The two men laughed at the same time...

"Okay you all are enough!"

At this time, Kushina finally took off the handcuffs, and looked at the two boys in front of him distressedly.

"You are all my heroes..."

"Ha ha……"

Minato and Leng Tian pointed at each other.

"Let's go back quickly..."

Watergate said.

Kushina nodded.

At this time, Leng Tian suddenly stopped Jiu Xinnai!

This made Kushina and Namikaze Minato very puzzled, especially Kushina didn't understand what Leng Tian meant?

"Are you really going back?"

Leng Tian asked with a serious face.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato looked at Leng Tian with a strange expression.

"If Kushina doesn't go back, where can he go?"

Minato said anxiously from the side.

"I tell you to shut up! I have something to say to Kushina!"

Leng Tian's expression had never been so serious, especially when he spoke, even Minato was surprised.

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai also looked solemn, and asked carefully: "Leng Tian, ​​do you know something?"

Leng Tian didn't answer Jiu Xinnai.

Instead, he pointed to the road ahead and said, "Kushinna, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. From here, you can go to the country of Sichuan, where even Konoha is hard to find. You can get the freedom you yearn for without having to To become Konoha's tool..."

"What! Konoha's tools?"

If it was a cold day, Minato's momentary shock could not be further increased.

And Kushina's complexion changed drastically.

"You sure know..."

There was a heart-thumping expression on Jiuxinna's face, but finally he shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can't do this in cold weather..."


Leng Tian suddenly pulled off the forehead protector excitedly, revealing the bird in the cage.

"Even if I'm separated and controlled by the clan's seal, I still haven't given up my freedom.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will find a way to get rid of this thing, and you can too Kushina, we are born equal, we are not anyone's tool, this is your only chance, you will become a nine-tailed human pillar when you go back Container, is this your will? "

Leng Tian is a little anxious. From the original book, Leng Tian knows the sorrow of the human pillar. Although the manga draws Naruto so inspirationally, the human pillar is a weapon.

Even when the life is about to end, the manpower column must be selected in advance, but the previous one will die because of it.

This kind of container that can't even decide its own death is simply a tool.

Even Naruto was furious when he knew his mother's mission.

Leng Tian traveled here from time to time, and became companions and bonds with Minato and Kushina.

She is no longer just a character in the original book, but a companion of his day and night.

So after discovering Yun Ninja's purpose, Leng Tian thought not only of saving Kushina, but also of changing Kushina's fate.

It's just that Kushina is still hesitating.

Leng Tian is really in a hurry...

"Kushina, this is your only chance. As long as you step out, Minato and I can say that we didn't catch up. Could it be..."

Leng Tian didn't say the last sentence.

Konoha regards Kushina as a nine-tailed container, and the Uzumaki family of Human Pillar's container is the best fit.

I am afraid that even Kushina's descendants will become pillars of manpower.

This is something no mother would want to see. One can imagine how much Kushina and Minato owed Naruto when they were dying.

"What nine-tailed human pillar?"

Although Namikaze Minato still can't figure it out, after all, the human pillar is the most important secret in the village.

If Leng Tian didn't come from time travel, no more than five people would know the identity of Jiu Xinnai.

Even Tsunade, Jiraiya and others also said that Kushina was robbed, and the third Hokage said it.

But Minato knew that Kushina's next decision was very important to her and Konoha, so even though the cold weather kept pushing Kushina, Minato didn't interrupt.

"I'm sorry for the cold weather, I..."

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