"Bastard, I don't need you to save me, Uchiha Xuanhuo, I...cough cough...I can still fight!"

Uchiha Xuanhuo slowly got up, with a horrible scar on his body, and even his voice was weak.

Leng Tian shook his head indifferently, as far as his current situation is concerned, it's just a tough talk...

With his current situation, I'm afraid it's already the end of the storm.

Neither Lei Li nor Leng Tian paid any attention to him.

In the monitoring room of the tower.

One of the examiners suggested to Ziraiya: "Master Ziraiya, should you stop them in the past, the candidates of the Uchiha clan will not be able to participate in the third round, if even they..."

The following words of the ninja were not spoken.

But the meaning is very clear, at least to prevent Leng Tian from getting hurt, not even a Konoha ninja in the third game.

Tsunade smiled and said, "Do you think Jiraiya's body is still here?"

Hearing Tsunade's words, the other examiners were taken aback.

It turns out that this is Jiraiya's shadow clone.

"It's still Tsunade who understands me, but it's not the time yet. If we stop them now, wouldn't it make Yun Nin look down on us and leave Konoha alone..."

Seeing the worried look on Konoha's examiner's face, Jiraiya's shadow avatar continued: "Don't worry, if the situation goes wrong, I will show up as soon as possible!"

Hearing Jiraiya's assurance, several Konoha examiners finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With the strength shown by Leng Tian and Lei Li, I am afraid that it is difficult for them to guarantee that they can stop them in the first place.

At this time, a new situation appeared on the monitoring screen.

Seeing Uchiha Xuanhuo uttering queer words there, the three of Kumo Ninja first showed a mocking look...

With a dodge, he came behind him and put down Uchiha Xuanhuo.

"Hee hee, you are such a waste that you can fall down as soon as you touch it, and you still want to fight us again?"


Su stepped on Uchiha Genho's face, showing an arrogant look.

"This is also worthy of being a genius family, it's a joke..."

"Get your feet off!"

Namikaze Minato on the other side couldn't help scolding.

"Boy, what if I say no!"

Su looked at Minato's handsome face and said deliberately.

"Then I'll fuck you and get the hell out!"

"Okay, I just happened to see your face unhappy for a long time!"

Said without hesitation.


Suddenly Lei Li gave a loud shout.

Lei Li walked slowly to the front and said to Su who was behind him: "Shu, you go aside, today is a battle between me and him, I don't want to be disturbed, you just need to watch quietly, understand Is it gone?"

In the end, Lei Li's eyes had become a little scary.

Under Lei Li's eyes, Suo obediently moved his foot away, let Uchiha Xuanhuo go, and stood aside.


Lei Li looked at Leng Tian proudly.

"No one is bothering you now, let's start the contest we missed before..."

"Okay, I also said that I will accompany you at any time!"

Leng Tian casually walked in front of Lei Li.

From the first meeting, the two knew that sooner or later they would have a battle.

In the monitoring room, seeing the performance before the cold weather, several examiners also looked forward to it.

One of them said: "I remember that the Eight Diagrams Empty Palm he used before was a trick of the Zong family. Could it be that this kid is from the Hyuga Zong family?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I won't be happy to let this kid hear it, he is the one who separates the family!"

Tsunade said.

"How could it be? How can the people who split the family know the secret skills of the clan?"

The other examiners also looked surprised...

They all know the rules between the Hyuga branch family and the main family.

"There are more things about him that you don't understand!"

Tsunade showed a proud expression.

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