Minato thought for a while and said.

"So you look for space ninjutsu, thinking that this kind of ninjutsu that breaks through distance and time can achieve this?"

"Not bad!"

Minato nodded.

Space ninjutsu is exactly what was written in the first sealed book.

"There is nothing wrong with the direction, but there is one thing that you think that there is no Jiraiya, and the adults also said that this is only in theory. In fact, your Kunai just now disappeared at a distance of ten meters. This kind of ninjutsu can be used once, but the second This time is useless for some strong people..."

The cold weather shocked Minato's heart.

"Am I wrong? Is my cultivation direction wrong?"

Seeing Minato's distraught look, Leng Tian said softly: "Although I didn't see with my own eyes how fast the sword was in the battle between you and Bai Fang, but there is one thing no matter how fast the sword is, it depends on how fast the sword is. in the hands of..."

Leng Tian's soft words made Minato's eyes suddenly open.

"Cold weather, what do you mean?"

There were some ideas in Minato's mind, but he couldn't grasp them, staring at Leng Tian, ​​hoping he could give him an answer.

"It's very simple. In fact, you have also thought of it. Senior Bai Fang's sword is powerful, but it is also in the hands of Lord Bai Fang. Similarly, your Kunai can exert the greatest effect. It should be in your hands. Why can't you set up a space?" The coordinates appear like the instant body technique?"


Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato suddenly understood, he finally knew his direction, and even sat down to think on the spot.

Leng Tian smiled slightly, he was indeed the one who created the Flying Thunder God technique, he just reminded him but he already fully understood.

At this time, Leng Tian raised his head, looked behind a big tree, and said slowly: "Master Bai Fang, you've been standing there for so long, it's time to show up..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Bai Fang smiled slightly, appeared from behind the big tree, glanced at Mizumon who was sitting on the ground thinking, and then looked at Leng Tian in front of him with admiration.

"Excellent, although I heard Minato and Jiraiya mention you, I thought it was an exaggeration when Minato said that your understanding and talent were ten times that of his. Now it seems that what Minato said was not an exaggeration at all. It's really an unprecedented idea..."

"Master Bai Fang, I'm just saying one possible direction, the rest needs Minato's own efforts..."

Hearing the words of the cold weather, Minato appreciates the cold weather even more.

"Are you interested in competing with me?"

White Fang invited.

Hear what White Fang said.Leng Tian couldn't help showing joy on his face.

"It is my honor to fight Lord White Fang!"

"Then let's change places, it's better not to disturb him!"

White Fang glanced at Minato sitting on the ground and said.

"it is good!"

Leng Tian immediately agreed.

Hearing that Bai Fang was going to compete with Leng Tian, ​​Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade and Shinnosuke all came to watch the battle.

Being able to see the strength of the strong is also a kind of improvement for them.

Especially Orochimaru and Shinnosuke want to know what is Leng Tian's strength?

"Don't be afraid, use your most powerful moves."

White Fang said with a smile.

Leng Tian nodded.

Even if White Fang didn't say it, he would.

The next moment, Leng Tian opened his white eyes, and immediately activated the instant body technique under his inner vision.


The cold sky in front of him disappeared immediately and appeared behind Bai Fang.

Such a surprise, even the few people who watched the battle did not respond, and there was only one thought in their minds, so fast!

Orochimaru and Jilai also looked at each other, and there was only one thought in their minds, Leng Tian had absolutely no seal just now.

And at this time, Bai Fang smiled slightly, and the scabbard swung to meet Leng Tian's bitter opponent...

Not bad at all!

It was as if the cold Kunai had bumped into Bai Fang's scabbard by himself.

This surprised Leng Tian.

This is the first time someone has been able to keep up with his agility.

"Konoha White Fang is really not simple..."

After discovering this, Leng Tian's fighting spirit became stronger.

The next moment, Leng Tian disappeared again, appearing on the other side of Bai Fang, and Bai Fang blocked it again, but at this moment, Leng Tian disappeared with a "bang!", and his real body appeared behind Bai Fang.

Just when Leng Tian thought that he would be able to force Bai Fang to retreat this time, he found that his Kunai hit Bai Fang's scabbard again.

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