Even Lin was puzzled, after all, this was a good opportunity to complete the task.

Kakashi said lightly; "You forgot that two conditions are required to complete the task, the first is to get two different scrolls, and the second is to enter the tower after getting two scrolls.

In other words, before entering the tower, even if you get the scroll, it is not considered as completing the mission..."

"Kakashi, do you mean that the scroll was taken away halfway?" Lin asked.

"It's not always possible to grab it, but it will definitely increase the uncertainty of the task. Have you forgotten what the teacher said in the first round? The task must first ensure that the correct and accurate completion of the task is the most important thing. sure thing.

Just like we just grabbed the scroll, but this task is uncertain, first of all, what if neither party has the scroll we need? "

Hearing Kakashi's words, Obito and Lin stayed for a while, they didn't think of this.

However, Kakashi's guess is indeed possible, if both parties have earth scrolls in their hands, wouldn't it be a waste of work.

"Secondly, our robbing will delay the time, so we can't guarantee that we are the first class to reach the tower. If we are ambushed by others, we will be in danger, and even if we arrive first, we still have time to observe the terrain. Choose a suitable ambush terrain, so I choose to give up!"

Hearing Kakashi's words, Obito and Rin looked at each other in admiration.

This time they won't be questioning Kakashi anymore, they will definitely get the best results in the second Chunin exam...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the second level of the white tower, several examiners are monitoring and observing the situation of the ninjas.


Suddenly, an examiner pointed to the monitor and said, "This is the cold-weather student. Why are they so familiar with the Death Forest? They seem to be the first group to arrive here..."

"It turned out to be Kakashi, no wonder, I remember that lord often brought him here when he was alive, and I even secretly protected him in the Death Forest when I was working in Anbu..."

Although Bai Fang committed suicide in an dishonorable way because of the failure of the last mission, but in the eyes of many people, Bai Fang who gave up the mission for the sake of his companions deserves more respect.

In fact, this is also the reason why Leng Tian left Anbu. In Konoha, or in other words, in the high-level of the entire country of fire, they do not allow such a village of personal heroes, and they do not allow the idea of ​​​​losing missions for the sake of companions.

Mission number one, ninjas are just tools. This concept is a bridge of balance between the five great nations and the five great ninja villages. Otherwise, ninja villages can take the place of daimyo at any time.

It is because the mission of the ninja comes first, this almost inhuman concept can make the daimyo feel at ease.

"What are they trying to do? Why don't they grab the scrolls of other groups, but go straight to us?"

An elite Chunin who was promoted last year asked in surprise.

"It's very simple. Have you forgotten the characteristics of our mission? It must be to collect all the scrolls of heaven and earth and reach the White Tower. In the past, even though many people got two scrolls of heaven and earth, they were ambushed by candidates who were waiting near the White Tower. The result was eliminated..."

Hearing what the senior said, the elite couldn't help but said: "Then they are the ones who are going to come here to ambush first."

"But it's too fast for them to think of this so quickly, right?"

As if thinking of something, the elite Chunin showed contempt on his face.

"Hmph, their teacher must have explained it earlier..."

This Chunin was born as a commoner, and was naturally hostile to the Konoha family and some students with backgrounds. Seeing Kakashi and the others running to the White Tower so resolutely, they didn't believe it was their own analysis.


At this time, during the monitoring, a teacher suddenly stared at one place and took a few hard glances.

"what happened?"

A companion asked curiously.

"I don't know if my eyes are dazzled, I just saw the rock move a bit..."

Hearing what the companion said, several of the examiners also looked at the monitor, but found nothing unusual.

"Haha, you must have not had a good rest and have some hallucinations. Can this year's candidates have the ability to escape our surveillance?"

Hearing what his companion said, the examiner also smiled when he thought that there were a group of ninjas below.

I feel like I'm being too careful.

In fact, in the surveillance screen just now, the three ninjas of Kusanagi Village who gave wrong answers in the first test before were hiding there.

"Captain, why do we have to take part in this Zhongnin exam? Don't tell me, let's try our best to be eliminated in the first round..."

"Shut up! Your Excellency is asking us to pretend to be Kusanagi to find out information. Recently, Hokage opened the Chunin Exam in advance and invited three other Ninja villages to participate. Your Excellency wonders if Konoha has noticed something is wrong..."


The other two showed doubts.

"That's why we have to try our best to perform well, so that Konoha can pay attention to the strength of the so-called "Kusunin Village".

This makes it possible to reveal more information to that person, and we have to contact those merchants who have been used by Mist Ninja to inquire about their situation. If we are eliminated prematurely, we will have no chance to act. "

Speaking of this, several Kusanagi whispered, because Kakashi and the other three had arrived in front of them.

"Should we be the first to arrive?"

Lin asked aloud.

Kakashi and Obito patrolled around, but just when Kakashi was about to confirm that there was no one there, Obito's expression became serious.


Obito suddenly felt staring at their backs, and immediately turned around. When he saw the empty surroundings, he was not only not relieved, but even more nervous.

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