"If the predictions are correct, there should be a ninja no less than Kage-level in Iwanin who is inviting us to fight..."

Leng Tian and Minato were both surprised when they heard Bai Fang's conversation.

The shadow-level powerhouse actually came to the battlefield, who is it?

Bai Fang said to the team members behind him: "Now our mission has been completed, you quickly split up and go to the front line to have a round with Orochimaru and the others. Shinnosuke and I will accept the invitation from that mysterious strong man..."

At this moment, Leng Tian and Minato spoke at the same time: "Lord Bai Fang, let us go with you..."

Chapter 99 Mysterious Enemy (Fifth)

Hearing Leng Tian and Minato's request, Shinnosuke said subconsciously: "No, it's too dangerous for you to go!"

At this time, Bai Fang suddenly said to Shinnosuke: "Let them follow, no matter who the opponent is, if we two are going to die in battle, I believe the opponent will disdain to kill two brats, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them to improve their strength! "

Hearing Bai Fang's words, Shinnosuke nodded. Of course he understood what his friend meant. If they died in battle unfortunately, then Leng Tian and Minato would be the ones to inherit their will.

The four rushed over as fast as they could.

The road was unimpeded, and it seemed that the people in front had given orders to Yan Ren, and no Yan Ren appeared to stop them.

It seems that the visitor is very confident in his own strength.

This made several people look at each other and became more vigilant in their hearts.

Soon they saw someone coming.

There was only one person there, and there were no other Iwanin around.

But even so, the aura on him was like a thousand horses and horses, Bai Fang asked with some uncertainty: "Could it be that Your Excellency is Lord Tukage..."

Onogi turned around slowly, although his stature was shorter than the four of Leng Tian, ​​none of them would despise the person in front of him.

After seeing Onoki's face, Leng Tian no longer had any doubts.

Just why is he here?

The second ninja war is too little drawn in the original work, only the ambush plot of Hanzo at the end, and nothing else appears.

So when he saw Onoki appearing on the battlefield, or facing them directly, Leng Tian was shocked.

Will there be an accident in this war because of the appearance of this person?

"Hehe, it turned out to be Konoha's twin stars. I wonder who has such a great ability to do this behind Iwanin? Not bad, not bad..."

Onoki smiled lightly.

It's just that in the next moment, a large amount of earth element condensed in his hands.

With almost no seal, he waved towards Bai Fang and Shinnosuke.


The ground was rolled up.


Shinnosuke shouted loudly, and layers of earth walls rose in front of him.

Directly blocked Onoki's attack.

"Could it be that Tangtang Tuying only knows how to sneak attack?"

Before Shinnosuke finished speaking, Bai Fang had already appeared in front of Onogi, with the knife drawn in his hand.

But the next moment Onogi laughed, his figure became unreal, and there was actually only a shadow clone in front of him.

Bai Fang and Shinnosuke raised their heads suddenly, and Onogi was looking down at them leisurely in the air.

"The one who used ninjutsu just now was just an earth clone..."

This not only surprised Bai Fang and the others, but Leng Tian and Minato also looked at each other face to face.

Cold weather rolled his eyes immediately.

Suddenly Leng Tian's eyes widened a lot, and in his eyes, Onogi's main veins actually reached seven.

And there are more than [-] release points all over his body.

Is this the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse?

"Senior Onogi, aren't you worried about Yuno when you appear here?"

Shinnosuke said suddenly.

Facing the enemy depends not only on strength, but also on strategy.

Now Ohnoki's strength is obviously stronger than the four of them, and if he wants to win, he must first let the opponent show his flaws.

After the three generations of Raikage came to power, Yunin Village engaged in military activities, and the most threatened one is Iwanin Village.

Hearing Shinnosuke's words, Onogi didn't have the slightest flustered expression on his face, but said appreciatively:

"As expected of Sarutobi's son, you can be said to be comparable to me in the attainments of Tudun, maybe even your father is not as handy as you..."

"Master Tukage praised you, saying that you, Tudun, are the best in the entire ninja world, but why do you have to compete with Konoha this time?

This time, Konoha is just worried that Iwanin will take the opportunity to control the Land of Rain, if the two sides retreat now, we Konoha can also guarantee that we will never be stationed in the Land of Rain..."

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