"Really teacher?"

Obito Yuki asked unconfidently.

Leng Tian nodded. According to the time in the original book, the third war should start in the 41st year of Konoha.

"So where are we going now, sir?"

Kakashi asked.

"Of course we should find the businessman first!"

Leng Tian said casually.

"Still looking for that businessman, is it possible to let him make a profit and tell him that the goods have been found?"

"Ha ha……"

Leng Tian didn't speak, but said in a voice that he could hear: "I also learn from Onoki's tricks and use him to fish..."

Soon Leng Tian found the merchant and handed over the task. When he saw that Konoha had indeed found the goods, the merchant's expression was one of surprise, fear and greed.

It never occurred to him that the goods lost for two weeks could still be found. When the cold weather asked him to count the goods, the merchant's eyes were evasive.

"I still can't trust Konoha's reputation. I must get it all back, even if I lose some, I can accept it..."

The businessman said with a generous face, in fact, Leng Tian could tell that he just wanted them to leave quickly.

He knew that the businessman hadn't told the truth and had other things on his mind, and this was what Leng Tian wanted.

"Okay then, let's go back and hand over the mission..."

Leng Tian turned around and took the students away. After seeing Leng Tian leave, the businessman heaved a long sigh of relief.

Then there was ecstasy, but he thought of something for a moment, and immediately slipped out quietly.

In fact, they did not go far in the cold weather, but kept monitoring the businessman's whereabouts.

Kakashi who was next to Leng Tian was the first to react and said: "I understand Brother Leng Tian, ​​you are sitting on the sidelines, you want to see who he will find after receiving the goods?"

"Yes, he violated the intention of the other party. He will definitely explain it. I want to see who is contacting these businessmen..."

Leng Tian was right. After turning left and right, the businessman found no one behind him, turned around and sneaked into another place.

There are still a few people inside. Their identities are the same as those of businessmen. They were all robbed before, or they were robbed deliberately and deliberately planned by bandits.

"How? Did Konoha really find it?"

Several businessmen asked carefully.

"Well, they did find it..."

"Then Konoha has no doubts?"

Several businessmen asked worriedly.

"No, it seems that those ninjas are not with the bandits at all..."

Hearing this, several merchants showed smiles on their faces.

"Great, those rock ninjas gave us double the price to buy these goods, we are grabbing these goods back through Konoha, and selling them to Konoha, so that we can buy one piece of goods Three times the price is several times what we were before..."

"Haha, it would be best if Konoha and Iwanin really fight, so that the price of our goods can be higher..."


Several other businessmen also looked happy.

"But what if Iwanin finds out that we missed the appointment, we must know that their strength is something we can't afford..."

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? By then they will already be fighting against Konoha, and they still have time to look for us, and by then we may have earned money that we won't be able to earn in ten years..."

When Shunfeng heard the cheerful words of the businessman, Leng Tian showed a sneer.

Sure enough, only three times the price can make these businessmen forget the threat of death.

Leng Tian didn't believe it, and Yan Nin and Wu Nin had no one to supervise them.

"Hmph! See if they are happy, and when they cry!"

Obito and Kakashi have already mastered the skill of listening to the wind and identifying the position, but they are still far from the level of being the ear of the wind, but it is enough for them to hear the words clearly.

Hearing Obito's words, both Kakashi and Rin nodded, even if Iwanin let them go, they would not make it easy for these businessmen.

So the three of them immediately turned their heads and looked at Leng Tian, ​​their eyes were all to teach the merchants a lesson and arrest all the participating merchants.

"Don't worry, these are just some small shrimps and small fishes, and they won't make much waves. We must be patient enough, just like Tuying did in order to get rid of Raikage..."

Onogi's strategy in World War II is well-known throughout the ninja world, and his strategy was brought back by all the villages for analysis.

The three of Kakashi naturally knew it, and they couldn't stop their faces from being proud when they thought that the kind of figure who counted as a powerhouse at the shadow level was defeated by the three of them.

Leng Tian has been waiting for the big fish to take the bait, but he didn't expect that these businessmen are not satisfied, and they are planning to continue to cooperate with Yan Nin's connectors.

And they still have to use this method, and this time they hired someone to take it back quietly, and finally sold it to Konoha. When they made enough money, the war was about to start and told Konoha to let Muye protect them.

Hearing this, Lin said sarcastically, "Are these people really too greedy?"

Hearing Lin's sarcasm, Leng Tian smiled and said: "When they cry, someone has already found them..."

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