He had never seen such a disobedient child from the separated family.

"It should have been dealt with like your parents at the beginning!"

"You are finally willing to admit that you killed my parents. Let me tell you my conscience, sooner or later, I will make you regret it!"

Hearing Hinata Conscience's words, he said coldly.

"Haha, is that right, you may not be able to get out alive today, and you still want to take revenge, haha..."

Facing Hinata Conscience's rampant expression, Leng Tian also laughed.

"Not only will I go out today, but I will ask you to 'please' me out, believe it or not!"

Leng Tian said confidently suddenly.

Chapter 80 On the Front Lines

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Hyuga Conscience sneered:

"Are you still thinking about your teacher Tsunade coming to save you? You overestimate her... Let me tell you, unless Hokage comes personally, no one will try to save you!"

"Really? How about we make a bet, if you send me out obediently later, how about calling me Master Leng Tian!"

"The brat is not ashamed, he really regards Tsunade as a backer, okay, I promise you, but if Tsunade walks away in a daze after a while, what about you?"

"I will immediately hand over the Shunfeng Ear Secret Art!"

Leng Tian said on the spot.

"Okay!" Hinata Conscience laughed wildly.

He didn't believe that Tsunade of a declining family dared to fight against the Hyuga clan.

Even Hyuga's disciples who were about to be executed on both sides found Leng Tian's words ridiculous.

At this moment, a child of the Hyuga family hurried down and whispered a few words in the ear of Hyuga's confidant.

"What? Let the cold weather go!"

Hyuga Conscience's voice suddenly rose several degrees.

Hinata Conscience's eyeballs almost popped out!

Not to mention the expressions of the other people in the torture room.

Only Leng Tian didn't show any emotion at all, just looked at Hinata Liangzhi lightly, his eyes were full of mockery.

"Bastard, you watch this kid for me, I will find the patriarch myself..."

Hyuga Ryotomo's face was livid, he didn't understand why the patriarch made such a decision.

Taking another look at Hyuga Lengtian, Hyuga Ryotomo turned and walked up, he wanted to ask the patriarch what was going on.

When Hinata Liangzhi saw the Hokage secret order, his whole face changed.

As Konoha's highest order, Naruto's Secret Order is more effective than Hokage's close ones.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and notify the people below, and let them bring Hyuga Lengtian up!"

Patriarch Hinata shouted at the third elder who was stunned.

Hinata Conscience was full of bitterness, he never thought that Leng Tian could alarm Master Hokage and asked Hokage to issue a secret order for this kid.

How much face is this, I am afraid that even Jonin does not have this honor.

For a moment, Hinata Ryotomo seemed to have aged a few years.

After a while, the family members who went down to release Rixiang Lengtian came up again and said a few words in the patriarch's ear.

The patriarch Hyuga frowned, glanced at Hyuga Liangzhi, and said in a deep voice: "Leng Tian asked you to invite him out..."

"What! Let me invite that little bastard myself, I am a dignified family elder to invite the person who is separated?"

This is simply a great shame and humiliation to Hinata Conscience!

It's just that when seeing the expression on the face of the Hyuga patriarch, Hyuga Conscience had no choice but to obey.

In the torture chamber.

Hyuga Conscience and Hyuga Lengtian once again looked at each other.

It's just that the faces of the two are completely different.

"Boy, you are kind, but let me tell you, from now on, you'd better not fall into my hands, otherwise I will never let you go!"

Looking at the anger in Hinata Conscience's eyes.

Leng Tian didn't care at all, walked up to Hyuga Liangzhi and said softly: "I'm waiting...don't send a waste like Hyuga Kishimoto next time!"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Hyuga Ryotomo was startled suddenly, seeing the chill in Leng Tian's eyes, he knew in his heart that Hyuga Kishimoto's death was indeed related to this kid.

After knowing that Hyuga Kishimoto will not let him go, Hyuga Lengtian doesn't need to hide.

Coupled with the fact that my current wind ear has been valued by Hokage, as well as the support of Mr. Tsunade, it is safe to pick it out.

In this way, he would have some scruples on the contrary, not daring to plot against him too blatantly.

The threat from the Hyuga family has been resolved for the time being, but Leng Tian knows that Hyuga Lengtian will deal with him more violently next time.

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