Sato shouted loudly at this time.

Compared with them, Leng Tian has not yet been surrounded.

It's just that it's cold, as if I didn't hear it, I still came here unhurriedly, as if walking in the rain.

Just when it's about to get close.

Leng Tian suddenly condensed a large amount of chakra in his hands, and then Leng Tian clasped his three fingers.


A burst of energy rushed out of the cold water, and then non-stop energy was shot at the opposite Urenin.

It is Leng Tian's newly developed supernatural powers of flicking fingers!

It was like hundreds of hidden weapons, falling on the ninjas of Yuren Village.

"Everyone be careful! This person is extraordinary!"

The leader of Yuren Village immediately felt the crisis, and immediately made dodge movements, and at the same time reminded his companions.

Leng Feng used this long-range attack's supernatural powers, combined with the attack method of Bagua 64 Palms, and finally opened a channel for Sato and the others.

Seeing that there was only one enemy, but before he got close, he had already made his side retreat, and even asked him to rescue Sato and others.

The leader of Yuren Village screamed angrily.

"Quick! Get closer, he's only alone..."

At this time, Sato and his companions had fled to Leng Tian.

"Don't love to fight in cold weather, let's go!"

Sato didn't expect Leng Tian to have such a move, but the opponent's strength is still stronger than them, so he reminded Leng Tian and them to run away.

It's just that it's cold like I didn't hear it.

"Blinking technique!"

Unexpectedly, a blink of an eye came directly to the siege of Yuren Village.

This made both Sato and Yu Ninja feel suspicious.

Then Leng Tian lowered his hands and shouted in a low voice: "Rouquan Bagua! One hundred and twenty-eight palms!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Leng Tian's speed is extremely fast, and all the enemies in his Baguazhang will be sent flying by him.

This time even the teammates did not expect that Leng Tian is so strong!

These enemies are all Zhongren, and there is even a Junin.

Now Leng Tian relied on his own strength to put them at a disadvantage.

It’s incredible!

The leader of Yuren Village on the opposite side was even more horrified.

The spies who infiltrated behind Konoha never reported that there was such a powerful ninja.

Who is he?

If he had known that this person was so powerful, he would not have dared to set this trap.

More importantly, they have already calculated the right time and place.

With the help of the heavy rain in the land of rain, but breaking the connection with Konoha, how did this person know the news, and how could he only appear here in time?

Could it be that when they were baiting, Konoha was also baiting, and he was the only one who needed to be dispatched?

Thinking of all of this, the head of Yuren became overwhelmed.

Now Yuren realized that their thinking just now was too wrong. The cold weather after getting close is more powerful than attacking from a distance.

They couldn't even get close to Leng Tian, ​​they were all bounced away by Leng Tian's return.

What's even more frightening is that the strength of this person trapped in the siege keeps getting stronger.

Just now, the Chakra on his body was still at the Chunin level, and then he was raised to the elite Chunin level. Now, what makes Yuren's head tingle even more is that he feels that the Chakra on Leng Tian's body is no less than his.

Chapter 87 Promoted to Captain

"Earth escape! Earth wall art!"

"Eight disintegration techniques! 32 times the strange power!"

Most of the ninjas in Yuren Village use the techniques of earth escape and water escape. Just now, the water escape technique could not hurt Leng Tian at all. Now they just want to use earth escape to stop Leng Tian so that they can escape!

It's just that before they had time to release, they were smashed to pieces by Leng Tian's fists.

Leng Tian yelled again at this time, and the strange force smashed into the ground with a "bang".


The surrounding ground collapsed, and no one could even stand firmly.

All the ninjutsu that had just been sealed were disrupted.

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