"The battle turns and the stars move! Turn!"

There is no need to use the troublesome tricks of turning stars and shifting stars and playing characters.

There is no need to use Huitianzhidou Zhuanxingyi, Ningzijue, directly swallow the opponent's ninjutsu into the Taiji diagram, and then use repulsive force to control the ninjutsu to bounce back to the opponent, but it can still be controlled freely.

Compared with the previous Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, in Tenseigan mode, Leng Tian is one word faster!

Almost at the moment when Shizang's ninjutsu hit Leng Tian, ​​Shizang's Water Dungeon was bounced back by Leng Tian.

"how can that be?"

As soon as Shi Zang turned around, the water escape technique struck from behind, and it was basically his previous water escape technique, but although the power did not increase, the speed was more than twice as fast.


Ten Zang blocked the beheading sword in front of him and resisted this ninjutsu. In such a short period of time, he had no time to release ninjutsu.


The water splashed everywhere, and Ten Zang's whole body was thrown out, but with the resistance of the beheading sword, he didn't suffer much damage.

But at this moment he heard a low voice behind him.

"Soft Fist! Bagua three hundred and sixty-one palms!"


Leng Tian's Bagua Palm now doesn't need to be hit at close range, he can already chakra out, as long as it is within his Bagua field, he will be hit by him.

"You can't run away!"

"Bagua two palms, four palms, sixteen palms... one hundred and twenty-eight palms..."

In fact, when the fight was halfway through, Ten Zang's eyes had become dizzy.

He no longer has the strength to resist, the chakra in his body has been completely sealed.

Today's Leng Tian's Baguazhang is no longer as powerful as it was when he competed with Hyuga Mori. It can be said that there is no one in the entire Hyuga clan who can compete with Leng Tian in the field of soft boxing.


With the last palm strike, Ten Zang lay straight on the ground, motionless, only his mouth was opened wide.

He would never believe that he was also an elite Jōnin character, and he couldn't escape a single move from the opponent's hands.

"It's because you are too careless. If you fight with all your heart, maybe you can fight with me for more time. You may not have a chance to escape, but you are thinking about how to get out of your body. You have lost the fighting spirit and your body's reaction. Naturally, it’s not as good as when you’re in a battle, you won’t be wronged if you lose…”

Rather than telling Shizang, Leng Tian was teaching his three students.

"have you understood?"

Drink loudly at this time of cold weather.


Only then did the three of Kakashi come back to their senses, they were all stunned by Teacher Leng Tian's strength.

The other party is as strong as the teacher's assessment of strength, but they can't make a move under the teacher's hands, so they are not surprised.

In particular, Kakashi and Obito seemed to have other thoughts in their eyes.

Leng Tian hopes that his students will become stronger. This kind of strength is not only in terms of cultivation and strength, but also experience.

He has come all the way from World War II and knows what is most important, and that is combat experience.

It is impossible for Naruto and the others to shine in the Chunin without managing the battle in the Kingdom of Waves. This is a kind of mental growth.

Under the guidance of Leng Tian, ​​the three of Kakashi and the ninjas they encountered were no less experienced than Naruto and others. The combat experience is not comparable to Naruto and the others.

Coupled with Leng Tian pointing out their mistakes in cultivation at any time, it can be said that they already have the combat experience that Leng Tian had in the Kingdom of Water.

If it is only a single round of results, I am afraid that no one can beat their opponents this year.

Just when the three of Kakashi were surprised, a beam of light flew out of Leng Tian's forehead, which Leng Tian didn't care about, and entered Leng Tian's forehead.

After getting such a strong Ninja Essence, Leng Tian felt that the seal on his forehead was much looser, or that the transformation of his forehead by the curse seal of the bird in a cage was further improved.

Now if someone took off Leng Tian's forehead, he would find that the curse mark of the bird in the cage was sunken a lot.

This is why Leng Tian, ​​like Ning Ci, covered the curse mark of the bird in the cage.

He didn't want to be noticed by others at such a critical time, and many people in the Hinata branch did this, so no one thought of checking it for a while.

At this time, Leng Tian picked up the beheading sword on the ground and threw it to Kakashi, saying: "Your sword skills are far inferior to Senior White Fang, first use this sword to exercise your speed and strength, you must know that the sword has no front , using this large weapon can train you a lot..."

Leng Tian didn't even think about handing it over to his students.

At this moment, Leng Tian sneered and said, "You guys don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, do you want to die like your companions?"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, the merchants who had survived just now stood up quickly.

Seeing Juzang lying on the ground, all of them showed joyful expressions. One of them rolled his eyes, and suddenly pointed at Leng Tian and said, "What do you think you Konoha ninjas are doing to let us be assassinated by the enemy country? I want to report this matter to my daimyo, and my offer to Konoha will also increase..."

"Ha ha……"

Hearing the shameless words of the businessman, Kakashi and the others showed disdain, and Obito shouted angrily: "I really think we don't know what you are doing here, or you didn't hear the conversation between us and Shi Zang just now, You are here to discuss with Ten Zang how to make war fortune after Iwanin and Konoha go to war! All of them are not good things!"

Hearing Obito's words, several merchants turned their eyes and saw that Ten Zang and the leader of the merchants were dead, and said with raised mouths: "Evidence, you have to have evidence for what you say, our goods are all for you. Ye Erdi... Do you want to suspend our delivery, you must know that you can't afford it if something happens!"

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