Mist ninja, a large number of Mist ninja appeared from the land of water to the land of fire...

The 17th Chapter [-] Mist Ninja Strikes

The power of Mist Ninja lies in their secrecy, like using thick fog to hide their body skills. Among them, the first generation also had a large-scale assassination illusion, which was developed from Mist Ninja.

When the third generation received the urgent information ahead, Mist Ninja had already started to act.

"Huh? Why is the fog getting bigger and bigger recently?"

The Kingdom of Fire is a fortress leading to Konoha. In addition to the guards of the Kingdom of Fire, there are also ninjas from the Kingdom of Fire.

"Well, the recent weather is obviously very good. It's really strange. There is no information from the front. It should be fine, right?"

Just when the fire country guards in this fortress were not paying attention, the figure of Mist Ninja had already merged with the thick fog below the fortress.

In fact, the reason why Mist Ninjas are so famous is not because they are famous for their water escape, but because they are best at manipulating and moving in the fog they create.

Even if they are close, they can also control the fog around them to be thicker, so that they can hide their whole bodies in the fog, which is equivalent to being invisibility at any time, and there is no need for seals.

In addition, they are famous for their assassination techniques, and they have their own secret techniques in body skills and sound processing.

The ninjas and guards of the Fire Nation in the fortress watched the thicker and thicker fog rising in front of them, and realized that something was wrong when they could no longer see their companions around them.

This fog is too thick.

It's just that when they just turned their heads, hoping to find their companions, what they showed was a pair of red-coloured Kirin with a sinister smile on his face!


The guards of the Land of Fire were killed without any reaction at all, even the ninjas of the Land of Fire were no exception.

These people can't even activate a signal that's close at hand.

"Tell the following, we have succeeded, let them climb up as soon as possible, kill all the people in the fortress, and we will continue to open up for the army!"


These fog ninjas just hope that when they hit Konoha Village, they haven't sent the news back.

Many soldiers below the fortress didn't know that the top was already occupied by Mist Ninja. When they were still hesitating why the patrol team hadn't come to take over their shifts, a big knife quietly came behind these people.

Then the guards in the fortress were blinded, and many people were killed quietly like this, and then the fog ninja moved forward like this, where the fog went, there were countless corpses lying there.

There was hardly any sound from the entire fortress.

It was as calm as before, but when the fog cleared, what was left was corpses all over the ground.

Mist ninja's surprise attack was very fast, and it didn't make Konoha and Fire Nation have any defenses along the way. What's even more frightening is that they did not leave anyone alive.

Even if it is an ordinary person, they will not let it go. Many people fall slowly without knowing what is going on...

In the past, Wuren relied on the information collected by businessmen to make their march very fast. This time, the allies that Ohnoki was looking for were much more powerful than Sand Ninja in the Second World War.

In the second war, Sand Ninja was only for profit, passively fulfilling Onogi's request, and never thought of attacking Konoha, but Chen Bing threatened Konoha's border, but did not attack.

Only in this way did Konoha have the opportunity to continuously deploy troops. This time Ohnoki obviously learned from the previous failure, and reached a plan with Mist Shinobi to attack the hinterland of the country of fire, and even point directly at Konoha Village.

There are more than [-] Mist ninjas coming this time, all of them are above the chunin level, and the team is led by six of the remaining Mist ninja seven knives.

In addition, these seven people are all assault squad leaders, leading the elite Jonin to attack all important places in Konoha and the Land of Fire, preventing them from sending out any signals.

And there are two commanders behind them, the aura of these two commanders even made Kirinin Seven Swords nervous.

They are the Tailed Beasts of the Water Kingdom.


Hokage convened an emergency meeting, this time directly issuing the most urgent order.

All Konoha ninjas who were notified were taken aback.

Hokage announced in front of the Konoha loudspeaker that all the ninjas in Konoha Village began to gather. The patriarchs of several major families and the remaining ninjas in the village all gathered in the Hokage office.

In addition, the whole village was closed.

"What, seal the village?"

The elders of Uchiha were also taken aback. What Hokage meant was that Konoha was at the point of life and death, otherwise the village would not be closed.

Because the next one is that all ninjas who can fight must be prepared.

And no matter what you have now, you must start to gather at Hokage Rock.

"Hey? Teacher, do you think something happened to Konoha?"

Sheng Shu was also taken aback when he heard the news. He didn't know what could make Sandai so nervous.

Leng Tian glanced at Zhishu and asked, "You weren't discovered by Konoha Anbe, right?"

Sheng Shu waved his hands again and again and said: "Absolutely not, I can use Mudun, and Konoha's people can't find me at all..."

Now the rope tree is like black and white, with a wooden escape to hide anywhere.

And Konoha's ninjas couldn't find him at all.

"Then it may be the news that the Mist Ninja Army has attacked the Land of Fire..."

Leng Tian calmly analyzed that although he didn't know when Kirito Ninja started the attack, after hearing the order, Leng Tian had almost guessed it.

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