Seeing that the opponent can always see through his own figure, he simply uses ninjutsu to fight.

"I don't believe it, I can't take down you little brats!"

Dashi said angrily.

On the contrary, the three Kakashi standing in front of him were not nervous at all, only confident.

This expression made Dashi even more annoyed.

"Attack him three times. His next move is to attack Lin. In fact, the real target is you, Kakashi. Be careful!"

At this time, the teacher's voice sounded again in the minds of the three of Kakashi.

From just now, it was Leng Tian who taught Kakashi and the others.

Hearing the teacher's voice and the teacher's help from time to time, the three of Kakashi did not panic at all.

On the contrary, I think this is an excellent opportunity.

For Iwanin or the art of earth escape, if there is anyone in Konoha who knows best, it is Leng Tian.

I have been with Shinnosuke all the time, and I have experienced the World War II and the Onoki World War I. Who else knows more about rock ninja and earth ninjutsu than Leng Tian.

In addition, under Bai's eyes, Leng Tian has seen through all Dashi's attempts.

What else is the training of a top ninja student that can make them grow more quickly.

Dashi had no idea that Leng Tian had been watching his fight with the students right behind him.

If he knew now that he was facing the cold weather that made Tuying issue a kill order, he would definitely be out of his wits.

Although Tsuchikage issued this order, there is another meaning that if there are no more than five jounin who really meet this person, they can give up the mission or even run away.

As for Hanzo of Rain Ninja Village, he hopes to use this method to give Leng Tian a scruple, because he really doesn't want this kid to appear in the Land of Rain.

Unless he came in person, he really didn't know who under his command could deal with him.

Leng Tian's daimyo has become more and more powerful in the past few years. He ran into Yunnin alone, faced hundreds of Yunnin's pursuit, and successfully escaped.

This battle has shocked the entire ninja world.

What's more, he also has a teacher Tsunade Hime who is well-known in the ninja world, and Senju Nawaki who has an S-level rebellious ninja in Konoha.

The students are so good, the teacher is even better.

For his strength evaluation, all Ninja villages were evaluated as artifact level at the beginning.

But for his hidden strength, he was rated as a movie-level, even a peak movie-level.

These people don't know that Leng Tian has already acquired the ability to transform Baiyan into Tenseigan, and they don't know that Leng Tian can use the demon chakra mode at critical moments.

That is a powerful force to wave back Kazekage with one hand, but unfortunately Leng Tian can only use it if he has absorbed enough Tailed Beast Chakra, so Leng Tian will never use it until the critical moment.

Because Leng Tian can only use it once for the time being, after releasing it, he must reabsorb the chakras of other tailed beasts.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With the command and help of Leng Tian, ​​the three of Kakashi fought against Oishi evenly, and neither side could do anything to the other.

But Kakashi's self-confidence and battle experience are growing rapidly.

It can be said that from this moment onwards they have truly left the Genin and officially entered the Chunin.

"Hu... huh!"

Dashi retreated to a safe position and took a deep breath. At this time, his chakra was almost consumed, but he still failed to take down the three boys on the opposite side.

Even if they use the ninjutsu of coming out of the earth, these three boys think they already know it, and they can avoid it in advance, and they seem to have figured out their intentions.

"What a scary brat..."

Dashi sighed in his heart, but he still had no doubts about the final victory, it must belong to him.

Just look at the three brats in front of you who are trembling even with Kunai.

Obito looked at Kakashi in front of him, feeling ashamed in his heart, since Kakashi stood in front of them several times just now.

Lin can use the listening to the wind position identification technique she just learned from Leng Tian to decipher the opponent's concealment technique, but she can only assist from the side.


Obito suddenly shouted and jumped in front of Kakashi.

"I won't let you be a hero alone, I'm also part of the team, and I can protect my companions!"

At this moment, Obito's eyes began to change, a gouyu appeared in the eyes, and then another gouyu appeared in the left eye.


Obito felt his eyes change, and suddenly found that everything in front of him had changed, and it was even more unbelievable that he saw the existence of Teacher Leng Tian.

Teacher Leng Tian was always behind Dashi, like a shadow, but although he saw Teacher Leng Tian's figure, Obito's five senses couldn't feel that there was anyone there at all.

"Is this the ability of Teacher Leng Tian? It's really scary!"

Leng Tian has been observing the changes in Obito, not only that, but there is also a burning feeling on Leng Tian's forehead, as if something is echoing.

This made Leng Tian stunned for a moment, and immediately understood in his heart that it seemed that he was getting closer and closer to contacting the seal.

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