Both of them were very depressed, they were held accountable by the elders, and they were also deprived of their positions. Now their status has plummeted, and even the great name of the Kingdom of Thunder will punish them severely.

so.Seeing them appear in the tavern, there was a complete silence. In the past few days, facing the pointing voices around them, both of them showed annoyance, but they could only order more wine.

The appearance of the target made Leng Tian look a little bit happy, and then he waited for them to go to a relatively hidden place before they could act.

After leaving Konoha in the cold weather, in Gen's headquarters, Danzo sat there with a gloomy face.

"What, the cold weather is gone?"

Danzo asked coldly.

"When did he leave? You didn't realize it at all. Is this still a root? Is this still an all-pervasive root?"

Danzo seemed to have suffered a great humiliation, and yelled at his subordinates.

"Master Danzo, our actions have been monitored by the Anbu these days, and they seem to have made some obstacles to our actions..."

Said Said carefully.

Hearing Sai's words, Danzo was taken aback for a moment, and then a fierce look appeared in his eyes.


Danzo knew that this was because of the previous incident with the tree, which caused a rift between him and Sarutobi, and forcing his apprentice away by himself made him restrict himself and his roots.

"Hmph, since Sarutobi is like this, don't blame me for not being sympathetic..."

Thinking of this, Danzo said to Sai: "You immediately send an elite team to deal with the cold weather..."

"Coping with the cold weather?"

When Sai heard Danzo's words, he seemed a little dazed, and didn't understand what it meant.

After a while, Sai said softly, "Master Danzo, do you mean to ambush him on the way?"

Danzo showed a profound smile: "No, I definitely didn't mean to destroy the mission of Lengtian, and I believe that the three generations will definitely stare at us secretly, just because they are afraid that we will inform Yunnin Village or destroy the mission of Lengtian , I just want to help Leng Tian this time, issue tasks to the traitor in Yunren Village, and help Leng Tian escape from Yunyin Village no matter what..."

Hearing Danzo's words, Sai showed even more surprise.

"Master Danzo, are you so confident that Leng Tian can take back the Sword of Thor?"

Danzo said with a regretful face: "I learned about this kid from Anbu's files. He has a very powerful concealment technique. He can hide even a shadow-level powerhouse, so he sneaked into Yunnin Village and took back the Thunder God sword. It shouldn't be difficult for him..."

"so smart?"

Sai Sai was surprised when he heard Danzo's evaluation of Leng Tian.

"It's just one thing I didn't tell them, that is, although Lei Shen's sword is in Lei's second hand, once the Thor sword leaves his side, a vision will appear!"


Sai showed curiosity.

"Yes, the Thunder God Sword can release the power of thunder and lightning, and it is even more powerful in the hands of the second generation of Hokage, and if a person without the power of Thunder Escape holds the Thunder God Sword, it will cause the vision of the Thunder God Sword, At that time, it will resonate with the thunder and lightning of the Land of Thunder, and the sword light of the Thunder God's Sword will illuminate the entire area. In cold weather, no matter how powerful the concealment technique is, it will be discovered..."

"How could this be?"

Sai was taken aback, so as long as Lei Er was out of the range of Yunnin Village, almost no one could snatch it back.

"This is the reaction of Yunin Village who deliberately suppressed Thor's sword with a box.

Originally, Thor's sword would only glow slightly, but when he was taken out of the box, it would instantly display a more powerful sword light.

One of these is to hide the characteristics of Thor's sword, so that we Konoha people can't find it.

The second is that it can display the more powerful power of Thor's Sword, and the third is that it can prevent others from stealing it, and warn in advance! "

Hearing about Danzo, Sai finally understood why he had to send someone to meet him. As long as the box is opened in cold weather, it will definitely lead to visions.

"However, there are white eyes in cold weather, as long as you don't open the box?"

Saii reminded him a little carefully.

"Hmph, not everything in this world can let Baiyan see through, just like here, there is a layer of enchantment, Baiyan can't see through at all, there is also a small enchantment on that box, if Leng Tian wants to confirm the completion of the task and No, it must be opened..."

Hearing Danzo's words, Saii was even more confused. Did Danzo really help Leng Tian by asking him to meet Leng Tian?

Seeing Sai's puzzled face, Danzo smiled and said in a low voice: "As long as the Sword of Thunder God comes back, I won't let anyone else show up. You understand this time, right?"

Hearing Danzo's words, Sai's expression tightened. What Danzo meant was that as long as the Thunder God sword returned to Konoha, and it was in his hands, as for the cold weather, he wouldn't come back. It's robbery...

"My subordinate understands..."

Sai replied in a low voice, and disappeared in front of Danzo.


Danzo looked at the empty hall and murmured, "Who told you that you can't be used by me..."

Hundredth Chapter 17 Deus Cloud Ninja Village

Danzang was going to meet Leng Tian halfway, and when he robbed and killed him, Leng Tian was already ready to do it.

Ever since seeing the target, Leng Tian has already entered the state of the seventh sense. In this state similar to the breath holding technique, Leng Tian's breathing is almost very weak, and the blood flow in the body is extremely slow, even close to the state of stop .

Just like that, Leng Tian hid in a dark corner, ready to attack Lei Er and Song who would come out later.

For this task, Leng Tian is bound to win. This is not only an opportunity for Leng Tian to enter Anbu, but also his first step to temporarily escape the control of the clan.

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