Leng Tian didn't believe that things would be so simple. In fact, this task was also a net he had cast. For the mere logistics ministers, Leng Tian didn't pay attention at all.

What he really needs to know is who bought him, who gave him the news, and escaped before Konoha and the Ninja of Fire came.

"Don't let me down, the plot won't end like this..."

Leng Tian murmured.

The next day, Kuisawa sent someone to send a letter to Leng Tian, ​​saying that he had discovered the whereabouts of the logistics minister who was at large...

Chapter 43 There is still a man behind the scenes

Hearing Kurosawa's news, Leng Tian and Kushina looked at each other.

"Where did you hear about him?"

Leng Tian looked at Kurosawa and asked.

"Our daimyo's ninjas also have our own investigative department... Don't underestimate us, compared to your Anbu, we are not inferior at all..."

Kurosawa also looked at the child of the Hyuga clan in front of him, and Kurosawa was actually very disgusted with the superiority of these famous children.

Isn't it just a blood succession? Without these, just relying on ninjutsu and hard work, how can they compare with us.

"Your wish must come true..."

Kurosawa suppressed the disgust in his heart and didn't show it, but just told the news indifferently.

"Since you Anbu have already come for this case, I will leave it to you Konoha Anbu. I hope you won't disappoint me..."

Hearing Kurosawa's words, Leng Tian smiled lightly: "Don't worry, Konoha's Anbu will definitely catch that guy."

"Okay, I also hope to see the strength of Konoha Anbe!"

When Kurosawa left, Kushina walked in from the outside and said with a disgusted face: "This Kurosawa is really annoying..."

Leng Tian nodded in agreement.

It's not that Leng Tian didn't doubt the guy in front of him, but he had a very good alibi.

The people from Konoha Anbe set off soon.

In an ordinary residence on the outskirts of Kyoto, several wandering ninjas are patrolling carefully.

And here, the logistics minister is here, with an anxious expression on his face.

"When will Mr. Kurosawa come, he promised me that nothing will happen!"

Looking at the head of logistics who was yelling at him in front of him, Huofeng's eyes were full of ridicule.

"Don't worry, you are doing things for Mr. Kurosawa. Mr. Kurosawa will not give up on you. Didn't he rescue you before Konoha's people came, but now that Konoha's people are still in Kyoto, I will give you a big fanfare at this time Didn’t you just tell people there’s something wrong with the ninjas under our Kyoto name?”

Hearing Huofeng's words, the logistics minister breathed a sigh of relief this time.

Then he laughed: "Yes, Lord Kurosawa may regret it, but that adult will definitely not give up on me..."

Just as the logistics minister was still talking, a handful of Ku Wu was wrapped around his neck.

"I'll say it again, don't highlight that lord's name at any time, otherwise I can kill you directly, and Master Kurosawa will not stop..."

Huofeng's face was extremely cold.

Hearing Huofeng's words, the head of the logistics department changed his face greatly, and said in surprise: "You, are you under that lord?"

"Don't know too much..."

Huofeng's words were extremely cold, which made the head of logistics, who was still about to yell, nod his head.

At this moment, a few muffled hums suddenly sounded outside, although they were slight, they couldn't bury Huofeng's ears.

"Hmph! Is it finally here..."

Huofeng smiled, and suddenly said to the logistics minister: "Remember what I told you?"

"Remember, remember?"

The logistics minister was a little puzzled. This is what the logistics minister should say if he is caught, but as for whether he will say that at that time, the logistics minister will still see the situation. After all, his own life is the most important thing, and he is also ordered act.

"Well, now you can say it out loud to me..."

Huofeng said calmly.

"Well, I, I will say now..."

The logistics minister said stumblingly.

"Speak louder..."

Huofeng's bitterness hung around his neck.

"It's all... you rock ninjas who persecuted me. Didn't you agree that as long as I complete this task, you will transfer me to the land of earth? And the money that was agreed has not been fulfilled, you... What do you want to do? Fire!"

Before the Minister of Logistics finished the last word, he found out that Huofeng had really shot at him, so he was surprised to call out Huofeng's name in the end.

But it's too late.

At this moment, the door was broken open, but it triggered the detonating symbol under his feet.

Huofeng glanced at the people in Konoha Anbe, then slowly sank into the ground and disappeared.

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