"No, we must find a reason to take Leng Tian to the Zong family for interrogation."

Especially seeing Leng Tian proficiently using the abilities of the Hyuga clan today, Hinata Conscience wanted to find a reason to kill Leng Tian.

The battle between Leng Tian and Minato made everyone who watched the battle admire, and Minato's kunai skills made them even more ashamed.

Even some Jonin looked at Minato with surprise.

"This kid's kunai skills are almost superb, and his control is so good..."

However, although Minato's kunai skills are powerful, they can't play the slightest role in the cold weather.

"I said that this kind of trick may be useful to other people, but it is a waste of effort in front of me..."

"I've always remembered this sentence, so I didn't intend to use it to defeat you at all..."

At this time, Namikaze Minato appeared beside Leng Tian from another direction.

"So this ninjutsu is just a means to attract your attention..."

Surprised by the cold

It turns out that the one who used the Kunai technique before was a shadow clone.

"Not bad!"

Several jounin who had been watching the battle on the stage were also shocked.

A powerful ninja does not lie in how powerful ninjutsu he can use.

It's that he can use ordinary ninjutsu to unexpected effects.

That's the best of the best.

"This kid is fully qualified to become a Zhongnin..."

Zilai also commented on the side.

Tsunade nodded in agreement.

"But even so, in the face of Leng Tian's Huitian, his attack methods are completely ineffective..."

"Yes, but I think this kid must have a way..."

Zilai also said optimistically.

off the field.

Just when the cold weather was about to cast back to the sky again.

Suddenly, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in my heart.

Immediately launch a substitute technique to stay in place.


A slash of wind unexpectedly appeared at his position just now.

If Leng Tian insisted on using Huitian just now, I am afraid that the speed would be too late.

"Wind escape ninjutsu?"

Leng Tian looked at Namikaze Minato and asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the border mission of the Land of Fire, I picked it up from a sand ninja when I was cleaning the battlefield. I haven't used it before, just to give you a surprise..."

Minato said with a smile on his face.

"It's a surprise, I've found out a long time ago that one of the ways to crack your Huitian is to make it too late for you to activate Huitian..."

"Really good!"

Leng Tian nodded, he had to admire Minato's fighting talent.

"However, this move can only be used against me once, and it will be useless against me the second time. After that, you will not be able to take advantage of it. Compared with Chakra, I am much stronger than you now, and once I catch you Hold on, if you bear my soft fist, you will be defeated, and now you can't defeat me..."

Leng Tian smiled confidently.

Compared to Minato, he is stronger in cold weather.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato's expression turned serious.

Exactly as Leng Tian said.

On the sidelines, some junin turned their attention to Leng Tian again.

They all thought that Leng Tian could stand here only by relying on the blood of the Hyuga clan.

But when Leng Tian dodged just now, some masters were shocked.

"When that kid was dodging just now, why didn't I see when the seal was formed?"

A master of the Uchiha tribe opened the Sharingan.

"This Hinata is not easy. I just saw him move a single hand to complete the seal. It should have simplified the steps of the seal..."

Another senior ninja said self-righteously.

As for the third Hokage, he couldn't help covering his face.

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