That is, Bai Fang's knife really broke through the spirit and dealt a substantial blow to Leng Tian.

But this is exactly the point that Leng Tian feels can be cracked.

The illusory him has no way, but as long as this knife is transformed into a real one, he must have a way.

Just like he was against the Hyuga clan's caged bird spell, he must be able to see through the secret of this knife under his inner vision.

Seeing that Bai Fang was still hesitating, Leng Tian directly put on a fighting posture: "Please enlighten me..."

This time, Leng Tian's white eyes were already looking inside.

From Leng Tian's eyes, Bai Fang saw the determination to move forward, but at the same time, he did not expect Leng Tian to be so stubborn.

Knowing that he would never give up if he didn't satisfy him, he shook his head and said, "Although I can control the power on the knife, I can't control the spiritual power either. Will cause permanent damage, do you want to continue like this?"

Leng Tianlu showed a firm look in his eyes.

The best swordsman in the world does not mean that he has the highest martial arts, but that he dares to use his sword knowing that his opponent is the best in the world.

Only in this way can he continue to break through and have a chance to become number one in the world.

The same is true for Leng Tian now, only if he dares to bear Bai Fang's knife again, can he continue to become stronger.

The fighting spirit in Leng Tian was not only appreciated by Bai Fang.

Even Sannin nodded.

Tsunade still looked worried though.

Only physical injuries, she is sure to treat.

But she has no way to repair the mental trauma, which is also the most dreadful part of the Uchiha clan. Now if her disciple is really injured, it will be troublesome.

After Bai Fang understood Leng Tian's intentions, he began to draw the saber, although it was still a simple action of drawing the saber, not even any different from ordinary warriors.

But Leng Tian felt as if a fierce tiger would rush out of it at any moment.

There was a flash of white light, and the cold weather was still the same as last time without any response.

It's just that under the internal vision, when Leng Tian saw the flash of the saber, a burst of energy appeared in his head.

Under the cold weather, I found that the nerves in my head seemed to be hit, and I couldn't move at all for a while.

Is this the power of the spirit?

Under the inner vision, Leng Tian could see that under the collision of this energy, his nerves were pushed down like dominoes, and his entire nerves were paralyzed.

Unable to move.

"Move! You must move!"

Leng Tian yelled in his heart.

At this moment, a burst of energy from the chakra in Leng Tian's body suddenly rushed out, colliding with the energy of White Fang.

Leng Tian let out a "hum!", and moved his fingers...

Then the eyes suddenly regained their expression.

Bai Fang, who was about to withdraw his knife and stop the attack, suddenly found Leng Tian's hands moving.

" is this possible?"

White Fang could not have been more shocked now.

Leng Tian is waving his hands at this moment, as if Hinata's guardian gossips back to the sky, but the difference is that a pattern of Pisces suit appears.

When Bai Fang's knife collided with the Pisces pattern in Lengtian, the knife immediately changed its trajectory, as if a pulling force deflected his knife.

With a bang, Bai Fang's knife slid past Leng Tian.

This, this is incredible.

Just now everyone had seen Leng Tian being hit by Bai Fang's sword, and had already lost their intuition, but the change in Leng Tian at the next moment made everyone's eyes widen.

He actually recovered from Bai Fang's spiritual strike.

Not only that, but White Fang lost his hand.

what just happened?

Dashemaru's eyes burst out with incomparable eagerness at this moment, he didn't care how Leng Tian let Bai Fang's knife slip away, what he wanted to know most was how Leng Tian could resist Bai Fang's spiritual power.

Orochimaru licked his lips.

No one knew the power of Bai Fang's knife better than him. At the beginning he challenged Bai Fang, but before he could even use all his ninjutsu, he was interrupted by Bai Fang's knife.

This made Orochimaru work hard.

To this day, Orochimaru has never thought of how to fight against Bai Fang's knife, it can only be the spiritual breakthrough that Bai Fang said.

I didn't expect Hinata Lengtian to do it today.

Bai Fang stared blankly at Leng Tian, ​​and asked with some hesitation: "Could it be that you have also broken through to the seventh sense?"

To be able to resist this knife, in addition to being stronger than him and having a firm mind, there is another reason that the opponent has also reached the seventh sense.

Of course it is impossible to surpass Bai Fang with Leng Tian's strength, so there is only the second possibility.

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