"You immediately recall the Anbu team on the front line and let them quickly find clues about Yun Nin. It takes time for Leng Tian to be alone. If we want to go back to Kushina this time, we must learn more about Yun Yin Village. Call the rescuer Tsunade back, I believe she will definitely come back after knowing about Naju and Uchiha Mikoto!"

Three generations quickly issued several orders.

When the third generation started to set up, Leng Tian had already started to follow the marks left by Shengshu team.

"Nagato, Scorpion, Yahiko, Konan, and the girl from the Kurama clan. It stands to reason that these people's strength is definitely much higher than that of ordinary Jnin. Maybe they can stop Yunnin, even if they are Raikage's seniors... ..."

Leng Tian calmly analyzed while tracking.

Under Leng Tian Tenshogan, Leng Tian can see farther away.

Not only that, but under Tenseiyan, any trace of Leng Tian can recall the previous scene.

It's short-lived, but the cold weather does it.

This kind of secret technique was not in the original work before.

"Perhaps Tenseikan has different abilities just like Sharingan."

In places where Rope Tree's team didn't even have time to leave a mark, Leng Tian used Tenseiyan's ability to look back to make judgments.

But Tenseigan looks back for a short time.

Therefore, Leng Tian must find the information left by the rope tree team as soon as possible.

Leng Tian's speed is very fast. At this time, Leng Tian's speed is equivalent to opening the five doors, and the bursting speed is not slower than his flying speed from the sky.

Soon, Leng Tian suddenly heard the sound of fighting in front of him, showing joy...

But when Leng Tian arrived at the battlefield, he was taken aback.

In front of them, Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato were confronting the four ninjas of Yunin Village.

But Leng Tian frowned quickly, in his eyes the strength of the four in front of him was only Jonin.

The third Hokage said that it was Raikage's seniors who came this time, and they should all be ninjas of the pseudo-kage level, so it couldn't be them.

Moreover, under the cold weather, there was no scene of being killed by Jiu Xinnai.

I'm afraid there is a problem here.

The three of Yahiko all showed joyful expressions when they saw Leng Tian.

Now their strength has just reached the strength of Jonin, because Yahiko's death did not happen, so Nagato's reincarnation eyes have not yet been mastered.

So now they are still very struggling with Cloud Ninja.

Nagato was seriously injured, if it wasn't for Yahiko's desperate protection, maybe they wouldn't be able to make it to Leng Tian at all.

On the other side, Yunin Jounin's face changed drastically after seeing Leng Tian.

They know Leng Tian's prestige, and they came to Yun Ren this time because they knew that there were not many ninjas in Muye Village, so they dared to reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

I didn't expect that there were a few little ghosts chasing after him. If the elders didn't find out quickly, maybe they would really bring Konoha chasing soldiers.

Then they thought they should be able to deal with these little devils easily, but they didn't expect that they were not weak. What surprised them even more was that they didn't remember that Konoha had such a talented school ninja in their materials.

"Yahiko, step back, I'll take care of them..."

Leng Tian didn't even use ninjutsu, just using physical skills, he suppressed these four people.

After fighting Uchiha Madara, Leng Tian's grasp of fighters has improved to a higher level.


Several cloud ninjas were directly kicked away by Leng Tian.

With physical skills alone, Leng Tian prevented the four cloud ninjutsu from performing ninjutsu, and even had no chance to use it. This is what he learned from Uchiha Madara.

Use your strengths.

During the Fourth World War, the reason why Uchiha Madara did not change his face against the ninja army was not only that he was strong enough, but also because he knew how to exert the greatest power.

If Uchiha Madara came up with Tsukuyomi or a few big moves of ninjutsu, then how many people he could deal with under Tsukiyomi, and how much effort he would have to waste.

And using powerful ninjutsu, if the ninja allied forces fight together, I'm afraid he won't be able to kill that many.

Only by entering the army can the strength of the ninja army be unable to be brought into play.

The same is true for Leng Tian, ​​his current physical power does not consume chakra at all, why does he use soft fist and return to the sky to consume the enemy like the Hyuga clan?

Leng Tian's skill not only surprised Yun Nin, but they knew why the senior management of Yunyin Village said that they could give up the mission when encountering Hyuga Lengtian. It turned out that the opponent's strength was so high.

Yahiko and the others were also taken aback.

Although they know that Leng Tian's strength is very high, but after following Shengshu and seeing Shengshu's strength, it is hard for them to imagine that there are people in this world who are stronger than Shengshu.

"How are you guys, who captured Jiuxinna?"

asked coldly.

"Mr. Leng Tian, ​​I'm sorry that we were chasing in the wrong direction. When Yunin suddenly found us, we split into two paths. I was with Xiaonan and Nagato, and I was in a group with Kurama and Scorpion..."

Hearing Yahiko's words, Leng Tian nodded, without saying anything, and immediately turned back.

Chapter two hundred and seventy-two cut off halfway

When Konoha was attacked, the only troops that could be mobilized were Orochimaru, and they were the only ones closest.

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