Now Lei Li not only has the same speed as Leng Tian.

I don't know how much the destructive power has increased.

Without any warning, Lei Li suddenly exploded in front of Leng Tian.


Although Leng Tian jumped away immediately, Lei Li's blow caused the ground to be shattered into a huge crater.

"This is called power!"

There was a look of madness in Lei Li's eyes.

Jilai also saw this, and suddenly exclaimed: "No, this power has exceeded the range that ordinary Chunin can bear. Only when the strength officially reaches the elite Chunin or Jonin can it bear..."


Jiraiya's body finally appeared in the field.

"Now I announce that Ikacho and Uchiha are eliminated. You two groups stop fighting and continue to search for other books of heaven and earth..."

See Konoha Shinobu come out to stop.

Lei Li stared at Leng Tian with a half-smile, and said, "Hmph, do you really need Konoha Shinobi to survive?"


Hearing Lei Li's words, Minato and Matt Dai both clenched their fists.

In the battle just now, they couldn't help at all, and now it's more like what the other party said, they need Jonin to come forward to stop the fight.

"Stop uttering wild words there, our battle is not over yet!"

Leng Tian yelled, and a more powerful chakra erupted from his body, and this chakra was even close to Jonin.

"What... what?"

Even Zilai was taken aback.

"The fourth injury door of the eight disintegration techniques, open! The fifth door, Du door, open!"


In the cold weather after all five doors are fully opened, the aura on his body is even more terrifying, and his body is surrounded by chakra.

"Come on! Start the second round..."

Leng Tian hooked his fingers at Lei Li.

Same speed, same strength!

There are no worse moves than the opponent...

The moment the two came into contact, the sky was dimmed, and the surrounding area was even more shattered.

"This this……"

This scene has left everyone in the monitoring room dumbfounded.

A ninja with such strength came to take the Chunin Exam, who told me this was not a dream.

"Who told me, when did such a powerful character appear in our Konoha?"

When Leng Tian was fighting with Lei Li, there were already many other candidates faintly appearing around. They were shocked before, but now they are completely frightened.

Now who dares to steal the art from the two groups of them is simply desperate.



After fighting dozens of moves.

Lei Li changed his tactics first.

"Thunder Dungeon! Stab!"

This time Lei Li's chakra was not only concentrated on his hands, it even covered his entire arm.

Stronger than the stab he used before!

Seeing that with the cooperation of the powerful Chakra, the opponent's arm is like a thunder knife.

Leng Tian laughed.

"Has no one told you that the Konoha Hyuga clan has the strongest defense!"

"Back to the days!"

"Haha, let's see if it's our cloud ninja's stabbing power or your Huitian's strong defense!"

The stabbing and returning to the sky collided.

But the strong Huitian didn't bounce off Lei Li's thrust in the first place.

"Break in!"

There was a thunderous light on Lei Li's arm, and the powerful sprint opened a big hole in Huitian...

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