After Xiaonan and others came to Urenin Village, they were received by Hanzo with a high standard. They not only received Xiaonan personally, but also agreed to all the conditions proposed by Yahiko.

This made Xiao Nan and the others feel that the other party was very sincere.

Just after Konan and Hanzo talked, Danzo kept listening.

After Xiaonan left, Danzo came out and applauded, saying, "As expected of Mr. Ukage, no one saw the flaw at all!"

"Huh, it's ridiculous that a mere rebel army actually proposed conditions to me!"

Hanzo showed a look of disapproval.

"Then how does Master Yuying plan to destroy them?"

Danzo asked.

"Don't worry, I just asked someone to tamper with the rebel army. I will interview their leader first. In fact, I recruited people to attack their garrison. There can only be one voice in the country of rain, and that is me." Hanzo!"

Saying this, Hanzo finally bared his sharp fangs.

In Konoha, the third generation has received a report from Danzo.

Knowing that Danzo has persuaded Hanzo to solve all the civil strife in the Land of Rain, he will not let Yannin Village take advantage of the chaos to kill the Land of Fire.

In fact, in the third generation, he also had worries in his heart. First of all, in this way, Hanzo will regain control of the Land of Rain. If there is another war at that time, the attitude of Urenin Village will be very important.

And when Konoha has no handle to control Urenin Village, and secondly, I don't know if this action will leave hidden dangers for Konoha.

After all, meddling in the internal affairs of other countries may result in retaliation from the other party, but the occurrence rate of this kind of situation is very low in the face of Yuren village's full strangulation.

And this time to reactivate Danzo's trick, I don't know how much it will cost when it is withdrawn later.

Based on the understanding of this old friend for three generations, once he regains control of the roots, he will definitely hold on to the power desperately. He knows this, and as long as the goal is achieved, even if it affects the village, he will not hesitate.

Although he knew the danger of Danzo, the third generation had to use it again. Before the war, Konoha had lost his twin stars, and Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, had left again. He could no longer have many accidents like in World War II.

"I hope Minato won't disappoint me. I taught you for a long time at the beginning, in fact, to let you lay the foundation of Flying Thunder God..."

Thinking back when I saw Minato's talent, I quietly disguised myself as an ordinary ninja to teach Minato. Since then, the third generation has planned all this.

At this time, an Anbu ninja walked in.

"How, do you have any clues about the rope tree?"

Sarutobi asked.

"We got news that Naoki didn't seem to join the Mist Ninja team to return to the Land of Water, and seemed to have gone to the Land of Rain..."

"not good!"

After the third generation heard it, his face changed drastically.

Because he thought of a person there, it was Danzo.

Although he considered this possibility, the third generation had already made a perfect plan, and even specially let the fake Danzo operate in the village, just to confuse Nakoki's sight.

Unexpectedly, even this did not deceive him.

"You immediately ask Gen's people to notify Danzo, saying that a child has chased him, and told him to be careful, and it's best to stay with Yuying..."

It’s just that the third generation’s words have not been finished yet, and the Anbu member said hesitantly: “In addition, our Anbu team also intercepted a message that Iwanin’s side seems to have begun to dispatch…”

"So fast?"

Three generations thought that the spies of Iwa Shinobi were caught here, and Onogi's action should be later, but he didn't expect Onogi to surprise him again and start to move forward.

Thinking of this, the third generation immediately ordered: "Call Zilai, and start to combine the fighting power in the village. We will go to the front line soon..."


"By the way, call Jiuxinna, and report to me at any time about the situation of Shift [-] in cold weather!"

The third generation ordered again.

According to intelligence, Ohnoki may be out in force this time.

In the quiet situation of the Land of Thunder, this is an all-out battle between the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth.

Based on the inference of the third generation, perhaps this time the Earth Congress will use the human pillar.

Thinking of this, the third generation shook his head: "It would be great if Naoki didn't betray. The few wooden escape ninjutsu left by the first generation are all used to deal with tailed beasts..."

At the place where Hanzo of the Rain Country and Yahiko were negotiating, two figures were following them not far away.

"Teacher, will Danzo really appear?"

Rope Tree asked aloud.

"Hehe, don't worry, I said he will appear, and he will definitely appear, but I can't make a move for Zhishu. This time it depends on whether you can keep him..."

Leng Tian said to the disciples beside him.

It turned out that although Leng Tian claimed to hunt Naoshu, he actually made an appointment with Naoki to go to the Land of Rain together.

Because of the original book, they rushed to the Land of Rain first, so this time difference avoided Konoha's eyeliner and did not make Danzo suspicious. Anbu learned.

"Don't worry, teacher, as long as he appears, don't even think about escaping from my grasp!"

Shengshu is very confident in his current strength.

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