It wasn't until this time that Orochimaru found the original envelope, and quickly opened it to check what Tsunade wrote to himself.

When he learned that Leng Tian's Shunfeng ear learning was comparable to that of Xueji Jijie, and his hearing range, Orochimaru's eyes almost popped out.

If he had known that Leng Tian had this ability, would he still need such trouble?

At this time, Shinnosuke also came in from the outside.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eldest son is also the real commander of this war, and Konoha Baiga is known as Konoha Twin Stars.

The titles of Lengtian and Minato are derived from them.

Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Tsunade are just assisting them.

"Master Shinnosuke, why did you come here so fast?"

Orochimaru said in surprise.

"It's not for Tsunade's disciples. The matter on your side has been resolved. Our front line was tossed and broken by the ninjas of Iwanin Village..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shook his head helplessly.

It turns out that Iwanin changed his tactics and began to focus on infiltration and sneak attacks. Among the five major ninja villages, especially Iwain's disguise is the most difficult to see through.

"We are about to take him away now, Orochimaru, you won't blame me for taking away your favorite general, will you?"

"Hmph, he dares!"

Tsunade said angrily from the side.

Hearing Tsunade's words, Orochimaru's forehead had a black line.

But Orochimaru immediately replied: "Of course not, how could I refuse useful young people?"

Speaking of this, Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and said with interest: "Although I didn't reuse him, he completed the task as well. Now I really want to see this outstanding junior with my own eyes... "

Seeing that Tsunade still had a dissatisfied expression, Orochimaru rarely apologized: "It was my mistake to waste him in the back before, and I will apologize to him in person..."

Hearing this, Tsunade showed a puzzled expression.

In her eyes, Orochimaru is the most face-saving, and it is almost impossible for him to apologize.

But today, when he heard that Orochimaru was going to apologize to Leng Tian, ​​Tsunade became vigilant in an instant.

Hear what Orochimaru said.

Shinnosuke showed a puzzled expression.

"What's the matter with Tsunade?"

Shinnosuke didn't hear the previous conversation between Tsunade and Orochimaru.

"He didn't read my letter of recommendation at all, but Leng Tian is a good guy. He has stabilized the rear. Lord Shinnosuke, I will transfer him to the front line now."

"Okay! Give Leng Tianxia an order to rush to the front line immediately."

Said that Sarutobi Shinnosuke suddenly thought of something here, and then retracted what he just said.

"I remember that Konoha still has a batch of goods to be delivered recently, why don't you let me experience this Leng Tian's ability for myself!"

Hearing what Shinnosuke-sama said, Orochimaru and Tsunade looked at each other, neither understanding what it meant.

Standing more than ten kilometers away from Konoha's resident, Shinnosuke suddenly began to form seals, and then a force of earthwork disguised him, Orochimaru, and Tsunade.

"I really want to know if we are talking here and moving in the earthen hut I set up, will your disciple, Tsunade, be able to find out?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said to Tsunade.

"What does Shinnosuke-sama mean to start testing the ability of the cold weather and the wind from here?"

Tsunade asked in surprise.

"Yes, now the tactics of Iwanin Village have changed a lot. They often use camouflage to attack our position. It is often too late for the ninjas of the Hyuga clan to discover the abnormality, so Leng Tian's ability is decisive for us. significance!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke calmly analyzed.

When they had just advanced five miles, they heard a faint voice.

"Teacher, I have heard your conversation. I have arrived now and can show up..."

Shinnosuke and Orochimaru looked at each other.

Especially Shinnosuke was shocked.

Although they were talking intermittently along the way to test, but under his disguise, the voice was always very low, and he hadn't escaped Leng Tian's detection.

Tsunade showed a smug look.

Dang Shinnosuke and Orochimaru.After the three of Tsunade came to the camp, they directly caused a huge commotion.

And when they knew that the three of them came together to find Leng Tian, ​​they were even more surprised.

The new Konoha ninjas are all wondering who this kid is, who has such great energy that he can make all three adults come.

Konoha ninjas who had already experienced Leng Tian's strength all showed a clear look.

For them, the cold weather should not stay in the rear, but go to the front line.

This time Orochimaru is full of interest in the cold weather.

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