Speaking of this, Kakashi suddenly came to an astonishing conclusion in his mind, it couldn't be that none of these people could bring back the rope tree.

You must know that Sannin's method is nothing more than force, so even if force is not enough, there is only one result, they are not Naoki's opponents.

Obito and Rin also guessed the question that Kakashi thought of.

"Hey, how powerful is this senior Shengshu?"

Kakashi is not interested in Naoshu's strength, but is more interested in Leng Tian's strength.

He once heard his father talk about Zhishu, and what happened to him was caused by Danzo in the village, so it is Danzo who Zhishu hates the most.

The reason why Naoshu has been unable to take revenge is not only because Danzo has been in the village, but also because he is afraid of the teacher's strength. So how strong is the teacher?

They knew that Leng Tian had met Naoki in the Sand Country last time, and it was also the first time that Bai Fang's mission failed.

As for the rope tree, whether it is Obito of the Uchiha clan or Kakashi, a disciple of Leng Tian, ​​he wants to see this person's demeanor.

What kind of person is it that makes Konoha so afraid, and because of this, they are not at all proud of their achievements today.

After all, Leng Tian was the one who taught a movie-level powerhouse before.

Before proceeding to the second level, Kakashi could only grope for ninjutsu alone, and Obito and Rin have been practicing with Kakashi during this period.

After seeing Kakashi's right hand gathering a lot of lightning power, Obito was stunned: "Sensei Leng Tian actually taught you such a powerful ninjutsu, it's too biased..."

Hearing Obito's words, Kakashi slowly put it away and said: "My ninjutsu is very heavy on my body, and the attributes are not suitable for you. The teacher once told me to wait for you to evolve to the three-god jade. He will try to help you develop Kaleidoscope Sharingan..."

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan? What is that?"

Obito asked with a bewildered face.

"Huh? You don't know?"

Kakashi was also taken aback. When he first learned Thunderbird, he asked Leng Tian to teach Lin and Obito a powerful ninjutsu.

Brother Leng Tian once said casually: "When the writing sharing eye with soil becomes the three-gou jade someday, I will try to help him open the kaleidoscope sharing sharing..."

Back then, Kakashi didn't understand that Sharingan still had this name, but now that he didn't understand even Daido, Kakashi thought to himself, "Could it be that Brother Lengtian is lying to me..."

Obito also looked puzzled. Could it be that there are new changes in Sharingan? If not, go back and ask the elders in the clan.

Obito didn't know that he asked this question, but asked a big trouble.

Soon a new notice was issued, and all qualified ninja gathered in the death forest.

"Before the exam, I need to explain that there is no guarantee of life in the Zhongnin exam. You have to be prepared. Anyone who enters the death forest will be responsible for his own life. In other words, he may die..."

Just like in the cold weather assessment back then, the examiners all issued death threats, which was also one of the tests, making their minds more suitable for ninjas.

So while speaking, a powerful murderous aura suddenly erupted from the Jonin examiner.

This murderous aura swept over all the ninjas, making them all feel the threat of death.

"We are here to take the exam, not to die, I quit..."

Soon one of the subordinates couldn't hold back and quit.

"Hmph, trash!"

Several people said with disdain.

The jounin who invigilated the exam also shook his head, shrinking back here, and will never have the chance to become a chunin again.

"what about you?"

Soon a few more people withdrew, and there were a few other ninjas from other ninja villages. Their coming here was just a cover-up.

Soon after seeing that the number of people was almost the same, the Jonin examiner said again: "Since no one is quitting, I will start to issue the test questions..."

Speaking of this, he took out two scrolls: "The second test question is a group of three competing for the Book of Heaven and Earth..."

The only difference from Leng Tian's session is that this time the number of scrolls in the world and the earth is the same.

"Hold your scrolls, and then no matter what method you use, take the two scrolls of heaven and earth to the tower to open it and you will be considered qualified, otherwise you will be considered a failure and will be eliminated..."

Hearing the test questions, Kakashi, Obito, and Rin looked at each other. They were not afraid of such a battle. When it comes to team battles, which class cooperates best? Is there anyone better than theirs?

Under the supervision of Teacher Leng Tian, ​​they have competed with Chunin and Jonin, and have experienced life and death.

So Kakashi and the three took the scroll and jumped into the death forest...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the forest of death, Kakashi's trio quickly approached their final destination.

Obito asked from behind: "Which scroll did we get Kakashi?"

"It's a sky scroll!"

Kakashi said.

"That means our target is the earth scroll?"

Lin said beside him.

Kakashi nodded, but still said: "No, in addition to these, we should first look at the problem from the perspective of a ninja..."

"I understand that the angle of thinking is not only to complete the task, but also to think about what is the test of this task!"

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