Even the cold weather is a surprise.

"Leng Tian, ​​now you issue orders on my behalf. My current situation cannot be known by others, and only you are the one I trust. And don't forget that you still have one ability that can be used to the extreme here..."

Hearing Bai Fang's words, Leng Tian blurted out, "Shun Feng Er!"


White Fang nodded.

Leng Tian also smiled, the environment here can indeed maximize his ability to listen to the wind compared to the Land of Rain.

So when Leng Tian agreed to Bai Fang, he immediately activated his Shunfeng ear, unexpectedly, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat from fright.

Chiyo had already led people to Bai Fang's place.

The opponent is not an ordinary Jonin, but like Bai Fang, he has penumbra-level strength, and Bai Fang's current situation can't fight at all.

Hearing the situation reported by Leng Tian, ​​everyone around fell into a panic, and some even immediately suggested that White Fang retreat.

"It's useless, it will be more exposed this way, Chiyo will not let go of such an opportunity..."

White Fang said calmly.

At this time, Leng Tian suddenly said with a serious face: "If Master Bai Fang believes in me, please do as I say..."

When Chiyo thought that the trick had succeeded, when he approached Bai Fang, he found that the lights around him suddenly turned on.

"Haha, Grandma Chiyo, I have been waiting here for you for a long time..."

"No, there is an ambush!"

Chiyo and Ebino were shocked at the same time, they didn't expect Konoha to be able to predict that they would sneak attack.

Looking at the torches rising all around, surrounded by no less than a hundred people, Chiyo quickly took out the scroll and released the puppet inside.

"Flee with me!"

Chiyo said immediately.

Just as Chiyo was retreating, dozens of Konoha ninjas releasing ninjutsu sounded behind him.

"Fire escape!"

"Wind escape!"

"Water escape!"

"The Art of Fireball!"


This made the sand ninja elite troops even more frightened, and those who fled became more panicked.

In fact, if they were careful, or even more courageous, they would find that the Konoha ninjas surrounding them in the dark were just shouting loudly.

Even if he releases ninjutsu, it is only a few fire escape techniques, and it is obviously a reminder to his companions around him.

When these fire escape techniques illuminate the surroundings, you will find that the hundreds of people just now are just a cover for the clone technique.

It turned out that this was an empty city plan sung by Leng Tian.

Chapter 23 Chiyo vs. Tsunade

When Chiyo led the sand ninja, he broke out of the encirclement very smoothly, only to realize that something was wrong.

If Konoha's ninjas had already arranged an ambush, how could they have escaped so easily?

Thinking of this, Chiyo and his younger brother looked at each other and said at the same time: "The people in Konoha have been fooled!"

The sand ninjas around were still puzzled when they heard what Chiyo said, and they are still rejoicing that they escaped from Konoha until now.

Chiyo's younger brother Ebizo thought more than his elder sister.

To be able to think of such an ingenious plan to frighten them off at such a dangerous moment was simply remarkable.

The man's reaction and stratagem were horrific.

"Could it be Konoha White Fang?"

Hearing what his younger brother said, Chiyo immediately said, "Impossible!"

Seeing his younger brother's puzzled expression, Chiyo said leisurely: "If it was him, it would be absolutely impossible to scare us in this way. Even if he was injured, he would choose to fight us instead of using this kind of trick..."

Before Chiyo came, he collected a lot of information about Konoha, especially Bai Fang was the most important.

So when Ebizo proposed it, Chiyo vetoed it.

"Who would that be? It can't be Shinnosuke, he's the commander of the Land of Rain?"

Ebino finally said the name of one person.

Chiyo shook her head, thinking that she had a thorough understanding of Konoha's news.

Unexpectedly, the first time he made a shot, he returned without success, and was scared away.

This is simply a great shame, but they hesitated to know who the person who offered advice hidden in the leaves was, so they dared not act rashly.

It's just that the two of them couldn't imagine that they could scare them away, but it was just a teenage Chunin.

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