Since Konoha burned the supplies of Sand Ninja, Sand Ninja's aura has plummeted.

Now that there is no supply, a dry sand ninja can't last long at all.

There is no other way but a decisive battle, but Chiyo and Ebizo cannot guarantee that they can defeat Bai Fang and the others in one fell swoop.

This time the troops were dispatched out of greed for the resources of the Land of Thunder, and Chiyo did not want to fight with Konoha unless it was a last resort.

After all, too much of the economy of the country of sand needs to be transported by the country of fire.

Thinking of this, Chiyo could only report the situation to Sandai Kazekage overnight, waiting for his decision.

On Konoha's side, they finally got a respite and temporarily ceased fighting with Sand Ninja.

The contest between the land of sand and the land of fire suddenly quieted down.

But everyone understands that as long as there is an order from the top, it is very likely that the situation will become more intense than before.

During this period, a person whom Leng Tian was familiar with came to the front again and appeared in front of Leng Tian.

"Teacher Sai, why are you here?"

Leng Tian looked at the teacher in front of him whom he hadn't seen for a long time, keeping a vigilant distance.

And Saii didn't care about Leng Tian's performance at all, but instead showed admiration.

"Yes, keep a fighting distance at all times. You are very good. In your class, although there are more children from the Uchiha clan, you and Minato are the only ones I like the most. Among them, you are the one I admire the most... ..."

Speaking of this, Sai rarely showed any other expression, and said expectantly: "How is it? Is Leng Tian interested in going to the root with me? Only when you reach the root can you be the real guardian of Konoha, and only when you reach the root can you achieve it." Your chance to change your destiny."

Seeing that Leng Tian was unmoved at all, Sai patiently explained the strength of Gen.

"We are not an organization like Konoha at all. He is the ace unit under Danzo-sama. We not only study ninjutsu and forbidden techniques, but also study the limit of blood succession, even the curse mark on your head Within the scope of our research, only Laigen can further realize your original ideal..."

Hearing Teacher Sai's words, Leng Tian smiled.

I didn't expect him to be recruited by Danzo.

But in the original book, he knows the nature of Danzo and Gen very well!

"I'm sorry Mr. Sai, I have a different philosophy from Gen, and I refuse to join!"

Without any hesitation, Leng Tian directly told Sai his decision...

Chapter 28 Manpower Pillar Appears

"Oh, really?"

Saii was a little surprised that Leng Tian answered so resolutely, without even thinking about it at all.

"It seems that you don't think about it at all!"

Saying this, Saii showed a murderous look in his eyes.

Staring at Leng Tian, ​​he said, "Master Danzo values ​​his subordinates very much, but he is also very unfriendly to those who reject him, even if this person is Konoha's ninja, if we feel that he threatens Konoha, There is a way to make him disappear..."

"Mr. Saii, you've said this too much. What do you mean by threatening Konoha? If you don't join the root, you are not loyal to Konoha? I think it's because you are eliminating dissidents!"

Leng Tian smiled coldly, telling Danzo's insidiousness straight away.

Hearing that Leng Tian dared to question Danzo, Saii's face became even colder, and he even reached out to the ninja equipment behind him.

Seeing Sai's actions, Leng Tian didn't care at all and continued to say: "In Konoha, the real shadow is the third generation of adults sitting in the seat of Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzani, not the Danzo-sama you mentioned, Konoha is still It’s up to him to have the final say, even if he’s driving in the shadow position..."

Speaking of this, Leng Tian also exuded an aura no less than that of Sai, and had already made an attacking posture of a soft fist.

If Sai hadn't taken it to heart when Leng Tian refused before, then seeing the chakra released from Leng Tian's body now, he was horrified.

In terms of Chakra alone, Leng Tian is on par with him.

With this comparison in mind, Sai gave up the idea of ​​bringing Leng Tian back by force.

"Well, let's wait and see..."

Saii was extremely surprised by the rapid increase in Leng Tian's strength, and at the same time understood that Leng Tian was not someone who could be fooled casually before.

Thinking of this, Sai ended the conversation and slowly disappeared into the darkness...

At this moment, a knife light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and Sai turned pale with shock.

Two different voices sounded at the same time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There were several sounds of weapons being exchanged in the darkness.

Then it was quiet again.

White Fang's figure slowly appeared, staring at Sai opposite and said, "What are you doing here?"

"Long time no see White Fang!"

Sai didn't answer, but just greeted with a smile.

"Hmph! It seems that you have learned a lot of ninjutsu from Danzo..."

White Fang looked at the cut on the sleeve and said.

"Aren't you the same? I also learned a lot from that adult."

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