The dark army captain in front of him said.

"Hey, are you guys being too obvious?"

The third generation asked curiously.

After all, all the ninjas he ranked this time were jounin-level ninjas.

"Master Hokage, we may have misunderstood a piece of information. That Saori is not at the level of Chunin at all. According to my judgment, she has definitely reached the level of Jonin... It's just that there is no mission to prove her strength."

Hearing the words of the captain of the dark army, Midai couldn't help sighing in his heart when he thought of whose student Saori was.

It can also be said that Zhishu is because of various adventures, but Saori is not, just like that, he has reached the strength of Jonin.

It can be seen that Leng Tian's teaching ability is no less than that of his third generation.

Thinking of this, the third generation asked aloud: "Where is Leng Tian and his class fighting in the Land of Rain?"

"They should be assisting Mr. Jiraiya to deliver supplies, especially since these supplies belong to the Minghu family..."

"Is it?"

Three generations nodded.


A figure flashed past, and Yan Ren, who was ambushing in the rock, looked at the tip of the knife protruding from his body in surprise, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Why, you can see me!"

Kakashi didn't care about Iwanin's question, he just made a gesture, and Obito and Lin jumped out behind him.

"Hmph, under my Sharingan, do you think that the Rock Hidden Technique can fool us?"

"Enough, don't hurry up and report to Teacher Leng Tian, ​​we found the spies of Yan Ren, I am afraid there is an ambush ahead, let the caravan stop quickly!"

Lin looked at Obito and said with a lesson on his face.

"Yes Yes!"

Obito is afraid of Lin.


A teleportation technique disappeared in front of their eyes, and they went back to report to Teacher Leng Tian.

Chapter 23 Four Tails

After receiving the news of Obito, Leng Tian nodded.

Leng Tian chased Danzo all the way before, but he didn't catch up. It can be seen that Danzo was also prepared.

In order to avoid being suspected, Leng Tian went straight back to the village, and without waiting for a long time, Yan Ren had already started to attack the Land of Rain.

Most of the village was mobilized, but because of the sudden outbreak, the logistics were not ready, and Hokage couldn't send a large force to the Land of Rain for a while.

Jiraiya can only be allowed to lead a small number of troops to the Land of Rain to carry out a sneak attack and interfere with Iwanin's occupation of the Land of Rain.

A large number of remaining troops are waiting for orders, and now Zilai has already occupied an important place. The mission of Leng Tian and others is to deliver a batch of supplies.

Once this batch of supplies arrives, Orochimaru will rush there with a large number of Konoha troops.

So this operation is very important, and the troops transporting supplies are at least Chunin.

By the way, Kakashi, Obito, and Rin have all been successfully promoted to Chunin.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Leng Tian rolled his eyes to observe the distance, but he did not observe Iwa Shinobi in ambush, which made Leng Tian frown.

"Could it be that they use some ninjutsu to hide in places that I can't see with my white eyes?"

Leng Tian believed in the information brought by Obito, not to mention they killed a rock ninja.

"If Iwanin wants to occupy Yuren Village before Konoha enters the land of rain, then they will not let go of Konoha's supplies."

Thinking of this, Leng Tian already suspected that Yan Ren used some special methods to hide it.

"Obito, let Kakashi and Rin come back quickly, the enemy this time may not be easy..."

Leng Tian squinted his eyes and looked at the front where there was no movement. Onogi was an old fox in the ninja world, and he would not let this opportunity go. In this way, the enemy they faced was not simple.

Looking at the teacher, there was a strange color in Obito's eyes. He felt the teacher's seriousness from the teacher's words, and disappeared immediately without the slightest hesitation, while Kakashi and the others.

At this moment, a powerful magma suddenly appeared at the leader of the supplies team.


Everyone else was amazed, still reacting quickly in the cold weather, a clone jumped into the sky, and at the same time a group of yin and yang fish surrounded the ball of magma and diverted his trajectory.


The entire side of the road was melted.

"This is Rong Dun, is it a four-tailed rat shark?"

In the original Naruto, Four Tails is also known as Monkey King, a huge orangutan.

The Four-Tails Jinchuriki is Lao Zi of Rock Ninja Village, an old ninja with considerable strength who can use the melting technique.

But at this moment, it was a middle-aged man who appeared in Leng Tianbai's eyes.

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