The examiner muttered to himself...

No matter what, the result finally appeared on the Naruto desktop.

"Sure enough, you are a worry-free kid, let me see what skills you have..."

In Hokage's office, Sandai murmured.

And a crystal ball in front of him is showing their condition in cold weather.

Leng Tian may not even know that he has been quietly paid attention to by three generations.

Chapter 56 Dead Forest

Forest of death.

Leng Tian is leisurely leading Namikaze Minato and Matt Dai on their way...

Yes, it is leisurely.

I saw Leng Tian walking in front with his little hands behind his back and a relaxed expression on his face.

Minato and Matt Dai behind them looked nervous.

Seeing their nervousness, Leng Tian shook his head.

Under Shunfeng's ears, all the movements around him could not escape his ears, even if there was danger, he would have avoided it long ago.

Finding that he didn't meet a fierce beast or an opponent along the way, Namikaze Minato soon understood what was going on.

After all, he had exposed this hand before in the cold weather on the border of the Land of Fire.

But Maite Dai has always remained vigilant, and he didn't say anything about the cold weather.

In this way, he approached the White Tower unimpeded all the way.

The three generations have been paying attention to the situation of this group in cold weather.

"Is it because of the white eyes?"

Suddenly, the cold weather stopped, which made Matt Dai excited.

"Is anyone coming?"

After walking for such a long time without encountering a single opponent, Matt Dai even wondered if this is the death forest that the teacher said.

"Yes, but let's not contact them first..."

Leng Tian smiled.

Hearing the words of Leng Tian, ​​Matt Dai was a little unhappy.

In the end, Minato hid with Matt Dai.

Soon a person rushed out of the woods in front of him.

I saw him running in a panic.

There are three more people chasing after him.

"Hand over the scroll!"

"I said that the book in my hand is not the Book of Heaven..."

Xia Ninja who ran ahead said repeatedly.

"Who believes!"

The three behind him followed closely.

Leng didn't come out until they ran over.

This made Matt Dai ask with a puzzled look: "Why don't we take the opportunity to snatch it? He said just now that it is not the Book of Heaven, so it must be the Book of Earth?"

Leng Tian waved his hand and said with a smile: "No hurry, when we get to the White Tower, there will be many Books of Earth delivered to our door..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Matt Dai didn't understand yet, but Minato understood immediately.

"You mean to ambush near the White Tower?"

Leng Tian nodded.

"One more thing, I am surrounded by competitors when I go late, I don't want to be so troublesome..."

Leng Tian thought that after Naruto and his group lost the Book of Heaven and Earth in the comics, they got it by ambushing around the White Tower.

So Leng Tian wanted to be the first to dare to go there, waiting for the prey to come.

For the rest of the journey, Leng Tian accelerated his speed, and it could even be said that he was running wildly all the way.

Even so, there was not a single competitor.

At this time, Matt Dai was insensitive and found something was wrong.

"Could it be that you have discovered their tracks long ago and avoided them on purpose?"

Matt Dai said that he suddenly noticed Leng Tian's eyes, and suddenly realized: "Damn it! I forgot the white eyes of your Hyuga clan..."

Leng Tian and Minato looked at each other without explaining.

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