Shinnosuke was shocked.

"Earth escape! The wall of earth flow!"

Without even thinking about it, Shinnosuke used the earth escape technique again, but he didn't expect that this time the earth escape wall was directly smashed by Kazekage's punch.

"how is this possible?"

Shinnosuke didn't expect his ninjutsu to be broken so easily.

"Hmph! The wind and sand around here have already melted into my iron sand. I don't use any ninjutsu, but I use earth escape. It's just courting death!"

After hearing Kazekage's words, Shinnosuke understood the reason.

Just like Fengying said that the sand around here is covered with his magnetic escape sand, his own earth escape can barely exert [-]% of its power, but only [-]% of it.

Thinking of this, Shinnosuke immediately yelled at Bai Fang behind him: "Go, leave me alone..."

Seeing Bai Fang showing hesitation, Shinnosuke yelled: "Let's go, the task is important, I will stop Kazekage here, you guys run away quickly with the Tsuruga manpower pillar, so that we can win this war without fighting... "

Hearing Shinnosuke's words, Bai Fang understood that Shinnosuke's words were reasonable, but how could he bear to let his companion face Kazekage alone.

At this time, Kazekage stuck in front of Shinnosuke again.

The Wind Dungeon chakra mode is different from Thunder Dungeon and Bamen Dunjia, the highest improvement he has is the speed towards the user.

It can be said that even the blinking technique cannot escape the pursuit of the wind escape chakra mode.

"Magnetic Escape! Great Burial in Sands"

Kazekage used a move called Magnetic Dungeon, and his golden sand had already surrounded Shinnosuke's entire body.


Under this move, even the Tailed Beast would surrender, let alone Shinnosuke.

Seeing that Shinnosuke was defeated and captured, Bai Fang immediately came to rescue him.

"Don't move, otherwise, be careful of your companion's life..."

Kazekage said, pointing to Shinnosuke behind him.

Shinnosuke was defeated this time because his ninjutsu was restrained by Kazekage everywhere, otherwise, he would not have lost so quickly.

Although Kazekage caught Shinnosuke, he didn't kill him, he just wanted to exchange Shinnosuke for the human pillar.

"Give me our human pillar, and I'll return your companion to you, otherwise, you'll just wait to collect the corpse..."

Fengying said coldly.

"No, no..."

Hearing Kazekage's words, Shinnosuke showed surprise, and quickly signaled Bai Fang to leave him alone.

Seeing the solemn expression on Bai Fang's face, Feng Ying smiled: "This is the son of your Hokage, do you really want to ignore it?"

If it was someone else, Fengying would have killed him a long time ago, but this is the son of the third generation, so he is sure that Bai Fang will hand it over.

After all, his current wind escape mode consumes too much chakra, and if he wants to talk to Bai Fang, even Kazekage is not fully sure.

What's more, there is still Xiao in the village watching from behind, so he has to be careful.

It's just that Shinnosuke would not let his friend do such a thing at all, otherwise, the friend would bear a huge stigma, and a manpower pillar that could have decided a war would be returned just because he saved himself, and the price would be too high.

Konoha's other ninjas finally rushed over at this time, wanting to take the manpower column from Bai Fang's hands, but they didn't expect that Bai Fang didn't hand it over to them, but looked at Kazekage. Firmly said: "Okay, I promise you!"

Thanks to the book friends starting with id160 for voting monthly.

Chapter 59 Kazekage Missing

"No, absolutely not!"

When Shinnosuke heard what Bai Fang said, he immediately stopped him.

He absolutely didn't want Bai Fang to let him live in this way, which not only meant the shame of mission failure, but also meant that Bai Fang would definitely be held accountable by the village.

In the past few years, because of the growing reputation of himself and Bai Fang, the Uchiha clan and other Uchiha allies have become more and more afraid of the two of them.

How Shinnosuke didn't understand, they were afraid that the position of Hokage would fall into their own hands.

In fact, the fourth Hokage is either he or White Fang.

No matter who becomes the fourth Hokage, the other person will become the leader of Anbu.

Especially White Fang, if he becomes Hokage, he is a well-deserved shadow.

So Danzo, who is at odds with his father, has been making trouble for Bai Fang.

He can't bring such a big crisis to his friends.

It's just that Shinnosuke was so considerate of Bai Ya, so Bai Fang couldn't let Shinnosuke go.

He absolutely can't do anything to watch his best friend die in front of him.

"I promise you, exchange it!"

Hearing what Bai Fang said, Kazekage smiled.

And the ninja beside White Fang had admiration, anger and contempt on their faces.

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