Hearing that the ninja in front of them actually laughed at their teacher, the three of Kakashi were furious.

Obito even opened Sharingan, which surprised the examiner in front of him, and opened his eyes.

That's when Kakashi stopped Obito.

Now it's the exam, and if something happens too much, the examiner in front of him is qualified to eliminate them.

"Don't worry too much about Obito. How strong our teacher is, what about us, we can't judge with our mouths. We will use facts to tell some useless waste, the gap between geniuses and ordinary people!"

"You, what did you mean by what you just said!"

The Chunin examiner had a look of anger on his face.

He couldn't get used to a big family like Leng Tian. Seeing that his students performed well, but they misjudged the strength of Cao Ninja Village, he couldn't help but want to ridicule them. He didn't expect these brats Dare to refute.

This made the examiner couldn't help but want to clean up the three little devils in front of him.

At the same time, withdrew from Grass Ninja Village near the White Tower.

"Is the captain almost there?"


The captain of Kusanagi Village looked around, there should be no surveillance here.

"Hey, isn't this the little mouse from Cao Ninja Village, then hand over the scrolls on your bodies!"

At this time, Konoha's candidates rushed to the vicinity of the tower, just in time to meet the trio of Kusanin Village, and their faces were full of joy.

Seeing them, the Kusanin village trio also showed joy.

"I didn't expect a fool to come to my door so soon!"

Hearing Kusanagi Village's words, anger flashed in the eyes of several Konoha Shinobi at the same time.

"court death!"

Konoha and his group of ninjas attacked at the same time, trying to prevent Kusanagi Village from escaping.


The trio of Grass Ninja Village all showed cruel smiles at the same time...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that the ninjas of Kusanagi Village had nowhere to hide, a wall of earth suddenly rose in front of them.

Blocked Konoha Shinobi's attack in front of him.

"What, you can actually escape from the earth?"

"Hey, there are others!"

At this time, another ninja from Kusanagi Village suddenly exerted force: "Kusangage Explosive Palm! Bang!"

The few ninjas in the wood industry in front of them flew out directly!

"Hey, why is Kusanagi Village so powerful?"

Konoha's candidates turned pale with fright.

In their cognition, this kind of ninjutsu from Kusanagi Village should be the counterfeit ninjutsu of some other villages, which is not very powerful and wastes chakra.

"What are you guys thinking?"

While Konoha Shinobu was still surprised, the words of Kusanagi Village sounded behind him at the same time.

Several people were surprised!

Only then did I realize that Kusanagi Murashita Shinobi on the opposite side had disappeared at some point.

"Bang! Bang!"

Stepping on Konoha examinee's face, the ninja of Kusanagi Village showed disdain.

"Konoha's strength is just a joke..."

"Hand over your scrolls!"

"For you guys……"

Several Konohas reluctantly handed it over, which happened to be what they needed.

"What about these people?"

One of Kusanagi Village asked the captain.

"Hmph, abolish it!"

As expected by Kakashi, Kusanagi Village soon got the scroll to pass the level.

Hokage also announced a three-day break, and three days later, the final round of the Chunin exam will begin.

Both Obito and Kakashi nodded while staring at the Kusanagi village trio standing a little further away.

"They will definitely take action in these three days!"

Back at the residence, the trio of Kusanagi Village met with the leader of Kusanagi Village who had finished the meeting from Hokage.

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