Said coldly.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Uchiha Madara seemed to be caught in a trace of memory.

The name of another person that Leng Tian said, Qianshou Zhujian...

"Then what is your purpose here?"

Uchiha Madara asked lightly.

"Kill you……"

Leng Tian said lightly.


Uchiha Madara said without changing his face.

"Do you think you have this ability?" Uchiha Madara stared at Leng Tian, ​​and at the same time his eyes turned quickly, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan appeared in his eyes.

"Monthly Reading!"

At this moment, Uchiha Madara could no longer leave the tree in the column, and he could not use physical tactics.

So the strategy was prepared before talking to Leng Tian.

The illusion itself is one of the pupil techniques of the Uchiha family, but compared with other illusions, its ability is much better than other illusions.

In the original book, when Uchiha Itachi's left eye is activated by Tsukiyomi, as long as the eyes meet, an unknown world will appear in front of the opponent's eyes.

In this world, all factors including time, place, geographic location, etc. are under the control of the caster, thus giving the other party a devastating blow mentally.

And under normal circumstances, Tsukuyomi cannot be deciphered, unless it is also a ninja of the Uchiha clan, just like in the final battle between Itachi and Sasuke, Sasuke deciphered Tsukiyomi with the cursed Sharingan.

However, Uchiha Madara is a kind of person. When using it, there is no need to fully open the kaleidoscope Sharingan to look at the other party. It only needs to let the other party fully enter the world of "Tsukuyomi" at the moment of opening the eyes.

Leng Tian had already carefully guarded against the other party, but he was still pulled into the world of "Tsuyomi" created by Uchiha Madara.

At this moment, in the world of "Tuesday Reading", Uchiha Madara stood proudly in the void, and said slowly: "Welcome to my world, where everything is completely controlled by me, whether it is time or quality. .

However, no matter how long you spend in the Yuedu world, it is only a moment in the real world. Young man, you are too careless and want to kill me. I think you will be tortured by me to a mental breakdown soon. "

Leng Tian glanced at his surroundings indifferently, and it is true that this is an empty world, and he can't even feel the sensation of his body.

Just like what the other party said, entering the world of Tsukuyomi, the degree of damage caused can also be freely controlled by the caster.

And Leng Tian knows that the usual method of breaking illusions is not advisable for Tsukiyomi, because the way to break conventional illusions is to have his companions disrupt his chakra and drag him out of the illusion when he is under illusion.

But the harm caused by Yuedu to people is within an instant, so the conventional method of cracking illusions is not suitable for Yuedu.

"Hehe, interesting..."

Leng Tian's eyes also began to change, even in Uchiha Madara's Tsukiyomi space, there was nothing to stop Leng Tian's eyes from becoming Tenseigan...

This is a flaw in Yuedu's world. Although he can control the space, time, quality and even the damage of the opponent in this world, he cannot control the opponent's actions and thoughts.

Just like Uchiha Itachi, before drawing Kakashi into the world of Tsukiyomi, he must first limit the opponent's ability to move.

Uchiha Madara watched in surprise as Hyuga Lengtian's eyes began to change into eyes he didn't know, and he stared wide in an instant.

"You're not the only one who evolved Sharingan into Samsarayan, my Hyuga Clan also has things you don't know about!"

Speaking of this, Leng Tian instantly entered the seventh sense, and in the depths of his soul, he controlled the chakra in his body to rush to his brain instantly.

Regarding Tsukiyomi, when Leng Tian planned to kill Uchiha Madara, he had already made sufficient preparations. In his opinion, this was a kind of spiritual attack just like the original White Fang of Senior White Fang.

As long as you control the Chakra in your body to impact your brain, you can completely untie it.

In the eyes of others, even if the companion uses Chakra to disrupt the opponent's illusion, it is too late to solve it.

But Leng Tian can completely avoid it, because he also unlocked it in the world of Yuedu.

At the same time, with the same solution, Leng Tian's seventh sense itself is stripping. It can be said that Leng Tian's state, plus his ability to freely control the chakra in his body, is the nemesis of all illusions...

Chapter 66 The Age of Split

In an instant, Uchiha Madara's Tsukiyomi world collapsed.

Uchiha Madara looked at the man in front of him in surprise, with an incredible expression on his face.

This is the first time someone can crack Yuedu's illusion alone.

This made Uchiha Madara unbelievable.

Before, there was a man who made him unable to use Tsukiyomi. It was Senju Hashirama. When the tree world descended, there were too many chakras around him. In addition, Hashirama could sense the surrounding situation with the tree world descending, even if You can continue fighting without looking.

There is no chance to use Tsukuyomi for Hashirama, but Uchiha Madara has always been confident that if Hashirama gets Tsukiyomi, I am afraid he will not be able to untie it.

But who is this person in front of him?

Why can I easily unlock Yuedu without even noticing it?

Is it because of those eyes that I am not sure about?

Uchiha Madara fell into thought for a moment.

Standing in front of Uchiha indifferently, Leng Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

My guess was right, my seventh sense can really separate me, and I can look at myself from a third angle just like Uchiha Madara.

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