"Haha, does Orochimaru know the second difference between the famous family and you ordinary people? You care too much about this garbage, and you are destined to not be able to become a famous family by consuming chakra for these garbage!"

Hearing the other party's words, Orochimaru's eyes became extremely sharp. This guy was not only hurting his confidence, but also causing his subordinates to have a negative fighting mood.

Orochimaru knows that these subordinates of his are not from the famous Konoha family, but more commoners, but what Orochimaru values ​​is not whether the opponent is a disciple of the famous family, or whether he can help him to exert his greatest strength.

"Famous or not, I'm not interested at all. I know they are a group of combat partners and subordinates who can sacrifice their lives for me. Compared with the so-called famous families in your mouth, I hope to be these people behind me!"

Orochimaru's words made his subordinates' eyes ignite with emotion, looking at the figure in front of the tailed beast, everyone felt an impulse.

"We must not let Orochimaru sacrifice in this place!"

"Yes, only Orochimaru is the one who truly understands us, and only he can let Konoha exude new hope!"

"Ninja! Dafengpo!"

"Ninja! Bullet of the Earth Dragon!"

The subordinates behind countless Orochimaru began to gather ninjutsu, and rushed towards Wuwei recklessly.

However, these ninjutsu seem to be nothing more than small troubles in Wuwei's view.

Although the Konoha ninja behind Orochimaru was desperate, it was useless against the five tails in front of him, and instead consumed a lot of chakra.

At the same time, Konoha collapsed in several other directions on the battlefield.

This is the first time that Orochimaru has encountered such a dangerous situation.

Just like what Han said before, this time the soil ninja had no intention of letting him and the troops behind him go.

"You should start planning this battle right now. In order to keep me, you actually gave up all the garrisons ahead. Is this your Yannin's tactic?"

Orochimaru said sarcastically,

"Haha, there are as many civilian ninjas as there are, and they can bring victory to Iwanin. They have achieved their goal. Orochimaru, this is the gap between civilians like you and famous families like us, because you can't let go of those behind you. Rubbish……"

"Garbage, in my opinion, no one is garbage, even if there is me, he can make him a genius, and sooner or later he will surpass the famous family you mentioned!"

Even in the battle, facing Han's pressing step by step, Orochimaru still replied lightly.

"Haha, don't be ashamed, this world is a world of bloodlines. Only those with noble bloodlines and powerful blood successors are the elites of the ninja world. Commoner ninjas are born to be cannon fodder!"

Han said full of sarcasm, while fighting with Orochimaru, and now Orochimaru can summon ten thousand snakes.

But what Orochimaru didn't know was that Jiraiya could already use the sage mode.

But even if Orochimaru summoned Ten Thousand Snakes, he still retreated steadily in front of Wuwei.

The remaining captains of Orochiname looked at each other, and at the same time understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

"Ninjutsu super earth dragon art!"

The four combined all the chakras together, and released an earth dragon to rush towards the five tails.

At this moment, he had already started to suppress Orochimaru, and the Han who wanted to kill Orochimaru in one fell swoop had to first destroy the ninjutsu behind him.

"Hmph, it's just a relatively advanced ninjutsu. It's just a fool's dream just because you want to hurt me!"

But not only this earth dragon, but also the second, third, and fourth rushed towards Wuwei.

These intensive ninjutsu finally made Han change color.

"How is it possible, it's just a bunch of garbage, how could it be possible to release so many advanced ninjutsu, is their chakra stronger than the tailed beast?"

Han was surprised mainly because the frequency of ninjutsu released by Orochimaru's subordinates was too fast.

And Orochimaru's eyes widened, of course he knew why his subordinates could release such powerful ninjutsu many times.

This is because they used forbidden techniques to force out all the chakra in their bodies.


Orochimaru roared violently behind him.

It's a pity that Orochimaru said it too late, and his four captains have already consumed all the chakra.

"Captain, thank you for always looking after us, now it's our turn to do something, go quickly Captain, we will cover you!"

Orochimaru's subordinates said gratefully.


Orochimaru did not take advantage of Wuwei's flaws to escape, but came to his men in an instant.

"Asshole, do I, Orochimaru, be the kind of person who needs to sacrifice his subordinates to survive? If you want to leave, I will cover you!"

"Captain, you have done enough to make us hurt you. Konoha needs you, and we civilian ninjas need you more. Only you really understand us. Master Orochimaru, you can't die here!"

One of the Konoha squadron leaders said to Orochimaru with a smile on his face.

"He's right, Oshemaru-sama, I still remember you said that you want to create a ninjutsu that can make us not weaker than Noble Family and Blood Succession, we all wait for that day, even if we can't see it, But we believe that Oshemaru-sama will be able to break this ninja world ruled by blood..."

The voices of the four subordinates of Orochimaru became lower and lower in the end, and they were all silent in the end.

For a ninja who consumes all Chakra, it is equivalent to consuming all life.

"Haha, it's really touching. Orochimaru ninjas are born to be tools, and they must be ruthless. This is the concept of our famous family. You are too far from us. In my eyes, you are just a slightly better civilian ninja. Go Die!"

Chapter 34 Nine Tails Vs Five Tails

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