From Leng Tian's appearance to killing these rock ninjas, it took only a short time, and even Naoki and the others didn't have time to make a sound.

"How is this going?"

Leng Tian looked at Shengshu with a serious face.

Do these three little guys know that they have caused a catastrophe? The movement just now may make Iwa Shinobi discover their intentions in advance and plan Mr. Shinnosuke's plan.

At this time, the three familiar children, no, it should be said that they will be famous in the ninja world in the future, entered Leng Tian's eyes.

Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan didn't expect to meet them here. According to the original plot, they should have met Jiraiya and the three of them, and finally became Jiraiya's disciples and were taught by him for three years.

Only now it seems to be saved by Rope Tree.

But now Leng Tian didn't have time to think about this, so he quickly transformed into several shadow clones, and each shadow clone quickly left here with two children.

He must disappear quickly before Iyanin Village finds out, otherwise the plan will be disrupted.

In fact, Leng Tian knew that the plan had been disrupted, but he just hoped that Yan Ren would find out later.

Although Leng Tian has dealt with it a bit, the high-level officials of Iwanin Village are not idiots, as long as they think about what happened here, they will become alert.

Now Leng Tian must find Shinnosuke as soon as possible and report the latest situation here to him, and let him make the decision. Thinking of this, Leng Tian found a secret place and hid the six people in Shengshu.

"Just stay here obediently and soon this place will become a big battlefield. I don't have time to take care of you. Follow my orders!"

Finally, he said coldly and seriously.

Leng Tian's strength not only made Sheng Shu nod obediently, but also frightened Nagato and the other three.

In their hearts, Leng Tian is almost a representative of invincibility.

In particular, Leng Tian's ability to come and go freely in Yan Nin's residence made them yearn for it.

Seeing their expressions, Shengshu quietly showed complacency.

"Do you want to be as powerful as our captain?"

"Of course!"

Yahiko spoke first.

"Hee hee, I am the captain's eldest disciple, you can worship me as your master..."

Hearing Naoki's words, Nagato and the three looked at each other, turned their heads at the same time, and stopped talking to Naoki.

"Hey, what's your expression at this moment, I'm the one who saved you, right?"

Hearing Shengshu's words, Xiaonan whispered, "Thank you!"

"Thank you, they are all our enemies. If you hadn't entered our Kingdom of Rain, such a thing would never have happened to us..."

Yahiko said with a look of hatred.

"Why are you so ignorant of good and evil? You must know that it was your country of rain that first attacked the country of Sichuan!"

Saori couldn't see it and said.

"Hmph, why is it your turn to intervene in the affairs of our own country? This battlefield was originally provoked by you Konoha. In the end, Iwanin and Konoha were the ones who fought, but it was our country of rain that suffered. Have you ever considered us? Is it?"

Yahiko said with a rebuttal face.

When the six rope trees were arguing with each other, Leng Tian finally found Shinnosuke to help them...

Chapter 98 Plan ahead (fourth update)

When Shinnosuke and Bai Fang saw Leng Tian, ​​they asked what happened.

Leng Tian said it outright.

"These brats are really not doing enough to make things worse!"

Only then did Leng Tian realize that Orochimaru was also here.

"Okay Orochimaru, things have already happened, and we cannot change them. What we have to do now is to plan ahead!"

"My side is ready, but Tsunade and Jiraiya still need an hour to get close to the second line of defense of Iwanin, Shinnosuke-sama, do you think?"

Hearing that Shinnosuke wanted to plan ahead, Orochimaru was startled, and immediately reported the movements of the teams to Shinnosuke.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Shinnosuke thought for a while and turned to Leng Tian and said: "Hurry up, now Leng Tian forms an elite team with us, remove some people, and we will penetrate to the back of Yan Ninja at the fastest speed, Orochimaru You go back and tell Jiraiya and others that seeing the three-colored lights in the sky is a signal to attack!"


Under the leadership of Leng Tian, ​​an elite team of only twenty or so sneaked into the rear of Yan Ninja at the fastest speed.

Shinnosuke ordered Leng Tian and the others to take a break, and then signaled to several subordinates, who then nodded and disappeared into the night.

Suddenly, three colors of red, yellow and green lights flashed in the sky.

The ninjas in Iwanin Village all looked at the sky curiously, and then countless detonating symbols suddenly flashed around them.

Konoha's ninja appeared in three directions at the same time.

"No, Konoha's ninjas have attacked our garrison!"

"Asshole, why didn't the patrolling personnel raise the alarm? What's going on?"

When Konoha started to attack from the front, the elite team led by Shinnosuke and Bai Fang also started to attack from the rear.

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