Others may not know the horror and mystery of Minato's move.

But Leng Tian is different, and with white eyes, he can see at [-] degrees, now Leng Tian has overcome that weakness.

In fact, these years of cold weather have continuously unsealed the mark on the forehead, and the white eyes have no blind spots.

Minato has more and more ninjutsu, and the use of teleportation and doubles has become more and more reasonable, but all of this is useless.

Leng Tian calmly avoids Minato's Kunai directions, for these Kunai are Minato's well-prepared directions.

Minato was also taken aback, he didn't expect Leng Tian to be so amazing, he discovered his secret just after seeing his Lei Feishen technique once.

Seeing Minato's surprised look, Leng Tian smiled and said: "What's so surprising about this, don't forget that when I perfected the technique of Flying Thunder God, I can give you advice..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato woke up with a start, but even so he didn't believe that Leng Tian could know all the trump cards of his Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Yes, but you can't avoid my positioning forever..."

Speaking of this, Minato showed even more confidence.

"My best skill is Kunai, have you forgotten?"

After Minato finished speaking, another instant body spell disappeared.

"Blind eyes! Shunfeng ears!"

At this moment, Leng Tian's six senses have become very sharp, and it can be said that no movement around him can escape his senses.


Almost as soon as Minato appeared, Leng Tian had discovered his location.


Minato was surprised when he saw Leng Tian who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Caught by me..."

Leng Tian showed a confident smile.

"Soft Fist Gossip!"

In the current cold weather, there is no need to touch Minato, just a light touch of a finger, and the force will be released on Minato to seal off the chakra in his body.


Minato smiled at this moment.

Seeing the smile on Minato's face, Leng Tian was puzzled for a while, and then Leng Tian felt something was wrong, and he couldn't feel the veins in his body at all when he touched Minato.


At this time, the water gate suddenly disappeared from Leng Tian's eyes.

"How could I not consider your white eyes..."

At this time, the sound of the water gate came from behind Leng Tian.

Leng Tian was startled, he didn't expect Minato to confuse himself with the shadow clone technique.

As expected of a disciple valued by Jiraiya, his use of simple ninjutsu has reached the point of perfection.

Leng Tian didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately activated Wujieyinninjutsu, and left the range with a blink of an eye, but then he felt his trousers being slapped by Minato.

If it's someone else, I'm afraid they won't care at all.

But Leng Tian didn't dare to be careless, he knew that Minato could not only set space coordinates in Kunai, but also on the opponent.

When I first read the comics, Obito was so powerful, and the fourth generation entered his back, because the fourth generation set up space coordinates on each of them in order to protect his disciples.

And once successful, the spatial coordinates are not eliminated at all.

"Seventh Sense Space!"

Leng Tian immediately entered the seventh sense, after Leng Tian's own exploration, only when he entered the seventh sense, Leng Tian can maximize the ability of internal vision.

Things that cannot be observed even with a microscope are invisible under the cold weather.

This is the microcosm named after the cold weather.

At this moment, it is as if Leng Tian's whole body is dissected (planed) by a pair of eyes, and all the conditions of Leng Tian's body are displayed under these eyes.

Suddenly Leng Tian found a strange chakra attached to his body surface.

"This is the imprint of space..."

Leng Tian was furious, he didn't expect Minato to plant space coordinates on his body.

The Chakra in the body passed there instantly, surrounded the space coordinates of Minato, and immediately eliminated the Chakra that did not belong to him.

This is the power of the microcosm. Leng Tian used this method to directly refresh himself from the master of illusion in Shengshu.

Ever since possessing this ability, Leng Tian even has to know the illusion masters of the Uchiha clan, especially for last month's reading, Leng Tian wants to try if he can untie it.

In the microscopic world, although the outside world is only a moment, it seems to have passed for a long time here. In fact, Leng Tian has doubted countless times whether this is the same as Yuedu, but this state can only affect himself.

In the outside world, Minato still doesn't know what happened to Leng Tian, ​​and just thinks that he has successfully planted space-time coordinates on Leng Tian, ​​and now he is sure to win.

Then when Minato sensed the space coordinates, his face changed drastically, he couldn't feel the space coordinates on Leng Tian's body.

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