But then Leng Tian was surprised to find that he couldn't see the contents of the box, as if there was a layer of protection outside the box.

Just as Danzo expected, when Leng Tian found out that the contents of the box could not be observed with superficial eyes, everyone wanted to confirm, but what Danzou expected was that Leng Tian did not open it on the spot, but took He picked up the box and planned to leave.

After Leng Tian entered the seventh sense, he had an unusually keen sense of danger. When he wanted to open the box to verify whether the item in the box was the Sword of Thor, a voice suddenly appeared in his heart, telling him that if he opened it here If so, it will be very dangerous.

Leng Tian believed in this intuition very much, turned around and left on the spot, just when Leng Tian thought that no one should find him leaving the village, suddenly a loud shout came from a distance.

"Who! How dare you use abnormal means to leave the village at this time?"

Hearing the shouting in the distance, Leng Tian disappeared into the night with a teleportation technique, but he was locked on by the perception ninja of Yunnin Village, and led a team to catch up from behind.

It turns out that since Raikage's sacrifice, Yunin Village has already loosened the outside and tightened the inside, and opened the enchantment.

There is nothing during the day, but once it is night, you must hold a token to leave the village from a specific location. Once you go out from other places, you will immediately touch the enchantment and be discovered by the perception ninja of Yunnin Village.

After Leng Tian arrived outside Yunyin Village, his figure could no longer hide and was exposed to the sight of the ninjas of Yunnin Village.

All the ninjas of Yunyin Village looked at the figure in front of them with anger in their eyes.

Looking at the speed of the other party, he knew that it was definitely a ninja, and at this time, leaving the village through abnormal means must be a spy sent by another ninja village.

At this sensitive time, anyone who dares to provoke Yun Ren, no matter who the other party is, will be chased and killed by Yun Ren.

"Absolutely don't let him run away..."

Chapter 48 Eyes in the Darkness

For this matter that might be discovered, Leng Tian had already expected it in his heart, so he had already made a record.

He didn't run towards the emergency contact point. After all, there were too many Yun Nin chasing soldiers behind him, and it was not a temporary thing to get rid of them.

Leng Tian ran towards the battlefield in his mind, where there was a mountain forest, where he could maximize his hidden advantages, especially the seventh sense...

In the dense forest, Yun Ren was carefully searching for the target, and beside them, there was a pair of eyes watching them.

Yun Nin didn't believe that Leng Tian could run away, and as long as he showed up, no matter how powerful he was, he would be able to defeat a few of his companions, but he would still be caught in Yun Nin's reinforcements. They had this confidence.

"Three hundred and sixty-one palms of soft fist and eight trigrams!"

The three cloud ninjas who were alone were suddenly taken aback by the voice behind them. Did the enemy come so close?

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The Ya acupoints were tapped by Leng Tian before the few people had time to send out the signal for help.

After finding that they couldn't make a sound for a while, several people wanted to disperse quickly, but the reason why Leng Tian didn't use the sneak attack method to kill one person first was that he had completely grasped all the reactions of the other party under his seventh sense.

Especially under the seventh sense, Leng Tian discovered that the Rouquan Bagua itself is a field.

In this field, it is possible to block all the enemy's moves first. At first, Leng Tian thought that this was a single move, but in the process of getting familiar with it, Leng Tian realized that he was completely wrong.

It's like the unique skill in martial arts novels, you can't say that it can only be used against a single person, and it won't be used when it encounters multiple people.

It is true that the Eight Diagrams Soft Fist is the most powerful for single use, but all the moves and reactions of the enemies in this Eight Diagrams field are also within the control of three hundred and sixty-one palms.

Otherwise, what is the purpose of Bai Yan's [-]-degree body? Hinata Tennin developed this set of martial arts in order to exert the greatest power of soft fist, and at the same time, it includes targeting multiple people.

In the meantime, Leng Tian's hands kept waving, as if he had three heads and six arms.

The cloud ninja trio seemed to be frozen, or stuck in a swamp, unable to take a step, surrounded by Leng Tian's soft fists.

When the cold weather ended, Sannin still maintained the same movements just now, but his whole body was already extremely stiff.

At this time, Leng Tian lightly tapped each other's foreheads, and a little light flew out from their foreheads.

It fell into Leng Tian's forehead, which brought new changes to Leng Tian's caged bird print, and Leng Tian felt a burst of comfort coming from his forehead.

The secret of developing the third eye, Hyuga Tennin himself was to conceal the ninja world, so he taught the three hundred and sixty-one palms and the caged bird curse seal separately.

Because the risk of developing the third eye is too high, the main family must master the core, and the branch family is responsible for breakthroughs.

This is fundamentally different from the family on the moon with the seal of the caged bird curse. Hyuga Tennin made changes in consideration of the situation in the ninja world at that time.

At that time, the excuse was to protect Baiyan's secret, but unexpectedly, he also deceived the Hyuga clan.

In the end, this set of three hundred and sixty-one soft fists from the Zong family was never handed over to the branch family.

Naturally, the Fen family couldn't discover this secret, and the Zong family naturally couldn't plant the caged bird curse mark on their foreheads, and naturally they couldn't know the secret that Hinata Tennin left them.

Until now, Hyuga Lengtian, as a branch family, and got the truth from the Moon Sect, was able to regain Hyugaten's original wish.

"Where is he!"

There were shouts one after another in the dense forest, but whenever Yun Nin arrived, he found his companion standing there stiffly, no longer breathing.

"There's someone there!"

"The sound of ninjutsu fighting in the east..."

Every time Yunin rushed over, they found that they were one step late, and before they knew it, they had reduced more than fifty ninjas, which surprised the remaining ninjas.

"I... let's run away..."

Just when a cloud ninja was about to retreat, a gloomy voice sounded behind him: "You are saying this again..."

Chapter 49 Two Tails

Hearing the voice behind him, the ninja turned around tremblingly, looked at the person behind him, and said carefully: "Master Ueki, listen to me..."

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