Hearing Leng Tian's words, Shinnosuke was shocked.

"It's no wonder it's not such a big hand. It turns out that our enemy has changed. It's just who has such a plan, and who is that strong man?"

Shinnosuke looked at the distance and muttered to himself. Since the appearance of this strong man, Iwanin, who was originally at a disadvantage, has gradually improved.

Moreover, the endless moves also let Shinnosuke understand the fear of the other party.

But seeing Leng Tian behind him, Shinnosuke secretly rejoiced that Konoha sent such a trump card.

"It seems that it's time to start a decisive battle..."

Konoha's elite ninjas are on the move soon.

And this time, Leng Tian discovered that these ninjas were wearing masks. Obviously, they were Anbu ninjas who belonged only to Naruto.

This surprised Leng Tian, ​​and it seemed that Konoha was also quietly increasing the strength of the front line.

At the same time, Leng Tian also understands that the battle between Konoha and Iwanin is getting closer.

These Anbu ninjas obeyed Leng Tian's arrangement, and were led by Leng Tian's shadow clone to kill those Iwa ninjas who sneaked in.

Seeing the young Leng Tian beside him, who seemed to be the commander-in-chief, these Anbu ninjas were shocked.

At the end of this war, Leng Tian's contribution is definitely not small, and he might be transferred to the Anbu.

"I heard that the captain has long suggested that the captain transfer him to the dark department, and directly omit the inspection time, and promote him to the position of the small captain..."

Hearing the words of their companions, the Anbu ninjas couldn't hide their shock even though they were wearing masks.

To become the captain of the Anbu, one must experience at least three years of life in the Anbu, and have a success rate of no less than five A-level missions.

It's incredible that Leng Tian directly crossed over at such a young age!

After the Land of Rain entered the rainy month, the rain has never stopped.

Moreover, the rain has washed away many traces, making it easier for Iwanin's ninjas to hide.

In the previous encirclement and suppression, many rock ninja escaped from it, and Leng Tian was the last trump card, completely killing these threats in the cradle.

Some rock ninjas may have been disguised as Konoha ninjas, but as long as they open their mouths, they can't escape the windy ears of the cold weather.

Another small group of Iwanin ninjas appeared. They had just escaped the siege last night. After killing the nearby Konoha ninjas, they disguised themselves as Konoha ninjas and began to take over Iwanin's line of defense.

This failure made them, Iwanin, understand that someone on the other side has learned about it, and maybe even Konoha's spies have sneaked into the Iwanin garrison, and they must report this information to your senior management.

At this moment, Leng Tian appeared in their sight alone.

A few people secretly smiled, and met a small fish, let's deal with it conveniently.

Just when the two sides were staggered, Leng Tian made a sudden move.

This surprised these rock ninja elites.

"Back to the days!"

The powerful rebound force directly bounced away the rock ninja who were about to attack.

"The kid actually found us!"

Several rock ninja showed surprised looks.


A sarcasm appeared on the corner of Leng Tian's mouth, and then a chakra that was like a spiral pill condensed out of his hand, and it flicked out instantly.

Leng Tian's supernatural powers directly hit the acupuncture points on several people.

Seeing that the opponent was unexpectedly strong, a rock ninja suddenly frantically tore off his clothes to reveal the seal inside.

"Bastard, die with me!"

At this time, there was only a flash of white light, and the ninja from Yannin Village was already decapitated before he could even react.

Seeing such a quick knife light, Leng Tian only thought of one person.

Konoha's White Fang Hatake Sakumo...

Chapter 92 Konoha White Fang

Leng Tian saw the power of Bai Fang for the first time.

White Fang's movement and speed were not very fast, but they were used just right.

Even the use of the instant body technique is accurate.

And his knife is always the fastest.

The trajectory of the knife cannot be observed even in cold weather.

"Is this the strength of Konoha Baiya?"

Not long after Leng Tian started his move, his companions had already chased after him, but everyone stopped when they saw the white figure.

For them, the place where White Fang appears is the enemy's grave, and there is no need for Konoha ninjas like them to take action.

Leng Tian also noticed this scene.

In his heart, he admired Bai Fang even more. This is how much strength is needed to make his teammates so relieved.

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