Wouldn't the strength of the Uchiha clan be greatly damaged after this battle?

They are preparing to accumulate strength and prepare to build momentum, hoping to compete for the position of the next generation of Hokage.

It happened at this time that this crisis situation appeared.

As soon as Hokage finished speaking, a root member walked in and said with a serious face: "We found the trail of Mist Ninja at a location less than [-] kilometers away from Konoha."

"What? How did they move so fast?"

Although the number of people sent by Mist Ninja this time is not many, they are all elites, especially their supplies are all to capture Konoha.

And their goal is different from Iwanin, not to occupy the territory, but to enter Konoha Village and destroy Konoha Village.

Ohnoki just hoped that Wunin could use their silent ninjutsu to catch Konoha by surprise, and it would be best to hit Huanglong directly and destroy Konoha.

"Now I order Orochimaru to be the captain of the blocking Wunin, Leng Tian is the deputy captain, and Danzo's root troops are the supervision troops. Leng Tian has not yet commanded Orochimaru when he is not here!"


Before Hokage finished speaking, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan and the patriarch of Uchiha all opposed it.

Just a joke, let a jonin command them, and this ninja is from the Hyuga clan.

The same is true for the head of the Hyuga clan. It is absolutely impossible for a branch family to command the clan.

It's a pity that Hokage has already decided.

Even the cold weather had some surprises this time.

Unexpectedly, Hokage would hand over the commander to himself.

As far as he knows, there are only three people who can command such a large force at the end of World War Three, one is Jiraiya, the other is Orochimaru, and the last one is Namikaze Minato.

Now add him, Hyuga Lengtian, which almost means that if the third generation wants to choose the fourth generation, they will only choose from these four.

Seeing the rebuttal of the two patriarchs, Leng Tian smiled coldly.

How can the order of the third Hokage be a joke.

At this time, the third generation asked Leng Tian to step forward and accept his fate.

Leng Tianming knew what the third generation was thinking, but he didn't care about the risks involved.

Since the third generation wants to use him and draw him into his camp, it's fine to join him, even if he has turned against the two big clans, so what.

This time he didn't need to sacrifice some conditions to win the protection of Konoha's senior management.

Seeing that Leng Tian really dared to accept the fate in the hands of the third generation, the patriarchs of the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan trembled with anger, and a wave of anger and chakra erupted from them.

Not only them, but also several other famous clans who had good relations with the two patriarchs were also dissatisfied with the orders of three generations, and put pressure on Leng Tian together.


Compared with Leng Tian's strength, the strength shown by these people is simply too far behind.

Leng Tian lowered his head, just when they thought Leng Tian was afraid, a more violent chakra came from Leng Tian's body, and at this time Leng Tian's eyes had turned into Tenseikan.

When Leng Tian raised his head to look at the Hyuga patriarch, the Hyuga patriarch first felt a burst of pressure, which was the suppression brought by the more advanced white eyes.

The second is the Chakra on Leng Tian.

Even the third generation was startled, although he already had a faint guess, but until he personally felt the chakra on Leng Tian, ​​he was sure that Leng Tian had definitely reached the standard of a shadow-level powerhouse.

I just don't know if it is the same as the rope tree.

Oppressed by Leng Tian's aura, these people had no choice but to give up.

The third generation gave Danzang a confession. If anyone does not obey Leng Tian's order, it is treason, and Danzang's roots can immediately hunt down and kill this person.

With this order, everyone has to face reality.

But even if they can't resist Hokage's order, they can't ask Hokage to order the Konoha army from the front line to come back.

But the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and others have secretly planned to stand in a stalemate with Kirin and retreat step by step. They don't believe that Hokage will not let the front-line army come back to help when they retreat to the vicinity of Konoha.

Chapter 49 Mist Ninja Six Swords Assembly

After accepting the fate of the three generations, the first thing Leng Tian did was to look for the trail of Mist Ninja.

Now I only found traces of Mist Ninja, but I don't know the specific location of Mist Ninja.

If it was so easy to go with all Konoha's troops, it might be a trap for the other party.

In fact, even if Leng Tian wanted to lead a large army, Sandai and Danzo would stop him.

In fact, in the eyes of the third generation, the reason why he chose Leng Tian was to assist Orochimaru, and the real commander in his heart is Orochimaru.

Leng Tian is the leader of the three generations of Fate Orochimaru, but he has already seen it through in his heart.

Presumably, the third generation had expected this situation a long time ago. This battle of Orochimaru will definitely lead to the sacrifice of many ninjas of the famous Konoha family, especially the ninjas of the Uchiha clan. Maybe Hokage will give Orochimaru an order, which is to eliminate the Uchiha clan Strength.

And in this way, Orochimaru will be hostile by several major forces. It is no wonder that in the original book, after Orochimaru and the others returned victorious, almost no one cheered. After all, Orochimaru sacrificed too many famous children.

During this period of Konoha, some famous families controlled public opinion.

As for Danzo, he himself has no deal with Leng Tian. In addition, Leng Tian has no experience in commanding operations. Danzo has already thought about how to hold the command in his own hands.

In his eyes, compared to commanding a war, Leng Tian and him are like adults and children.

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