Isn't that the same strength as the patriarch of the Hui Ye clan?

It took so much effort for her to kill an ordinary Hui Ye clan just now, wouldn't it be more dangerous for the teacher to deal with five people alone.

Now Saori finally understands why the teacher asked her to leave...

Chapter 59 Who Is The Strongest Physique Family?

Standing in front of Leng Tian, ​​the elders of the Hui Ye clan were all lined up.

Ever since they received the news of the death of the patriarch, the Hui Ye clan was all furious.

Even ignoring Mizukage's order, they all rushed over.

And an order was issued, not to cover the evacuation of Mist Ninja, but to retaliate against Konoha.

Both players opened up their stances. If it weren't for this, Konoha wouldn't have been damaged so much.

"Another two Konoha ninjas!"

"I didn't expect one of them to be the Hyuga Clan?"

"Not only that, but the weather is getting colder for the Hermit Konoha?"

"Alright, killing the ninjas of the Hyuga Clan is not that powerful. As long as we kill this person in front of us, it will prove that our Kaguya Clan is the strongest in physical skills!"

"Then what are you waiting for, kill him now!"

The five elders of the Huiye clan spoke one by one.

Hearing the other party's words, Leng Tian suddenly lowered his head and laughed, then looked up to the sky and laughed.

"This is the first time since World War II that someone has spoken so brazenly in front of us. Okay, very good. I also want to experience the power of the Kaguya clan. Abolishing the five of you, I believe it is enough for me to complete my blood..."

At the end of Leng Tian's speech, he suddenly dodged and rushed directly to the five elders of the Hui Ye clan.

Leng Tian knew that the five people facing him at this time were all experienced and even at the level of artifacts.

With such a strong player and their wheel battle, even Leng Tian can't bear it without using the demon mode.

So from the beginning of the cold weather, we prepared to sneak attack.

White Eyes opens while running, and having White Eyes allows the Hinata Clan to discover the movements of the bones in the Kaguya Clan ahead of time, so that they can avoid them in advance.

But even so, it is difficult to guard against, after all, these bones are based on the thoughts of the Kaguya clan.

With a thought, the bones will protrude instantly, so even if the Hyuga clan has white eyes, it is difficult to dodge in time.

Leng Tian and the five elders of the Hui Ye clan fought together in an instant.

"Hmph, people who are separated!"

One of the elders went directly to the dead corner of Leng Tianbaiyan, as if he knew it a long time ago.

However, Leng Tian's blind spots in his eyes had already disappeared with his promotion to Tenseiken.

So Leng Tian directly swung an empty palm to repel the elder of the Hui Ye clan.

The reason why the Kaguya clan understands the characteristics of the Hyuga clan so well is not only because both sides are good at physical skills, but also that before the First World War, during the Warring States period, the two clans had frequent exchanges and even had an alliance.

Therefore, even if the two families joined different villages after the establishment of the Five Great Ninja Villages, the materials of that year are still preserved, not to mention that the two families often communicated before World War I.

This phenomenon didn't end until after the First World War, but even so, the Hyuga clan and the Kaguya clan had a deep understanding of each other.

Seeing that Leng Tian's white eyes didn't have a blind spot, one of the second elders was surprised, and then said: "Okay, I want to see how far your white eyes can last, and see if it's my bone veins that are quick to strike, or your white eyes. Even better!"

After finishing speaking, the second elder of the Hui Ye clan suddenly approached, intending to get between Leng Tian's arms,

Because he knows that the Hyuga Clan still has a defensive ninjutsu, Huitian.

Under Huitian, even their Huiye clan can't do anything about it.

The other elders naturally understood the tactics of their companions, and they controlled Leng Tian from all sides.


After getting closer to Leng Tian, ​​the second elder of the Hui Ye Clan, he immediately swung two arm bones from between his hands, and he quickly crossed his hands towards Leng Tian. If Leng Tian couldn't dodge in time, he would definitely be injured.

"Hmph, supernatural powers!"

Leng Tian also reacted instantly, clasped his hands secretly, and hit the opponent's bones with a few forceful shots.


This caused the second elder to retreat quickly.

The force of Leng Tian hitting his bones even caused internal injuries to his body, but another characteristic of the Hui Ye clan is their extremely powerful recovery ability.

After all, they can take out the bones in their bodies one by one and use them as weapons!

And after they pulled it out, the damaged place healed instantly. This is a powerful recovery ability that may only be comparable to the Thousand Hands Clan!

Back then, Hashirama also invited the Kaguya clan, but in the end it was Mizukage who moved the Kaguya clan.

The other four elders didn't expect the cold weather to be so powerful, and immediately pulled out the hardest bones from behind as weapons.

Several people looked at each other, and shouted at the same time: "The dance array of corpse bones!"

At this time, the moves used by the two members of the Kaguya Clan can achieve a [-]-degree seamless hit.

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