"I just received a report from the police force that the guard at the Konoha gate was killed..."

"Do you know who did it?"

Although Sandai had guessed in his mind, he still couldn't help asking.

"It's Yunin!"

Hearing Anbu Ninja's words, Sandai nodded heavily.

Sure enough, it's Yun Ninja...

At this time, Leng Tian had arrived at the entrance of the village.

Several people from the police department were inspecting the corpse. When they saw that they were about to rush out of the village in the cold weather, they immediately shouted: "Stop!"

"Go away!"

Leng Tian ignored them at all and rushed out directly.

The ninjas of the police department were about to use ninjutsu. At this time, the ground shook, which made several ninjas of the police department unsteady on their feet and fell to the ground one after another.

It was Tsunade who used strange power to cause the ground to vibrate and stop them.

Seeing Tsunade and Jiraiya, they also rushed out, which annoyed the ninjas of the police department for a while.

"Quickly, go and report to Lord Uchiha, and say that there are Konoha ninjas who left the village privately, and it is designated as rebellious ninja!"

Chapter 69 Danzo Appears

Leng Tian and Minato chased outside the village, only to find that there were several roads in front of them...

If you chase after it rashly, if you go wrong, it may get farther and farther away.

Leng Tian calmed down and analyzed, judging from the location where Kushina called for help, it should be at the gate of Konoha.

Even if Leng Tian didn't delay for a moment, the other party had already taken Kushina a long way away.

"Calm down, calm down, and listen carefully. After they hijack Kushina, they will definitely flee in a hurry. Kushina knows my ability and will definitely call for help. I can definitely hear her voice..."

While Leng Tianning was listening, Tsunade, Duan, and Jiraiya finally caught up.

Just as Leng Tian thought, they were also dumbfounded after seeing the roads in front of them.

At this moment, Tsunade stopped Tsunade's intention to split up, and pointed to the cold weather with his eyes closed all the time.

"He'll tell us which direction Kushina is..."

Said with a confident face.

Hearing Duan's words, Tsunade and Jiraiya also remembered that Duan said that Leng Tian's listening to the wind had already reached dozens of miles away.

It's just that Jiraiya and Tsunade still hesitated.

At this moment, Leng Ti suddenly opened his eyes, pointed to the opposite side of the southeast and said:

"found it!"

"How far is it?"

Kato asked abruptly.

"At least fifteen miles..."

Leng Tian said in a deep voice.

"It's so far away, are you sure?"

Zilai was also taken aback.

"I heard Kushina's voice, I can't be wrong!"

After Leng Tian finished speaking, he chased towards the southeast.

Minato also followed without saying a word.

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade and Kato Dan and asked, "What should I do?"

"Listen to him, since Leng Tian said that he heard Jiu Xinnai's voice, he is absolutely right..."

Kato said aloud.

Jiraiya and Tsunade exchanged glances and followed.

At the same time, Jilai also said in surprise: "It's amazing, few people in the whole ninja world can do this..."

"If I said that at the border of the Land of Fire, Leng Tian heard Sand Ninja's plan one night in advance, I guess the scope of Leng Tian's hearing at that time was ten times that of today..."

Kato Duan finally expressed the guess in his heart.

"how is this possible?"

Tsunade said in surprise.

Even though she thought of the strong wind at the border of the Land of Fire, the sound should be very weak after such a long distance, how could it be picked up by human ears.

"I know what you're thinking, maybe his ability to listen to the wind and identify his position has become a kind of ability similar to that of Xue Jixian. He has the ability to listen to the wind. As long as the wind blows, no sound can escape his ears..."

Kato-san murmured.

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