He just wants to make both Konoha and Iwanin suffer, and let Urenin Village maintain its autonomy.

It's just that what he doesn't know is that even if it is Yan Shinobi or Konoha who has to swallow his bitter fruit, they will not calm down the Kingdom of Rain.

Especially the Rock Country... Later, the rebel army of Yahiko and others was actually supported by the Rock Country.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hanzo laughed a few times, looked at Sannin with admiration and said: "There are almost no people in the younger generation who can fight with me. You are worthy of my praise. The three of you will definitely fight for Ninja in the future." There is a name in the world, I now name you Konoha Sannin in my name, you have been recognized by me, and you are worthy of this title, but you..."

Speaking of this, Hanzo showed a sneer: "From now on, if you dare to step into the Land of Rain, I will kill you..."

"Is there a kill order?"

Leng Tian smiled lightly: "You are not the first person to give me such an order..."


Hearing the cold words, Hanzo showed curiosity and said, "I'm curious, who else?"

Leng Tian replied indifferently: "What I said earlier was Tsuchikage Ohnoki, and he also said the same thing to you..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Hanzo narrowed his eyes.

As the so-called hero sees the same thing, it seems that Onoki also sees the future of this kid and wants to kill him in the cradle.

"Hehe, kid, I'm not just talking about it, let me see how far you can go, and soon your name will be famous in the entire ninja world, but it's just that you were forced by two kage-class The person who issued the kill order, don't die too fast before the next..."

After saying this, Hanzo sent a signal into the sky, and the fighting ninjas of Amami Village retreated immediately after seeing this signal.

Hanzo also slowly disappeared under the eyes of Sannin and Leng Tian.

It wasn't until he was sure that Hanzo had disappeared under the power of his white eyes and Shunfeng ears, that Leng sat down without any image, and couldn't get up again.

He had exhausted himself to the limit in this battle, and it was not bad that he could even keep from fainting.

The three ninjas looked at each other, although they had no choice but to win the rain ninja today, but how many ninjas can be recognized by him in the ninja world, this honor is already the best reward for them.

Just looking at the cold sky in front of them, the three of Orochimaru felt a sense of admiration in their hearts at the same time.

Although Leng Tian was the weakest person in this battle, he did receive the same treatment from Hanzo.

If Hanzo sees them as rising stars, then he sees Leng Tian as an enemy, an enemy who really threatens him.

His sentence that as long as Leng Tian dares to appear in the country of rain, he must kill him, which has already made Leng Tian famous in the entire ninja world.

Just imagine how many people are there in today's Ninja world who can make two Kage-level powerhouses of Amami Ninja Village issue a kill order.

Perhaps this kid will become something we dare not even imagine in the future.

The three of them had a complicated thought in their hearts at the same time.

But Tsunade felt a little proud, this was her student after all.

"How about the cold weather, okay?"

Tsunade asked concerned.

"Teacher, I want to sleep for a while, Nasoki is hiding in the front line of Iwanin, the place is..."

In the end, Leng Tian couldn't hold on, under the seventh sense, his energy was exhausted too much, and he finally fell asleep.

This battle shocked the entire ninja world.

First of all, Konoha ambushed Iwanin Village, and Ohnoki suddenly came to the scene, and the second most incredible thing was that Onoki was injured.

Although Konoha Gemini's record has already attracted the attention of the entire ninja world, they still did not expect that they could actually hurt Ohnoki.

That is a shadow-level powerhouse of the five great ninja villages, not a shadow of a small village.

More importantly, after this battle, a strange name came out.

Tu Ying singled out one name, Hinata Lengtian, will kill him, as long as he dares to step into the country of rocks, he will never let him go.

If this still makes the whole ninja world guess, then the battle between Sannin and Hanzo will let everyone see the background of Konoha.

Three people who are not weaker than Konoha Gemini are gradually rising in the ninja world.

Being able to draw with Hanzo and get his recognition, especially Sannin's age, is enough to shock the outsiders.

Konoha is simply too scary, not only Konoha Baiga and Shinnosuke, but also a newcomer like Sannin who moved the ninja world.

Konoha deserves to be number one among the Five Great Ninja Villages.

But then a familiar name appeared in their eyes again.

The sun is cold.

A shadow-level strongman of Amami Village, who has formed an alliance with Konoha, personally issued a kill order.

"As long as Hyuga Lengtian appears in the Land of Rain, he will be killed!"

Obtaining the kill order from two Kage-level powerhouses is something that has never happened in the entire ninja world for many years.

People can't help but wonder who this Hinata Lengtian is and why he was ordered to be killed by two Kage-level powerhouses.

In an instant, all the information about Hyuga Lengtian began to be frantically collected in the underground world.

When they saw that Hyuga Lengtian was just a Chunin, everyone's brains froze again...

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