point in time, I'm so sleepy that I can't keep my eyes open, I'm going to bed first, and I'm trying to write the last few plots with a better feeling.

Chapter 696 Great Emperor, Ring!

When Su Hao came back with the emperor and Befa, the attack team from the Maritime Safety Administration also came back.

"Let it escape." Yixian shook his head, and said with some regret: "I didn't expect it to be just a stronghold. Unfortunately, if we make better arrangements, we might be able to sink that flagship."

Sure enough, as Befa guessed, being a stronghold in the sea area of ​​​​E area does not constitute a condition for the assembly of a large fleet.

However, through this incident, I also learned from the side that these siren girls, especially the flagships, have a very high level of intelligence. Maybe the siren strongholds that exist all over the world are made by these flagship girls.

Su Hao smiled and said: "Not bad, at least one stronghold was prevented from being established, and no casualties were caused."

"This is actually, if a stronghold is established, there will be a steady stream of sirens appearing in the offshore area at that position in the future, causing even greater harm."

It's not like there's no gain. Although it's a pity to let the flagship ship's mother escape, it's hard to do such a thing. To sink the Siren flagship, arrangements must be made under certain conditions.

Of course, it would be a different matter if they could have the strength of Suhao Port District. In Yixian's view, there are many ship girls in Suyun Port District who can even single out the Siren flagship.

This is very unreasonable, you know?

Everyone is a ship girl, why is there such a big gap?

But there is no way, if you don't make sense, you don't make sense. Anyway, she belongs to Donghuang, right?

Yixian felt relieved, and then thought that the matter of welcoming him had not been done yet.

"It's just right, how about today's celebration of triumph?"

"I don't have any objections." Su Hao spread his hands, "Anyway, isn't this kind of celebration going back and forth like that?"

"You said that, but it hurt my enthusiasm a bit." Yixian rolled his eyes, "Don't you see how long I have prepared for it, even if someone from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration will not be treated like this."

Su Hao laughed. Indeed, doing this kind of thing is a bit embarrassing for Yixian. As the ship's mother, they don't care about this aspect the least.

But there is no way, the sense of ceremony, the sense of ceremony, naturally needs to be well-prepared in all aspects, otherwise how can it show its status?

After chatting for a few words, Su Hao looked at the celebration decorations that had not been removed, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Yixian, do me a favor."

"What?" Yixian was curious, when could he help Su Hao?

Su Hao glanced around, now it's free time, Beifa and the emperor are not here.

"Help me, this, that, that, that, that..."

He recounted the plan.

Yixian was stunned for a moment.



The Dog Whispers.jpg

As a loyal fan of heroes, for Reno, things related to the idols she said she admired are what she is most interested in.

For example, she will often pay attention to the surroundings of those superheroes, and care about when the next superhero movie show will start.

And what interested Li Nuo the most right now was naturally about Su Hao.

Continue to dog.jpg

Because Su Hao had Yixian there, Li Nuo had no choice but to take the next best thing and choose to observe his wife.

Frederick the Great and Belfast!

She knew these two ship girls, the former was the newest person in charge of the Iron Blood Fleet—if Bismarck wasn't there, as for the latter, wasn't that Elizabeth's exclusive maid?

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