This was confirmed when he absorbed Maoyou a few years ago. For that plan, Leng Tian had to guarantee his demon mode.

Although he was confident in his heart, Leng Tian still had to be careful, because he didn't know the strength of that person.

However, Kakashi and the others who came from another place were startled when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that the person who came to attack them this time was a human pillar, and Tsuchikage really couldn't think with common sense.

Originally, the human pillars were the most important weapons, even in World War II, Tuying did not use them, just to protect the village.

But at that time Tuying was afraid that Raikage would take the opportunity to attack, and he had to escape from the battlefield to create the illusion of being injured.

Now it is time to face Konoha directly, the most powerful opponent of the Five Great Nations. If Onoki wants to take the lead, he will not leave Konoha with any chance.

However, Lao Zi's current tailed beast transformation is not completely tailed beast transformation, he still can't maintain a complete form.

So only two tails can be used.

This is also the way Leng Tian dared to let him continue to transform into a tailed beast.

In fact, if Leng Tian uses the monster mode, he can take him down immediately.

However, Leng Tian wanted to see if he could defeat Lao Zi with only Tenseikan in the demon mode.

After all, even Akatsuki could defeat the Tailed Beast in a team of two, so he didn't believe that his current strength would be worse than Akatsuki's.

"Melting escape! The art of burning river rocks!"

Lao Zi opened his mouth wide, and spit out magma balls from his mouth. This was originally a tactic he used to deal with materials, and it was also Tuying’s trump card for him to make a quick victory. In Ohnoki’s opinion, as long as Lao Zi uses this trick, it will be considered as Mu Ye's people can protect themselves, but they cannot keep their supplies.

Originally, Yannin's outpost was a signal to Lao Zi, allowing him to release this ninjutsu from a distance. This ninjutsu can spit out many fireballs at once.

And with the blessing of melting escape, ordinary water escape is not easy to destroy.

Onoki's plan: Lao Zi will retreat after using this move, and Konoha's people will never try to capture him.

After all, each tailed beast is a strategic weapon for each village. Once it is lost or captured by the enemy, the battle may be lost.

Just like Sand Shinobi, after Shuzuru got it for Konoha, they had to agree to many requests from Konoha, because if Konoha didn't return it, not only they themselves would be blamed by their own daimyo.

It may even attract robbery from other villages, so they had to end the war and negotiate peace with Konoha during the time of seeking stability.


Seeing Lao Zi make a move, Leng Tian didn't back down in the slightest, because there were supplies behind him.

Leng Tian waved a huge Taiji diagram in front of him, and then Leng Tian's eyes changed.


With the blessing of Tenseigan, Lengtian's Taijitu already has the ability to control gravity and repulsion. In the original book, Sheren's power is so great that he can even control the moon.

And Lao Zi's attack was intercepted by Shang Taiji Diagram without any surprise, not only that...

"The battle turns and the stars move! Ning!"

The entire melting tunnel of Lao Zi was sucked into the Taiji diagram, and then Leng Tian waved his hand, and the entire melting tunnel was condensed into a huge hand and pressed against Lao Zi.

Seeing Leng Tian's hand, Lao Zi shrank his pupils.

To actually possess such a terrifying ability, is this the return of the Hyuga clan?

According to Yan Ninja's information, Leng Tian's move was changed by returning to the sky, but they didn't know how powerful this move was.

This time, Lao Zi really saw it.

Can actually capture ninjutsu, this kind of skill and difficulty, I am afraid

Faced with this slash, Yu Naito surged up a strong fighting spirit, almost approaching the power of S-rank ninjutsu.

And Kakashi and the others were also surprised, the teacher is so strong!


In the next instant, Lao Zi was hit by his ninjutsu.

The entire land around Lao Zi was melted away, and it was also because Lao Zi was a pillar of manpower, and the damage caused by such a number of people was less.

"You really pissed me off!"

Lao Zi's whole body showed signs of being scalded, and at the same time, the manpower column in his body became more manic.

Directly surpassing Lao Zi's ability, he used a more powerful move.

"Melting escape! Huaguo Mountain!"

Lao Zi directly turned the range of his battle with Leng Tian into a magma sea. In this area, the magma sea will erupt every few seconds, and will be controlled by Lao Zi. This kind of ninjutsu even burns Over the hands of Hachio.

Although the power is not as powerful as Sasuke's Chidori sharp spear that can cut off the tail of the eight tails, it is worse than the elusive.


Flames suddenly spewed out from under the cold sky.


In the next second, the cold weather appeared in another place.

At this time, Lao Zi also rushed over.


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