This reminded him of Nagato and the others. Could it be that Shengshu and them were still together when they met?

Thinking of this, Leng Tian suddenly felt a little excited, maybe he could find the rope tree, but when he thought about the tree between the pillars, Leng Tian didn't know how to get the rope tree back.

Even if Zhishu came back, facing Danzo who treated his family like this, would he let Danzo go, and would Danzo let him go?

"Cold weather... cold weather..."

At this moment, Minato interrupted Leng Tian's thinking.


Seeing Leng Tian's absent-minded expression, Minato asked again in doubt: "Did you think of something?"

Leng Tian didn't tell Minato his guess, but asked again: "Do you have any more news, or where is the last news from Shengshu?"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato said word by word with a heavy expression: "The last news we know is that he appeared in a mysterious organization..."

"Mysterious organization?"

Leng Tian was taken aback for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his guess.

Until Minato personally confirmed.

"Yes, that organization is called Xiao Organization..."

Naruto Office.

The third generation is also listening to Jiraiya's report.

"Xiao Organization?"

"Yes, old man, this is the last news I got about Zhishu. This organization is a mercenary organization that does everything for money. The people in it are very powerful, and this organization originally came from the Kingdom of Water. It spread..."

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Sandai asked aloud, "You mean Mist Ninja Village?"

Zilai also nodded.

"I have also inquired for a long time, but the source of the news is still not very accurate. The first version is that the leader of the Akatsuki organization is Mizukage..."

Hearing Jiraiya's answer, Hokage didn't say much.

If it is the shadow of other ninja villages, the third generation will naturally not believe it. After all, ninja village itself is engaged in this industry, but after the closure of Wunin village, it has its own way of doing things, maybe it is an independent department of them.

"The second version is that the leader of the Akatsuki organization was established by Mizukage's younger brother, but no matter which one is connected with the senior management of Wunin Village, what's more, they recruit all the rebellious ninjas from various ninja villages. This is also my I feel that the reason why Wunin Village is hiding people's ears is that people like Naoki are naturally the ones they recruit..."


Sandai Hokage nodded, and he also felt that what Jiraiya said made sense.

"But three generations, what I'm telling you today is not this news. In addition to Shengshu, there is also news about a traitorous ninja, which is the reason why I came back in a hurry..."

"what news?"

Three generations asked.

"Do you know the Red Sand Scorpion?"

Jiraiya also saw the reaction of the third generation, and knew that the old man didn't know much, and began to say: "This is the new S-level rebellious ninja of the sand ninja. I don't know what he did, but he did let the whole Sand Shinobi started chasing him, and he escaped, and now he has joined the Akatsuki organization, and it is reported that with the help of the Akatsuki organization, he seems to be going back to take revenge..."

"what do you mean?"

The Third Hokage showed a thoughtful expression.

"It's very simple, what I mean is to take the opportunity, let's see if Konoha has a chance to deal a heavy blow to Sand Ninja..."

"Is the news accurate?"

"This is because I can't go deep into Sand Ninja, so I can only rush back and report it to you..."

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Sandai fell into deep thought.

Soon Sandai's eyes began to sharpen.

In the past few years, both sides have been testing each other for threats to Sand Ninja Village. If there is a chance to restrain each other, I believe they will be merciless.

Soon Leng Tian was summoned by Hokage.

In fact, on the road, I already know something about the cold weather.

But to be honest, Leng Tian still had some shocks in his heart at this time.

It wasn't because Naoki joined the Akatsuki organization.

It's that the Xiao organization appeared too early and Leng Tian didn't understand it well.

According to the understanding in the original book, the founder of Akatsuki was Yahiko. After Yahiko died, Nagato took over the Akatsuki organization.

The Akatsuki organization was actually founded by Uchiha Madara at the instigation of Yahiko, and Madara is the actual mastermind behind the scenes.

The person who controls the six Penns is Nagato, the apprentice of Jiraiya.

And everything is Madara's plan, the plan before resurrecting him, and of course the plan before the class again. The first step is to gather a lot of money to prepare for the future. The second step is to establish a mercenary organization that does not belong to any country and provoke some Small wars, first monopolize small countries at low prices, and small ninja village war commissions, then release tailed beasts to increase the scale of wars, then break the ninja power system, destroy the economic system, and monopolize all wars.

The ultimate goal of the third step is to summon the king of the underworld, which is actually to resurrect the ten tails.

But all this cold weather cannot be explained to Jiraiya and Sandai, especially now that the Akatsuki organization has appeared in advance, and its leader is obviously from Wunin Village.

Leng Tian didn't know if it was his own fault that made Madara's plan change, or if there was something hidden here that he didn't know about.

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