"Saori and Nakoki have also met the requirements of the teleportation technique. Later, I will help you unlock the release point of the teleportation technique. Remember the order in which I opened it, and control the chakras to run in order, and you can learn the teleportation technique." Already!"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Naoki and Saori looked at each other with excitement.



Saori succeeded first, and after Shengshu failed once, he also succeeded.

Seeing that all three of them have learned the teleportation technique, Leng Tian nodded and said with a smile: "This teleportation technique is the best choice whether it is used to deal with the enemy or to avoid the enemy. Remember that once you find something wrong on the battlefield , Immediately use the instant body technique!"


The three rope trees quickly replied.

Leng Tian nodded, the reason why he taught the teleportation technique was because in the manga Nakoki was killed because of a vain attempt to express himself in the charge, and he had a ninjutsu, which might save his life.

As the frontline Yannin's offensive became more and more intense.

In the cold weather, the rear where they were located also began to be threatened by growing crises.

Not only the destruction of Yu Ninja Village, but also some ninjas who detoured from the front line to the rear of Yan Ninja Village.

Regarding this matter, Orochimaru has strictly ordered his subordinates to find out and clean up the Urenin Village in the rear within a time limit.

It's just that Konoha's ninja underestimated the weather in the Land of Rain, or the heavy rain in the Land of Rain.

In the rainy season, the weather in the country of rain began to be unpredictable. Sometimes the weather was sunny in the morning, but the next moment, it rained heavily.

In the heavy rain, they couldn't see anything, and their sight was blocked. All the Konoha ninjas who went out to patrol were cautious.

Because this is the most natural concealment of Yuren Village.

Today, the Sato team expanded the scope of the search. As one of the captains of the four teams under Orochimaru, Sato has rich experience.

But in this heavy rain, there is no way to deal with it at all, only through the eyes.

"This rain is really heavy!"

one of the team members said.

"Yes, the visibility is too low, we have gone too far beyond the original range, but we still haven't found anything..."

"Captain, why don't we go back to hand over the mission today."

Sato looked ahead, shook his head and said, "Let's search further!"

Hearing the captain's words, several team members nodded with wry smiles, knowing that the captain was completing the task assigned by Master Orochimaru as soon as possible.

The team began to move forward, and soon the heavy rain swallowed their figures.

At this moment, a suspicious figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Sato and the others looked at each other and rushed over immediately.

"Could it be a ninja from Rain Ninja Village?"

The people they caught in the cold weather last time were just scattered ninjas from the rain ninja village, and they were of no value at all.

But this time, judging by the actions of the other party, it should be a Chunin who caught a big fish.

Sato and his subordinates looked at each other and smiled.

But after they chased for a long time, the figure suddenly disappeared.

Not only that, but they felt that the surrounding scenery changed.

All the heavy rain just now disappeared.

"No, there is an ambush!"

Sato secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong.

It's just that before he could remind his companions, one of them was killed by Yuren who suddenly jumped out.

Then a dozen or so ninjas from Yuren village appeared around them.

Seeing this, Sato already understood.

The rain ninja just caught them on purpose.

Chapter 86 One-Man Rescue

This is the first time Sato has seen so many rain ninjas, especially the strength of each other is not low.

"You should be one of the main forces hiding behind to destroy..."

Sato asked lightly.

"Hey, just understand..."

A leader of the opponent stood up and said proudly.

Sato and the remaining teammates exchanged glances.

I'm afraid they really have to explain here today.

The rain is getting heavier……

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