He was really curious about how they learned the instant body jutsu. This is an advanced ninjutsu. Looking at these three children, they should be Konoha's sub-ninjutsu.

More importantly, how did they find this place? Could it be that Konoha has noticed them?

After distanced himself from the enemy in front of him, Kakashi stared at the person in front of him solemnly.

"So strong, so terrifying, this is no ordinary ninja!"

With this judgment in mind, he saw that the other party did not hide the ninja mark on his forehead at all.

Kakashi screamed: "You guys are Kirin. Could it be that you planned to rob the merchant's goods?"

"Haha, I'm not stupid, but my uncle also has many people who want to ask you..."

This Wunin was carrying the big sword behind him, showing a cruel smile. In his opinion, the three Konoha ninjas in front of him were like three little mice...

The three of Kakashi were aware of this unfavorable situation, but it was a pity that Teacher Leng Tian did not appear at this time.

For them, the crisis is even greater.

But at this time, the bandits seemed to have noticed something unusual, and they all moved here to come up.

Seeing the bandit chasing after hearing the change, Kirinin in front of him showed a disdainful smile.

"It seems that your Konoha teachings really failed, even the bandits have discovered you..."

Hearing the ridicule of Kiriginin in front of him, Kakashi also smiled: "Really!"

Seeing the calm expression on Kakashi's face, Kirinin felt a little puzzled. At this moment, Kakashi suddenly formed a mudra with his hands, and at the same time, Obito shot dozens of kunai at Kirinin with a tacit understanding.

"Qianqi, the little ghost is a little ghost, so he will use some kunai!"

Misty Ninja dodged easily.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered something was wrong, Ku Wushang actually had a detonating talisman.

"No, these brats are actually so rich!"

Mist Ninja used a blink technique to avoid the explosion range of the detonating talisman, and during this time, Kakashi had already completed the seal and detonated the detonating talisman array that had been ambushed in advance.

"Boom! Boom!"

Including the bandits who came here are all within the explosion range of the detonating talisman.

"Is that guy dead?"

Obito asked in a condensed voice, the main target of him and Kakashi just now was this Mist Ninja.

"I do not know either……"

In front of them were the corpses of the bandits. Kakashi did not see the corpses of Kirinin. He formed a triangular formation with Obito and Rin, watching all directions.

At this moment, a thick fog suddenly rose in front of them...

At this time, the voice of Mist Ninja appeared again...

"I really underestimated you. It seems that you are not ordinary ninjas, but geniuses among Konoha's ninjas. Very well, killing a genius like you can make Konoha feel bad..."

"Be careful, this is the fog concealment technique!"

As the best student, Lin immediately analyzed the ninjutsu used by the opponent.

"Hee hee, the little girl responded well, but unfortunately, under my dense fog, you can't see anything, you can't tell where I am at all, so you can only obediently be killed by me..."

Mist ninja seems to have great confidence in using this ninjutsu.

Hearing the confident expression in Mistnin's words, Rin quietly whispered to Kakashi and Obito: "Listen to my prompt..."

Hearing Lin's words, Obito was taken aback for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Lin, can you do anything?"

"Listen to the wind to identify the position?"

Kakashi reacted immediately.

At this time, the corner of Kirin's mouth showed cruel eyes, and he was quietly approaching the three of Lin.

"Hee hee, it happened to be killed by a big knife!"

Kirito Ninja appeared in front of Obito, and the big sword was already silently waving. He was confident that these little ghosts of Konoha would never be able to escape his attack.

At this moment, Lin suddenly said: "Obito! He is on your side, bow your head!"

At the same time, Lin turned and shot Kunai, which surprised the ninjas of Mist Ninja, how they found her figure.

Before he had time to think, he immediately blocked Lin's attack with the blade after he swung the air.

Just when he was about to disappear into the fog again, Lin called out his location again.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Obito's fire escape technique rushed directly to Mist Ninja who was hiding in the thick fog.

"Here, how did these boys find me!"

Kirito had to dodge again, and at this moment, a glint of sword flashed in his eyes...



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