
A kunai was thrown out from behind him, which made the jounin have to dodge, but before the jounin fell to the ground, Minato disappeared again, and when he reacted again, a kunai had already come from behind him. Appear.

Even Jonin cannot always maintain a high-intensity concentration, and there is always a slight flaw.

Minato seized this slight loophole and finally succeeded in a sneak attack, but following this one, an extremely powerful earth dungeon, the earth dragon technique came from the sky.


A deep hole was smashed into the ground, but there was no sign of Mizumen.

And when this soil ninja was still looking for Minato's trace, Minato had appeared behind him again.


This Jonin was also killed by Minato.


Seeing that Minato almost suppressed them all by himself, the rest of Iwanin exclaimed.

"This man is terrible, we are not his opponent at all..."

"Captain, let's retreat!"

Even though there are more people on their side, and there are still four Junin, no one thinks that their side has a chance of winning.

Who would have thought that Konoha would have such a master besides Jiraiya, no, this one should be even more difficult than Jiraiya.

"Is this the Flying Raijin Jutsu that was famous in the five major countries during the First World War? Back then, Konoha's second-generation Hokage used this ninjutsu to shock the ninja world and become a veritable war harvester. I didn't expect someone to do it again today. Show it off..."

One of the rock ninjas obviously has some knowledge of this ninjutsu.


This rock ninja had to issue an order to retreat.

But just as he issued this order, new characters appeared on the battlefield.

Leng Tian and Jiu Xinnai finally arrived at this time.

Chapter 27

"I want to go, but there is no way!"

As soon as Leng Tian and others arrived at the station, they found that it was attacked by Iwanin, so the first time, Leng Tian, ​​Kushina and Anbu's personnel immediately went to the battlefield.

Leng Tian punched the most obvious rock ninja jonin on the battlefield.

This punch not only used eight disintegration techniques, but also used Tsunade's strange power ninjutsu.

So even though Yan Ren was the best at defending, being hit by Leng Tian's punch directly shattered his Earth Dun defense!

Seeing this scene, the other Yannin couldn't help but look shocked, this power is too powerful.

Even the three of Kakashi were brilliant. Although they had already seen the power of the teacher, it was the first time they had seen this strange ninjutsu.

The power of one punch is simply stronger than ninjutsu.

Moreover, Leng Tian could use Dou Zhuan Xing Shift to bounce back all the attacks of the Tudun on the opposite side. Even if the three ninja double-teamed Leng Tian, ​​he was trapped in a small circle by Leng Tian's Dou Zhuan Xing Zhi and couldn't escape.

The three Jōnin felt that there was an invisible chakra pulling them around, even if they wanted to use ninjutsu, they would be blocked.

Let alone them, this is the first time Kakashi and others have seen it.

And no matter what kind of attack he was facing, Leng Tian could use his strength to turn to other people. The three jōnin chakras were almost exhausted, but Leng Tian had almost no consumption.


Just when the three were negligent, Leng Tian's figure suddenly disappeared, and a trace of murderous intent appeared behind them.

It was Chidori Ninjutsu prepared by Kakashi.

One of the soil ninjas never expected that an ordinary child could use such a powerful ninjutsu, and now he has no time to dodge.


Kakashi's Chidori passed through the body of this Jōnin.

Just when the remaining two Iwanin were startled, a huge fireball suddenly fell from their heads.

"Jump away!"

The two shouted, and moved to different positions at the same time, but the moment they jumped away, the two Kuwu shot at them at the same time.

It's as if they're bumping into each other.

It was Jiu Xinnai and Lin's attack.

The two of them didn't have time to turn around, so they could only resist with the kunai in their hands based on their feelings. One of them was lucky enough to be blocked by him, and the other was a moment late, kunai inserted into his body, and then he swayed , fell to the ground.


The remaining Iwanin didn't have time to rejoice, there was a soft sound, Minato Kunai suddenly appeared in his body the next moment, and Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique couldn't escape at all.

Originally, Heiyan planned to attack the Konoha garrison, but it was wiped out by Minato and Lengtian.

In another place, Jiraiya still did not break out of the encirclement.

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