What the old man said made Leng Tian even more confused.

There is a bird in a cage, obviously a child of a separated family.

It is the curse seal prepared by the clan to control the separation of the clan, why does the old man still call himself the clan?

Thinking of this, Leng Tian calmly said: "The curse seal of the bird in the cage is the curse seal that the clan gave us to separate the family. It is to control us and prevent the white eyes from being taken away by outsiders. This is also the seal of the separation..."

"Shameless, what nonsense, you actually called the Seal of Will of Otsutsuki Yu Village a bird in a cage, and the branch family is really a bunch of despicable villains!"

The old man said excitedly.

Hearing the old man's words, Leng Tian was greatly shocked, and there was even a hint of anticipation in his heart.

Could it be that the bird in the cage is not as simple as he imagined.

The old man calmed down and said: "Hyuga Tennin, the traitor, actually changed the will of the Hamura fairy clan. The seal of Hamura on the forehead of our clan is a miracle developed by Otsutsuki Hamura in order to break through and achieve a more perfect form." ...cough cough!"

"Old man, don't get too excited, what do you mean by this imprint? Why don't I understand at all?"

In fact, Leng Tian already had a trace of suspicion in his heart.

After all, when watching the theatrical version, Leng Tian always has doubts.

This is how it was introduced in Hyuga Clan Toneri and Moon Clan People about the Moon.

It is said that there was a disagreement between the main family and the branch family regarding the Ninja sect of the Sage of the Six Paths, and the branch family believed that the world must be destroyed.

So a rebellion was launched, the clan was destroyed, and a large number of white eyes evolved into turning eyes to destroy the world.

But Leng Tian has always had a very strange idea, that is, does the branch on the moon have the seal of the bird in a cage?

Since there should be some differences between being divided into the main family and the branch family, is it just the seal of the bird in a cage?

Leng Tian has been collecting information about it in order to crack the curse seal of the caged bird.

At first, Leng Tian thought that the curse seal of the bird in the cage was created by Hinata Tennin, but Leng Tian found in the family documents that it existed before Hinata Tennin.

Leng Tian wondered if this curse seal was created by Yu Cun.

Today he finally got the answer.

In fact, Leng Tian’s analysis has long been based.

If the sub-family on the moon also had the bird-in-a-cage curse mark, it would be impossible to destroy the clan.

After all, the curse seal on the forehead is the best tool for the clan to control the branch, and it should be destroyed if it is to be destroyed.

Instead, the clan on the moon was destroyed.

Now it seems that there is a big mystery in it, and it is very likely that the answer can be obtained from the mouth of this old man.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Our Hamura clan and your Hyuga clan are both descendants of Hamura. Later, we went to the moon to supervise the sealed Ten-Tails. Of course, we also sucked some Ten-Tails monster chakras from it. This is because our clan's special physique can only The Chakra that absorbs the Tailed Beast..."

"and many more!"

Leng Tian suddenly interrupted the old man, and said eagerly: "You mean we can also absorb Chakra?"

"Of course, child. Although our physique is limited by Baiyan's blood inheritance, we cannot use advanced ninjutsu and absorb chakra that usually wanders outside, but as long as Baiyan evolves once, we can absorb the chakra of the tailed beast."

The old man replied naturally, saying that here the old man suddenly remembered something and continued: "Your white eyes have actually evolved once. At the beginning, our ancestors went to the moon because they discovered the shortcoming of white eyes. After the seal, we need a family to go to the earth, so there is your Hyuga family..."

The old man's words caused earth-shaking changes in Leng Tian's heart.

These are all things that did not appear in the original book, should you believe them?

At the same time, Leng Tian had a hint of agreement in his heart, after all, he had also absorbed the sand blast chakra.

"Then how did you get destroyed by the division?"

Leng Tian asked anxiously.

This question is very important to Leng Tian, ​​because it can confirm a guess in his mind.


Hearing Leng Tian's words, the old man sighed heavily and said: "The ancestor Yumura believed too much that the offspring could follow his will. The seal of Yumura is a chance for the clan to break through, but it needs the help of the branch, and this curse seal As you said, once you have bad thoughts about the separation, then this is not a chance to break through but death..."

Speaking of this, the old man fell into memories: "Our chakras actually come from one person, that is, the ancestor of Hamura and the mother of Sage of the Six Paths. The Immortal inherited the Eye of Reincarnation from his mother. Although the two are equal in strength, our ancestor has always been behind his elder brother, the Immortal of the Six Paths.

Therefore, ancestor Yumura was not reconciled. He wanted to become the same perfect form as his mother. Ancestor Yumura always felt that he was incomplete form, so he created the seal of Hamura. Responsible for breaking through...

Every time it is activated, the disciples of our clan will feel extremely painful, but in fact, the curse seal is helping us form a new eye..."


Hearing this, Leng Tian was stunned and stunned. At the same time, he remembered the forms of Kaguya and Sage of the Six Paths in the comics. Both of them had one eye on their foreheads, the three-eyed family.

But only Yumura does not have that eye, so Yumura created this curse seal to form the third eye.

Thinking of this, Leng Tian suddenly thought of what the old man said before, after Hamura created this curse seal, he needed a family to go to the earth, what happened at this time...

"Why is there a Hyuga clan on the earth, why did Hamura let us come here?"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, the old man smiled slightly and said: "It seems that you have also discovered the key..."

"Master Hamura found that he couldn't complete this curse seal by himself after creating it. After all, the activation of this curse seal is very painful, and ordinary people can hardly bear it. Maybe it's because the pain stopped, so he needs another person to activate it..."

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