The diurnal difference comes before the cold weather.

Leng Tian was late on purpose today, and when he saw the day difference waiting for him at the appointed place, Leng Tian activated the second level of internal vision and entered the seventh sense.

After knowing that inner vision is the key to unlock the seventh sense, Leng Tian called it the seventh sense of inner vision.

In this state, as Bai Yan said, he can control the flow of all Qi and blood in his body, and observe himself from the perspective of a third party, so as to minimize the breath on his body.

After Leng Tian entered the seventh sense state, he slowly came to Rizai's side.

When he was beside Rizai, he lightly patted Afraid on his shoulder.

At this time, the day difference did not notice anyone behind him at all.

You must know that it is absolutely impossible for a ninja to show his back to the enemy.

Be careful even in the leaves.

Especially big families like Hinata are not allowed to relax their vigilance, so Leng Tian was able to get close to the day difference, exactly as Bai Fang said, because he eliminated the traces of his own life and kept the Qi and blood in his body intact. This state of peace has fallen to a critical point for human beings.


On the same day, he suddenly felt that someone slapped his back and made him startled. He immediately turned around, and he was relieved when he saw that it was cold.

Then, cold sweat poured down his body.

"I was scared to death just now, do you know? I've never let anyone get so close to me..."

After saying this, Rizai suddenly became surprised and pointed at Leng Tian.

Only then did he react and asked, "How did you get close to me just now..."

Leng Tian smiled slightly and didn't say much.

After all, what he has to do afterwards is very important, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

But Leng Tian also inquired about the Secret Pavilion sideways.

"It turns out that you were called to the Zong family that day. I know the secret pavilion you mentioned. It is the pavilion that stores the family secret books I told you at the beginning..."

"What's in that attic?"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Nisasa was surprised and said: "You will not forget this, it is the important place of our Hyuga clan, and there have been a lot of notes stored in it since our ancestor Hyuga Tennin...

For example, it records some improvements to Rouquan, and there are many ninja things. It is divided into six layers. I have entered the first three layers, and they are all combat experience notes stored by some family elders.

As for the fourth and fifth floors in the back, all the secret techniques used by the Hinata family, as well as some possible changes in our Blood Succession Boundary are all in it..."

"Is there a change in the blood succession limit?"

Hearing the words of the day difference, Leng Tian was suddenly startled.

Could there also be something about his eyes?

Maybe I really should check it out!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Dark night.

A figure quietly slipped out of Hyuga's house.

If it appeared in Konoha at such a late time, it is very likely that people from the police department or the Anbu will be targeted immediately.

But this is the territory of the Hyuga clan, and other Konoha ninjas will not be allowed to appear.

So there is no need to worry about Konoha's Anbu and the police department's ninjas in cold weather.

Soon Leng Tian escaped some family guards and came to the patriarch of the clan.

Looking at a pavilion there, Leng Tian's eyes burst into a gleam of light.

Although this is the territory of the Hyuga clan leader, the guards are not too tight. According to the observation and analysis during the day, Leng Tian occasionally has one or two guards patrolling back and forth. Presumably even they would not believe that anyone would dare to appear in the Hyuga family's territory.

However, it is precisely because of this that the disappearance of Hinata happened. Fortunately, it was finally discovered by Nichizuki, but Nichizuki's life was sent to him in vain.

But the pavilion is surprisingly well guarded.

This may also be a spy in Fangcun.

From here, the cold weather enters the state of the seventh sense.

The familiar feeling fell on me again, as if I had been stripped away.

In this state, Leng Tian himself is like a puppet, almost without any breath.

In this cold weather, I began to sneak into the secret pavilion carefully.

In the state of the seventh sense, Leng Tian felt that his mind was abnormally calm, everything around him could not escape his eyes, how to avoid, how to do he could find the most economical route at the first time.

And he could easily do the movements that he couldn't do before, and the silent Leng Tian had already escaped several layers of guards and came to the secret pavilion.

"50 seconds, 56 seconds, 57 seconds, 58... and now..."

Leng Tian suddenly hid in a dark corner when the two guards were handing over, and successfully entered the secret pavilion.

After entering the secret pavilion in cold weather.

He is more able to feel that there is something in it that attracts him.

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