In fact, Grass Ninja Village is an important battle area for the three Ninja World Wars.

In the original book, Obito Uchiha died in the battle of Kusanagi Village, and there were ninjas from Kusanagi Village in the battle of Kanna Kunqiao.

Therefore, the attitude of the grass ninja village is very important, and the ninjas of the grass ninja village have an indistinct attitude towards each village, and they can use diplomatic means to deal with the powerful countries, so that they can grasp the current situation as soon as possible to preserve their safety.

This is also what Hokage is worried about, so this time he invited Kusanagi Village, just to ask them to show their attitude and threaten with force at the same time.

Just when Kakashi and the others were still caught in the vortex of Minghu's family falling into a rebellious village, Minghu Saori's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"What are you little fellows doing secretly here?"

Hearing what Senior Saori said, Kakashi and the others were in a state of mind. Only then did they remember that as a disciple of Teacher Leng Tian, ​​Senior Saori also knows the skill of listening to the wind, and is better than Lin...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kakashi and the other three were only focused on monitoring the movement inside, but they forgot that apart from them knowing how to listen to the wind, the one in front of them also knew this skill.

Senior Saori couldn't have overheard everything they said just now, right?

In particular, senior Shazhi's concealment technique was so good that they didn't even notice the slightest surprise when they got so close.

"As expected of Teacher Leng Tian's student, he is comparable to a ninja in hiding..."

The three of Kakashi immediately put on a vigilant look, which surprised Saori.

"What's wrong with you, did I scare you by my sudden appearance just now? "

After hearing Senior Saori's lesson, Kakashi and Rin glanced at each other, wondering if Senior Saori was trying to test it or just happened to pass by.

"By the way, do you have a mission here?"

Saori asked curiously.

Saori's words made Kakashi and Obito even more nervous.

"Senior Saori really came to ask about this matter. Could it be that Iwanin in it really has something to do with her?"

An anxious look appeared on Obito's face, and he almost couldn't help asking: "Senior Saori..."

"Shut up with soil!"

Kakashi reacted immediately and quickly stopped.

Seeing Kakashi's solemn expression, Obito hesitated and finally closed his mouth, but his face was still full of anxiety, doubt and complicated expression.

Seeing their appearance, Saori thought for a while and nodded: "So you have a mission, it seems that I shouldn't have appeared here just now..."

Speaking of this, Saori also looked around curiously following Kakashi's line of sight. There is still a certain distance from Minghu's business.

In addition to being afraid of being alarmed by Iwanin, there is another point that they have smooth ears, and Lin can hear the words inside.

It may be possible to hide all this from others, but it is somewhat difficult to hide it from Saori, who was the smartest member of the three-member Nakoki group.

After checking the position of Kakashi's trio and their direction, Saori's face sank.

"You are monitoring our family's business, whose order is it, teacher?"

Seeing that Senior Saori's face has become serious.

Kakashi and Obito glanced at each other, both of them affirmed that Saori-senpai might really have a connection with Iwanin here.

Although I don't believe it, but now, Kakashi and Obito put on a fighting posture again, and said word by word: "Senior Saori, we are indeed on a mission, please sit here quietly now, otherwise we will Don’t mind calling Anbu or the police department!”


Hearing Kakashi's words, Saori, who had a nervous expression on her face, suddenly calmed down.

"Call Anbu or the police department? You weren't sent by the teacher, so that means you acted in secret?"

Kakashi and Obito didn't understand how Senior Saori knew it so quickly.

"So what, even if Mr. Leng Tian knows that you are cooperating with Yan Ren, I'm afraid he won't sit idly by!"

Obito finally couldn't help but said.

"With soil!"

Kakashi yelled, saying it now, wouldn't it be exposing the target, if Senior Saori informs the people inside, their previous efforts will be wasted.

"What, I'm cooperating with Iwanin? Hahaha, are you guys making a mistake!"

Unexpectedly, the atmosphere that should have been further tense suddenly became dilute.

Saori walked between Kakashi and the others, and Kakashi and Obito immediately surrounded her.

In this way, Saori has been attacked on three sides, and ordinary ninjas will never put themselves in such a dangerous situation.

Even Kakashi, Obito, and Rin are equally puzzled.

"Okay, I'm sitting here now, within the range of your attack, can you tell me what happened? Wait, the reason why you monitor like this is because Teacher Leng Tian also gave you the Shunfeng ear, and you suspect my father? "

Saori reacted immediately.

Seeing senior Saori so insightful, Kakashi was startled, and at the same time sighed in his heart, he is indeed a student brought out by Brother Leng Tian.

Senju Nawaki is an S-level rebellious ninja. This one who has quit the ninja world is not only the daughter of a big businessman, but also has a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Kakashi no longer intends to hide it anymore, after all, they have no cards in front of this man.

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