So before that he couldn't make a move.

But even so, he will not just watch his students suffer from crisis.

Kakashi catches up with Rin and says he will rescue Obito with her.

This moved Lin very much, she held Kakashi's hand and said with a smile on her face, "I knew Kakashi that you would not let me down, the three of us will go back alive together!"


Although Kakashi agreed to Lin, he knew in his heart that the opponent Iwanin was a Jnin, and this battle was difficult.

So Kakashi made up his mind, after saving Obito, he would cover alone and let Obito and Lin go first.

"Our only advantage now is that we are in the dark, so we must be caught by surprise, and what they said just now shows that there are more rock ninjas behind, so we must make a quick decision, so that Kushina you attack them with hidden weapons, I calculate their dodging positions, and try to hit every hit..."

Kakashi didn't dare to use Chidori at this moment. Although Chidori's power is powerful, but his movements are too loud, he needs Lin's cooperation.

"Well, I understand, I still have the detonating talisman and the smoke bomb that Sister Saori gave me here, which should be able to block their line of sight and help you cover Chidori..."

Hearing Lin's words, Kakashi showed a surprised expression, Lin's plan was more detailed than his.

Even Kakashi couldn't believe that this was designed by Lin.

"Hmph, don't underestimate me. Although I may be far behind you in terms of strength, I have been constantly learning tactical coordination, especially for our team!"

Lin smiled and raised her right hand to show a victorious finger: "You two are not the only ones making progress..."

After hearing Lin's words, Kakashi finally understood the importance of teamwork that Mr. Leng Tian said.Only when everyone has played, can they display a stronger strength.

The rock ninja group of four punched and kicked Obito on the road, forcing him to ask information about Konoha, but Obito gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

"Hmph, the boy will feel better for you..."

At this moment, Obito suddenly softened his feet and stepped on a Shanguang Talisman.

"Hey, is it?"

Obito understood it, and instantly knew that it was Lin who came back and left him.

Stepping on the flashing talisman, a strong light instantly lit up around Obito, and all of a sudden, the four Yannin around Obito narrowed their eyes.

At this moment, several hateful streaks came out from the other side.


Several Yannin immediately jumped away, and then a puff of smoke appeared in the middle of Obito, and Kunai was accompanied by the sound of an explosion.

"Hmph, this brat really has companions!"

Several Iwanin seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and moved closer to the middle at the same time, intending to fight side by side.

But at this moment, an astonishing thunderous sound flashed from behind one of them.

It's Kakashi's Chidori.

Kakashi's Chidori slashed across the ground, and rushed towards the Jōnin in a rush.

"Please, make sure to hit it!"

Because Kakashi knew that if this attack was unsuccessful, then the following tactics might not be effective, and maybe even there would be no time for Obito and Lin to escape...

Chidori soon came to this Jōnin, and when Kakashi smiled, he found that this Iwanin also showed a wicked smile.

"Hmph, you still want to be fooled by this little skill, go to hell, earth escape technique!"

Seeing that the opponent was about to prepare ninjutsu, Kakashi had to explode faster than the opponent to blast Chidori on the opponent.

However, the opponent had already prepared it. Based on his experience, Kakashi's move should only be aimed at straight-line attacks. Just when he was about to avoid it, he suddenly felt dizzy before his eyes, and his reaction was a bit slower.

This shot was fatal. When he raised his head, Kakashi's chidori had already hit him heavily...

Chapter 64

Kakashi saw that the opponent had already started to dodge, and his heart sank. His Chidori could only attack in a straight line, although the speed could be accelerated, but in the eyes of Jonin, if there is no obstacle, this move is easy to dodge.

Just when Kakashi didn't report his hope, the opponent actually appeared slow. This slowness is not enough time to avoid it.

Kakashi would not let go of this opportunity, and instantly hit Chidori on this Iwanin.


This rock ninja flew out directly, seeing that he couldn't live.

At this time, the smoke cleared, Lin and Obito also solved a Jonin at the same time.

Kakashi didn't care about being surprised, jumped to their side, and shouted with a serious face: "Didn't I let you go first?"

"Kakashi was captured by me without stopping your order. If you want me to run first, I will never do it!"

At this time, it was rare for Obito to give in, but he had a firm face and refused to leave.

Lin was the same, but her right hand kept shaking, as if she had suffered a lot of damage just now.

Only then did Obito excitedly say: "Lin, I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you could use Kunai to catch up with the previous Kunai twice, making Kunai so fast that I couldn't even keep up with Sharingan. We can definitely defeat the remaining two Iwanin!"

Hearing Obito's words, Kakashi glanced at Lin unexpectedly. He didn't expect Lin to have such a secret skill.

"Don't talk nonsense, Obito, this move was given to me secretly by Minato-sama in exchange for our Leng Tian's love. If I didn't know how to use strange power skills, I wouldn't be able to do it to this extent, but I can only use it within a week. Once, now it is impossible to use it a second time..."

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