He Zhuo nodded.

"Uyuri is up to you, go and bring Konoha here..."

Speaking of this, He Zhuo and the other seven Mist Ninjas behind him all showed eager eyes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This time Konoha was all dispatched in order to stop Kirinin, but Konoha also had Anbu troops standing by, but the village was closed after they set off in cold weather.

Closing down a village is no small matter.

At the moment the village was closed, Konoha activated all the traps. It can be said that no one wants to come in, and no one wants to go out.

The detonating talisman alone may have surpassed Wu Ninja's imagination, and it was precisely because Mizukage thought of this that he did not move forward.

Moreover, the attack that destroyed Konoha was finally carried out by another surprise attack unit of Iwanin, and Ohnoki would not hand over this matter to Kirinin.

He wants to personally wipe out the enemies who once humiliated him, including his village.

This time, after Onogi revealed his conspiracy against Konoha, Konoha fell into a disadvantage everywhere.

Even Sandai and Danzo have put away their contempt early on. They understand that since Kirinin has been dispatched, it is very likely that Ohnoki will have other means next.

This is also the reason why the third generation chose to close the village.

"At this time, Naoshu, will you also go with me, or stay in the village to protect Mikoto?"

Before leaving the village, Leng Tian found Sheng Shu and asked.

With the help of Shengshu, of course it would be easier for him to find the trail of Mist Shinobi.

After all, the current Shengshu is better than Heijue in Mudun.

At the same time, Leng Tian is also testing Naoki's position. After all, there is one person who will be with him this time, and that is Danzo.

If it is said that it was cold before, I would like to find a chance to kill Danzo like Naoki.

But not now, before Orochimaru comes back, he has to use Danzo to rely on the power of famous families like Konoha.

Use the roots of Danzo to command these Konoha upper groups.

"Teacher, I won't go to the front line with you. I want to be with Mikoto. I'm afraid Mikoto will be in danger after the Uchiha clan's combat power is gone..."

Nasuki shook his head and said in denial.

In fact, Naoshu himself wanted to hide in Leng Tian's team, help the teacher, and at the same time have the opportunity to assassinate Danzo.

But for some reason, Sheng Shu always felt that Mikoto was in danger.

"Until the child is born safely, I will never leave Mikoto for half a step. I will hide near her house. With my Mudun, let alone the Uchiha clan, even the third generation will not be able to find me..."

Shengshu has this confidence.

Even though Konoha is covered with traps even underground, it is still difficult for Rope Tree.

Regarding Naoshu's decision, Leng Tian nodded.

This is also very good, he also knows that Danzo, the Uchiha clan and Konoha's senior management are very concerned about Mikoto.

Especially Mikoto has a child, but the child's father is an unknown. Although everyone has vaguely guessed something, everyone is waiting for the day when it will be confirmed, so it is not guaranteed that during the time when Konoha is vacuuming, Mikoto will really say Not necessarily dangerous.

At least many people are unwilling to see this result.

"Then you can stay with Mikoto, but there is one thing that is not allowed to destroy Konoha at this time. This battle is very important to Konoha, and I don't want any accidents in the rear!"

At this time, Leng Tian suddenly said solemnly to Sheng Shu.

Hearing what the teacher said, Nakoki nodded seriously.

"Teacher, don't worry, I don't want Grandpa's hard work to be ruined in my hands!"

Rope Tree promised.

Seeing Naoshu's face, Leng Tian nodded, he believed this, otherwise he wouldn't let Naoshu stay in Konoha.

On the way, Leng Tian always felt very worried when he thought about the conversation with Shengshu before, so he glanced at Danzo, and found that Danzo was directly hidden in the root, and he ignored Leng Tian at all.

At the same time, Leng Tian also knew that Danzo had been pulling away other famous families in the team for the past few days, obviously wanting to seize power.

"There will be something good for you..."

Leng Tian smiled indifferently.

Soon Leng Tian started the first meeting, but as if it was just to show Leng Tian's face, all the captains of ordinary Konoha were present.

Neither the head of the Uchiha clan nor the head of the Hyuga clan were present.

Leng Tian didn't care, because he knew that Orochimaru would come back soon, and he believed that those Konoha famous families would feel good about it.

Especially since Orochimaru lost four loyal followers in the last battle, Leng Tian faintly felt that Orochimaru seemed to be very hostile to Konoha's famous family.

"We don't know the location of Mist Ninja now, so first of all I will send a few squads to investigate. This is a very dangerous task, because we don't know the location of Mist Ninja, and it is very likely that we will enter the Mist Ninja Shinobi's trap, so you guys still want to go?"

Maitkai, Saori, and a Jonin who belonged to Orochimaru all stood up, and said with a serious face: "We promise to find Mistnin!"

Leng Tian nodded.

"You don't have to worry, even if you are in a dangerous situation, as long as you raise this signal, I will know your location, no matter how many people there are in Mist, I can save you!"

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